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Grey and Gray Morality: Difference between revisions

Removed some sketchy examples and added a new one.
(Removed some sketchy examples and added a new one.)
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** The English Civil War. On the one hand you've got the Roundheads, democratic ([[Fair for Its Day|for the times]]) Parliamentarians led by elected MPs, who also believed in forcing their own brand of repressive Puritanism down Britain's (or rather England, Scotland, and Ireland's) collective throat; and on the other, the Cavaliers, a group of cheerful, fun-loving, relatively liberal unelected nobles, lead by Charles I, who believed he had a God-given right to randomly declare war on other European nations, and demand massive tax revenues to pay for them, with no legal obstacles whatever. They were both fairly dark shades of grey.
** The war between the Spanish and Aztecs; both sides had strengths but also had abominable elements. One recurring theme with Native American history is that the natives are always portrayed as peace-loving pacifists who were just fighting back...however, with the war between the Spanish and the Aztec, over ''twice'' the army conquering the Aztecs were in fact natives (Especially the Tlxcalans) who sided with the Spanish. The Aztecs weren't exactly popular. Likewise, a moral strength of Spain that tends to get glossed over is the fact that Cortes had wanted to maintain the social structure of the empire, and had he gotten his way, the Aztecs basically would have been Spanish Citizens.
** The [[Arab-Israeli Conflict]]. Both sides are sympathetic, but at the same time, both have committed atrocities. [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|That's all we'll say about this]].
*** Likewise, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan after [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]], which quickly turned ugly for both sides with ethnic massacres all around, and was started thanks to [[Joseph Stalin]] some 50 years prior when he gave a mostly Armenian-populated province to the Azerbaijani SSR. The fact that the conflict has been frozen and unsolved since 1994 has just given time for the hatred between the two countries to fester.
** While often [[American Civil War]] is often thought of a war over slavery, the north's passing laws favoring the industrialized north over the agricultural south are glossed over and how several Union states kept slavery. President [[Calvin Coolidge]] remarked on this at a speech in Arlington, noting the Northerners would never take up arms for the abolition of slavery and the southerners, most of whom did not own slaves, would not have fought in such large numbers to protect the practice saying that "The South stood for the principle of the sovereignty of the States. The North stood for the principle of the supremacy of the Union.".
** [[World War I]] is generally seen as a premiere example of this as in contrast to [[World War II|the sequel 20 years later]], which could be considered a case of [[Black and Gray Morality]].
* Piracy. Most people on both sides of the issue believe that it's really [[Black and White Morality]] (with themselves always being the white) but it's really more shades of grey. Yes DRM has been intrusive, often turning away people and even having ''virus-like behaviour''...but it really doesn't look very good for pirates when [[The Witcher|games]] [[World of Goo|with]] [[Demigod|no]] [[DRM]] have high piracy rates. Or when musicians and developers release stuff with prices as low as a dollar or less wind up pirated.
** It looks even worse when something like the Humble Indie Bundle comes around that gives you 5 or so DRM free games that you can pay any amount you want, and people still pirate it, despite the fact that they can pay as little as a penny for it.
** On the other hand, there have been DRM free games that have sold really well.
* Speaking of gaming related issues(ie: Piracy) the whole [[Mass Effect 3]] ending controversy is arguably this as well if you look at it from a neutral prespective. While the end was full of plot holes, lacked choice and closure, and did not [[Gainax Ending|make any sense]] and it can be argued that the hate of the ending was justified and that the players deserve a ending where their choices matter, there should be some form of respect for the artistic integrity of those who wrote the endings, making such compromises such as the upcoming "Extended Cut" the best choice to please everybody(as it does not change the ending but provides more closure and extended scenes) for this controversy, despite how one or the other side aim to ensure that their opinion is correct and that the Extended Cut is either "too little" or "too much".
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