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** As shown in recent flashbacks, Arlong seems to have always been a [[Jerkass]] [[Fantastic Racism|Anti-human racist]]. {{spoiler|Fisher Tiger's death and his stint in Impel Down just made him even worse.}}
* Many of the opponents that Gash and Kiyomaro encounter in ''[[Gash Bell]]'' are assholes, though some more [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|so than others]]. While it's a given they're all just doing [[Combat Pragmatist|whatever they can]] to become King of the Demon world, some are just [[This Is Unforgivable!|unforgivable]]. Zophise in particular robs that whole damn bakery.
* Candy's bitchy stepsister Eliza from ''[[Candy Candy]]'', who gets a kick out of using her [[Rich Bitch|money and status]] (among other things) to humiliate Candy and those of lesser status than her. [[For the Evulz|For the lulz]]. The onlybiggest thing that preventspreventing her from being a [[Complete Monster]] is that she doesn't send Candy into deadly slave labor or any such abuse.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', Arisa Bunnings was initially a bully who was unwilling to consider others' feelings before Nanoha slapped her (her first "[[Defeat Means Friendship|befriending]]") for stealing Suzuka's ribbon. In one of the [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|StrikerS]] sound stages, Vita admits to having been constantly abrasive and rude to the rest of the Wolkenritter out of battle during the first Reinforce's existence. She mellowed out somewhat between when Hayate became her mistress and [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|StrikerS]], but still has a fairly hot temper.
** Arisa is just a fluffy bunny compared to Precia Testarossa. She constantly batters and abuses Fate whenever she fails on a mission- she ''whips'' the poor eight year old girl with a bullwhip! All Fate wanted to do was see her mommy smile again. She didn't care how much she had to suffer, as long her "mommy dearest" became nice again. Unfortunately for her, {{spoiler|Precia reveals that she was just a clone of her dead daughter, Alice, that she was simply a tool and that she never loved her at all; if anything, she hated her! Fate tries to give her one last chance to repent for her crimes, telling her that while she isn't Alice, she can still be her daughter. And the queen bitch laughs at her face and chooses to die instead!}}
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