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* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Randolph, maybe (see [[Foe Yay]], below).
* [[Depraved Kids' Show Host]]: The movie '''''breathes''''' this trope.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]] The Corrupt Parade of Hope founder, Merv Green. He starts out as a potential [[Big Bad]], pissed that Sheldon/Smoochy didn't want to do the Ice Show. He gets even more madder when Sheldon decides to do the Ice show but keep it clean. {{Spoiler|In an attempt to kill Mopes, his men kill Spinner/Moochy by mistake. Once Spinner's Irish Mob relatives catch wind of his part in the Murder he's [[Off With His Head|swiftly dealt with]]. Leaving Burke and Stokes to take over and try to kill Sheldon.}}
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Much of why Randolph is obsessed with Smoochy/Sheldon is because he doesn't believe him to be the genuine [[Nice Guy]] and tries to prove it otherwise. {{Spoiler|However when it seems legit, he does end up trying to save him from Buggy Ding Dong.}}
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: In-universe example. During Rainbow's opening song -- "Some like to toss, while others to catch" and "One might say grab while the other says snatch."
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