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I added more tropes.
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(I added more tropes.)
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* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: The fisherman Noah comes dangerously close to this. His village is a [[Wretched Hive]]. {{spoiler|His homeless friend dies. Most the people who stay as his guests are [[Ungrateful Bastard|ungrateful bastards]]. His house is blown up.}} He gets better after Zam and Dodola {{spoiler|help him rebuild it.}}
* [[Doorstopper]]: The story is almost 700 pages long. It's a comic, so reading it still shouldn't take long.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Almost. {{spoiler|Dodola confesses her romantic feelings for Zam and asks to have a child with him. This is after he already castrated himself. He regrets doing so to the point where he considers jumping off a dam to his death.}} And, that's why you don't make life-changing decisions on a whim!
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Dodola, for sure.
* [[Nobody Poops]]: Horribly subverted with Dodola in 1 scene. {{spoiler|She catches a disease from [[Squick|accidentally swallowing sewage.]] At night, Zam takes her outside to vomit and poop at the same time.}} It may be the nastiest scene from the book.
* [[Official Couple]]: Dodola and Zam. It's even on the book's front, back and side covers!
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* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Hyacinth and some other palace eunuchs help Dodola pull off her "magic" trick even though it risks their lives to do so.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: {{spolier|Nadidah eventually escapes from the sultan's palace.}} Dodola wants Hyacinth to tell her how to do it, but he doesn't trust her with the secret.
* [[Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny]]: Zam feels this way after seeing Dodola get raped. It bothers him enough to make him choose to be {{spoiler|castrated.}} He eventually gets over this mindset.


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