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Fractale: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Promotional posters show [http://www.animekon.com/gallery/2011/01/092348073364.jpg Phryne] and [http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/2481/1121z.jpg Nessa] as purple haired, but in the anime, Phryne is a brunette and Nessa is a redhead. Also, [http://www.animekon.com/gallery/2011/01/140722398182.jpg Enri and Sunda] originally had orange hair in their character designs. Clain is originally a blond in the promotional ads, but his hair was a paler shade of blond than his hair color in the anime.
** [[Adaptation-Induced Plothole]]: {{spoiler|There's a reason that Nessa and Phryne (as well as Moeran, the High Priestess) have the same hair colour. They are all "Phryne clones." Nessa is how Phryne looked as a 10-year-old while Moeran is presumably how Phryne will look like when she's 40. In the manga, as well as promotional posters, all three of them have purple hair. In the anime, Phryne's hair colour causes [[Fridge Logic]]--apparently, as a child, she had red hair. Which turned brown as a teen. And will eventually turn purple.}}
* [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]]: Lost Millennium's airship Danan.
* [[Air Vent Passageway]]: Clain uses this tactic to search for Phryne in Episode 8.
* [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]]: Lost Millennium's airship Danan.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: [[Played for Laughs]] with Clain, who's not necessarily a pervert but ends up in situations where it would appear that he is one. [[Played for Drama]] with {{spoiler|Gail}}, who attempted to rape {{spoiler|Phryne}} in Episode 7, and {{spoiler|Barrot}}, who is far too touchy-feely with his daughter-like figure {{spoiler|Phryne}} for comfort.
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: Clain towards Phryne and Nessa.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: Clain is constantly a victim of this, getting kicked around by Enri and Sunda.
* [[Anime First]]: Though technically a manga adaptation was released before the anime (but it is based on the anime).
* [[Arcadia]]:
** Lost Millenium, who have chosen to live without the Fractale System to achieve "true freedom" without the Fractale System's seeming [[Utopia]]: their advanced medical, their easy way of life, and especially {{spoiler|their [[Brainwashing]].}}
** Villagers that Phryne, Enri, and Takamii meet while looking for Clain and Nessa in Episode 7 are similar in that they live in a nomadic fashion of herding and seem to basically be Lost Millennium without their "terrorism." {{spoiler|Subverted when it turns out the villagers really use their doppels to work in Xanadu while they pretend to be nomads.}}
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** {{spoiler|Gail}} gets enraged at Phryne when she innocently (and bluntly) compares his sculpture to a "nerve-wrecked earthworm [that] is tap-dancing."
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: [[Ship Tease|Possibly]] Nessa (Betty) and Phryne (Veronica) for Clain with Enri filling in as the [[Third Option Love Interest]].
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: {{spoiler|Nessa.}}, also {{spoiler|Dias}}
* [[Big Brother Worship]]: Enri towards her older brother Sunda. She's fairly affectionate towards him and refers to him respectfully as ''[[Japanese Sibling Terminology|nii]][[Japanese Honorifics|sama]]'', and he seems to be the only one who can silence her.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|Nessa}} in Episode 7 when she protects Clain from Megan. Subverted in that {{spoiler|Clain still gets shot by Colin.}} In the same episode, {{spoiler|Enri}} rescues {{spoiler|Phryne}} before she gets raped by {{spoiler|Gail.}}
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* [[Breather Episode]]: Episode 5.
* [[Bridal Carry]]: Clain carries Nessa in this fashion in Episode 7 {{spoiler|while they escape Xanadu after learning that Megan and Colin plan to sell them out.}}
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Clain calls out his doppel parents on leaving him alone in Episode 2, not because families separate to display trust and freedom as they claim, but so they can do whatever they want.
* [[Call to Adventure]]
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Clain calls out his doppel parents on leaving him alone in Episode 2, not because families separate to display trust and freedom as they claim, but so they can do whatever they want.
* [[Cannot Stand Them Cannot Live Without Them|Cannot Stand Them, Cannot Live Without Them]]: Clain initially thinks of Nessa as [[The Load]], but he eventually grows to appreciate her.
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: In spite of its happier moments every now and then, the series takes a darker turn following [[Seventh-Episode Twist|Episodes 7 and 8]].
* [[Chase Scene]]
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** In Episode 6, Phryne spots several photographs in the antique collector's house and takes then. By the end of the episode, Phryne shows them to Enri and these photographs reveal to the audience that the man is {{spoiler|Clain's father.}}
** In Episode 8, Clain bandages the injured hand of {{spoiler|one of Phryne's clones}}, commenting that it'll also be easier to find her this way. {{spoiler|Clain ends up recognizing her among the labeled "useless" clones that are going to be destroyed.}}
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* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: Enri, seen best when she's ''crying''.
* [[Design Student's Orgasm]]: The opening, which true to the name of the series, is nothing but psychedelic fractal visuals.
* [[Deus Est Machina]]: The Fractale System was first created in the 22nd century through networking computers and is more or less a [[Path of Inspiration|religion]] of sorts.
* [[Disney Death]]: {{spoiler|When Colin shoots Clain. He gets better thanks to the advanced medical technology of the Fractale System.}}
* [[Doppelganger]]: "Doppels" are robot-like virtual beings that humans use to avoid physical interaction and out of convenience, so that they have travel easily without being tied down. Clain has doppels for parents and can send them away at will.
* [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|Dude, She's Like, In A Coma!]]: {{spoiler|Gender-flipped between Clain and Phryne, who kisses Clain while he's sleeping in Episode 9.}}
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]: When Clain first meets Phryne, he instinctively wants to help her, and she is probably the first, real human he's seen in a while since most humans use doppels. It really kicks in {{spoiler|when Clain is really only concerned about Phryne during the temple's attack on Granites Village, and he chooses to rescue Phryne, leaving Nessa behind when she refuses to follow him in Episode 4.}}
* [[Deus Est Machina]]: The Fractale System was first created in the 22nd century through networking computers and is more or less a [[Path of Inspiration|religion]] of sorts.
* [[Elaborate Underground Base]]: {{spoiler|Barrott's base, where Phryne ([[Cloning Blues|all of them]]) grew up.}}
* [[Twelve-Episode Anime|Eleven Episode Anime]]
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* [[False Friend]]: Megan is more than friendly towards Clain and helps him find Nessa in Xanadu, {{spoiler|but she really planned to sell them out to the temple all along to get more money.}}
* [[Fan of the Past]]: Clain is a [[Fan Boy]] for antiques, and his room displays a collection of assorted "ancient" objects. In Episode 6, Clain meets an ill antique collector, who is revealed at the end of the episode to be {{spoiler|Clain's father.}}
* [[Fan Service]]:
** Phryne [[Innocent Fanservice Girl|innocently]] stripping and her [[Godiva Hair]] moment in Episode 1.
** Megan's [[Gainaxing]] in Episode 7.
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* [[Foe Yay]]: Very, ''very'' [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|one]]-[[Terms of Endangerment|sided]] on Barrot's part towards Phryne.
* [[Foil]]: [[Genki Girl|Nessa]] (who "loves" love) and [[The Stoic|Phryne]] (who "hates" love).
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: Clain (''Ego''), Phryne (''Superego''), and Nessa (''Id'').
* [[Friend or Foe]]
* [[Gainaxing]]: Megan in Episode 7.
* [[Ghibli Hills]] Set in the sparsely populated and unusually rain-free variant of the west of Ireland.
* [[GIRL]]: Though not technically an online example, {{spoiler|Megan turns out to be the doppel of Gail.}}
* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]]: Classic ''[[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water|Nadia]]'' flavor too -- [[Terrible Trio|one girl and two bumbling henchmen]] [[Big, Thin, Short Trio|of the extreme ends of body proportion]].
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: {{spoiler|Phryne's clone in Episode 8 if she didn't survive the underground base explosion.}}
* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]]: Classic ''[[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water|Nadia]]'' flavor too -- [[Terrible Trio|one girl and two bumbling henchmen]] [[Big, Thin, Short Trio|of the extreme ends of body proportion]].
* [[Gratuitous English]]:
** The ending song. Episode 5 onward averts it by having same ending theme in Japanese (with slightly different lyrics) instead.
** {{spoiler|Phryne's letter in Episode 9. Aside from grammar, she even spelled her ''name'' wrong.}}
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|One of Phryne's clones}} helps Clain rescue Phryne in Episode 8.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Inverted and averted. Nessa is obviously attached to Clain, but Clain is far into [[The Dulcinea Effect]] for Phryne to notice.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]:
** In the beginning of Episode 3, Clain wonders how Nessa can be so carefree after they had gotten captured by Enri. Moments after they are released, Clain gets in excited [[Fan Boy]]-mode when he sees a bunch of antiques, culminating in an instance where one of the guards has a rifle trained on him, and Clain's reaction is, "I can't believe he's still using an optical sight!"
** In Episode 4, Nessa hits Phryne while saying, "Nessa hates it when people hit others!" Of course, since she's a doppel, her punches go right through her.
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* [[I Will Find You]]: Clain wants to find Phryne. It's also pretty much the whole point of the lyrics in the opening song.
* [[I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure]]: {{spoiler|Barrot threatening Phryne with Clain's well-being.}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: Episode 3 {{spoiler|and Episode 7.}}
* [[Impossibly Low Neckline]]: Megan. [[Justified]] in that she is a doppel and her human creator can make her appear in any shape or form.
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]]: Phryne, who easily strips her clothes off on a whim.
** When Clain brings an injured Phryne to his home and gives her a first-aid kit, she immediately undresses (only revealing her under clothes) to take care of her wounds and tells him to leave. Soon after, Phryne approaches Claine topless (her long hair [[Godiva Hair|covering]] her breasts), as she can't reach the back of her shoulder to apply the medicine. Both times Phryne is [[Stoic]] while Clain [[Luminescent Blush|blushes]] heavily with uncertainty of what to make of the situation.
** In Episode 6, Phryne [[Naked People Are Funny|strips]] [[Skinny Dipping|down naked]] so she can have fun splashing water with Nessa and Sanko in the river.
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: Without relying on the Fractale System and the Fractale Terminals, members of Lost Millennium can only see doppels through [[See-Thru Specs|special eye monitors.]]
* [[It Got Worse]]: Episode 3 {{spoiler|and Episode 7.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Dias. Other than removing innocent peoples' Terminals, {{spoiler|he attacks and bombs the temple's underground base knowing that Clain and Phryne are still inside, and planned to kill Phryne so the Fractale System cannot be restored.}}
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: Whenever it looks like Dias is helping out for a good cause, he'll always have ulterior motives. ''Always''.
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** {{spoiler|Gail}}'s attempted rape on {{spoiler|Phryne.}}
** Barrot forcing Phryne to {{spoiler|let him check if she's still a virgin}} by threatening Clain's well-being.
* [[La Résistance]]: Lost Millennium.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Phryne is a little cold to Clain after seeing him easily send away his doppel parents. She realizes this [[Hidden Depths|wasn't the case]] when she sees a video of an infant Clain smiling with his parents together.
* [[La Résistance]]: Lost Millennium.
* [[Large Ham]]: Sunda and Barrot have their moments.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Clain assumes that she is Phryne's doppel, but she has no recollection of Phryne. {{spoiler|In Episode 3, Nessa appears to be the doppel of an actual priestess at the Star Festival, who calls Phryne "[[Onee-Sama|nee-sama]]." However, Episode 8 reveals that the priestess "Nessa" is one of many clones of Phryne from her childhood. Episode 9 has Phryne tell Clain that Nessa and she are two halves of the "key"--Nessa as the mind and Phryne as the body to host it--and when they are one, they will be able to restore the Fractale System.}}
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** [[The President's Daughter]]: Phryne and Nessa. Both are [[MacGuffin]] that are actively being hunted down. In Episode 3, Sunda tells Clain that Phryne is "the key to the world," {{spoiler|but in Episode 7, Colin also refers to Nessa as the "key."}}
* [[Mad Artist]]: Gail. He was willing to {{spoiler|rape Phryne}} for insulting his art.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Played with in Clain's encounter with Phryne and Nessa.
* [[Make a Wish]]: Wishing to the "day star" works in this fashion Clain used to wish on the "day star," but after a while assumes it must be "laughing" at him. In the same episode, Phryne wishes for Clain's smile to last forever. It remains to be seen if her "wish" will come true.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Played with in Clain's encounter with Phryne and Nessa.
* [[Mauve Shirt]]: {{spoiler|Butcher in Episode 3.}}
* [[Meaningful Echo]]:
** {{spoiler|Nessa watching from a distance as Lost Millennium's airship leaves without her [http://sekijitsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/parallelism.png mirrors the earlier scene] of the "real" Nessa watching from a distance as the airship retreats.}}
** {{spoiler|When Phryne leaves Clain and Nessa to return to the temple in Episode 9, it pans out to her walking along a long, unwinding road, the scene almost replicating when she first leaves Clain in Episode 1.}}
* [[Meet Cute]]
* [[Mood Whiplash]]:
** Episode 3, surprisingly, takes a turn [[It Got Worse|for the worse]]. For an episode that starts off so light-hearted, it ends with {{spoiler|the Lost Millennium revealing the Star Festival is a branwashing scheme of the Fractale System... and the shooting of L.M.s, temple priestesses, and innocent people.}}
** Likewise with Episode 4, as everyone is dealing with the aftermath of the [[Wham! Episode|previous episode]]. Nessa (and Sanko) sings the rather lighthearted "day star" song during Butcher's funeral, and when the temple's airship attacks Granites Village and then chase down Clain and Phryne, Phryne bluntly asks Clain if he's in love with her (which is probably not the best time in the world to ask).
** Episode 7. An amusing discussion between Enri and Phryne over the latter's relationship with Clain is soon followed by {{spoiler|Gail attacking and almost ''[[Attempted Rape|raping]]'' Phryne when she innocently insults his sculpture.}} After Clain and Nessa are relieved that they escaped their pursuers, {{spoiler|Colin shoots Clain and Phryne arrives to witness this only for Barrot to find her.}}
Line 174 ⟶ 175:
** {{spoiler|In Episode 10, a tender moment between Moeran and Phryne turns into Moeran ''choking'' Phryne out of jealousy, as Phryne is the world's beloved maiden while Moeran is "unloved" by the world. After Phryne reunites with Clain and Nessa, Barrot finds them and embraces Phryne, licks her cheek, and claims that Phryne and he are "bound by abundant love."}}
* [[Never Hurt an Innocent]]: {{spoiler|Completely averted on both sides.}}
* [[Never Trust a Trailer|Never Trust A Promotional Ad]]:
** The artwork displayed in the promotional ads is quite different from its anime counterpart.
** And this magazine scan showing Phryne and Nessa [http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/867/fractale1.jpg smiling peacefully] together. They have quite a tense relationship in the anime, but they have made up in Episode 5.
* [[No Export for You]]: ... For a few days.
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: Subverted. Phryne willingly lets herself fall to escape her pursuers, and for a moment Clain almost believed that Phryne could fly. However, when Clain finds her, Phryne is revealed to be unconscious and injured from landing on a cliff ledge.
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]:
** Nessa sure invades Enri's personal space in Episode 3 by following her everywhere, including through a monitor while Enri's using the bathroom.
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** Sunda and Phryne both want the Fractale System to collapse.
** Though Clain and Phryne appear to be a case of [[Opposites Attract]], they are both childish and impulsive--evidently shown when they have a race up a hill in Episode 6.
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: Subverted. Phryne willingly lets herself fall to escape her pursuers, and for a moment Clain almost believed that Phryne could fly. However, when Clain finds her, Phryne is revealed to be unconscious and injured from landing on a cliff ledge.
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Clain bringing two girls home [[Accidental Pervert|carries]] [[Innocent Innuendo|implications]] to Enri and his doppel parents.
* [[Odd Couple]]: [[The Eeyore]] Clain and [[Genki Girl]] Nessa. See [[Not So Different]].
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: As a doppel, Nessa can disappear or teleport to any given place.
* [["On the Next..."]]: Averted. There are no next episode previews following the ending credits, which is probably a good thing since [[Trailers Always Spoil]].
* [[One Dialogue, Two Conversations]]: In Episode 3:
{{quote|'''Nessa:''' Clain! Do you want to know the color of Enri's underwear?
Line 198 ⟶ 200:
'''Enri:''' Wha... You don't have to say it that way. I won't tell you anyway! }}
* [[One-Woman Wail]]: Several of the background music.
* [["On the Next..."]]: Averted. There are no next episode previews following the ending credits, which is probably a good thing since [[Trailers Always Spoil]].
* [[Opposites Attract]]: Clain and Phryne.
* [[Panty Shot]]: A blink-and-you'll-miss it shot of ''Clain's'' underwear during his [[crossdressing]] scene.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Enri and her mooks arrive at Clain's house looking for Phryne and disguise themselves [[Rule of Three|three times]] (four times in the manga) in an attempt to get inside. Clain is not fooled.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Clain feels this way about his parents and eventually [[Calling the Old Man Out|calls them out]] on it.
* [[Pet the Dog]]:
** When Enri notices how left out Nessa feels in Episode 3 as the residents of Granites Village who are welcoming them cannot see doppels without the Fractale Terminals, Enri gets them to use their eye monitors, allowing the group to see Nessa. One of the residents, a child named Sanko, becomes fast friends with her.
** In Episode 8, {{spoiler|one of Phryne's clones}} tells Clain where his Phryne is after he bandages her wound.
* [[Pinky Swear]]:
** While Nessa is ill, Clain pinky swears that he'll play a variety of games with Nessa once she gets better.
** The longer version of the day star song gives mention to a pinky swear.
* [[Plot Armor]]: Who seriously think Clain is gonna die from a gunshot at the end of episode 7?
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]:
** Enri and her mooks, Butcher and Takamii. {{spoiler|Not so plucky and comical when one of them gets ''killed'' in Episode 3.}}
** Nessa, for her [[Genki Girl|cheerful innocence]] and [[Completely Missing the Point|naivety]].
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Plot Armor]]: Who seriously think Clain is gonna die from a gunshot at the end of episode 7?
* [[Power Trio]]: Clain (''Ego''), Phryne (''Superego''), and Nessa (''Id'').
* [[The Promise]]: Clain, Phryne, and Nessa promised to stay together forever in Episode 9.
* {{spoiler|[[Powered by a Forsaken Child]]}}: Almost literally.
* [[Pursued Protagonist]]: The manga begins with Phryne escaping several women. In the anime and manga, Clain meets Phryne being pursued.
* [[Race For Your Love]]:
** A more or less platonic version between Clain and Nessa in Episode 2.
** Played straight in Episode 4 between Clain and Phryne. Clain has to literally chase Phryne down as she's driving off in order to catch her.
** {{spoiler|In Episode 9, after admitting that he likes Phryne, Clain and Nessa run off to find her.}}
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*** Which took its toll as an [[Overly Long Gag]].
** Phryne taking off her clothes with no modesty.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: {{spoiler|Suspicious of how intimate Phryne is with her "precious friend" Clain, Barrot makes Phryne choose between having Barrot check to see if she's still a virgin or letting Clain die without having his wounds treated. Phryne is forced to choose the former, but Nessa interrupts the procedure before it happens.}}
* [[Scandalgate]]: The series will not be seen in whole until all unauthorized copies of the series are taken down. This could be a new version of [[Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai|Oreimo]]gate. To coin a phrase: "Fractalegate."
** Some think [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|this is because of Funimation's anti-piracy stance]].
** Thankfully, the situation is resolved and the simulcast now resumed as of January 24.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: {{spoiler|Suspicious of how intimate Phryne is with her "precious friend" Clain, Barrot makes Phryne choose between having Barrot check to see if she's still a virgin or letting Clain die without having his wounds treated. Phryne is forced to choose the former, but Nessa interrupts the procedure before it happens.}}
* [[Scenery Porn]]
* [[Seventh-Episode Twist]]: Episode 7 ends with {{spoiler|Nessa unleashing a devestating power that destroys Xanadu, Colin shooting Clain, and Phryne arriving to the scene just as Barrot finds her.}}
* [[Ship Tease]]:
** Clain/[[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|Phryne]] and Clain/[[Token Mini-Moe|Nessa]].
** Even ''[[Third Option Love Interest|Enri]]'' seems [[Tsundere|interested]] in him. She questions Phryne on her relationship with Clain in Episode 7, {{spoiler|is worried for the "naughty jerk" when Phryne and he are captured in Episode 8, and screams out Clain's name when the underground base Clain and Phryne were taken to explodes. She even tries to confess to him in Episode 9.}}
** A tiny bit in Episode 10. {{spoiler|Sunda punches Dias after Dias reveals that he was planning on having Phryne killed so the Fractale System cannot be restarted. Dias asks Sunda if he's fallen for Phryne, and Sunda walks away without answering. Subverted in that [[Jerkass|Dias]] was probably just being a [[Troll]] and Sunda couldn't stand the guy.}}
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* [[Sorry I Left the BGM On]]: Played with in Episode 1, where the day star song is overheard by Phryne and triggers her meeting with Clain.
* [[Spoiler Title]]: Well, from the look of the titles of Episode 9 and 10--"No Way Out" and "{{spoiler|To The Monastery}}"--things don't look so good for our heroes.
* [[Storming the Castle]]: Twice:
** In episode 8, {{spoiler|Sunda enlists the help of Dias to storm Barrot's [[Elaborate Underground Base]] to rescue Clain and Phryne. Nessa [[Unstoppable Rage|gets impatient]] and [[One-Man Army|goes in alone]] before they're ready. Good thing, too, because the 3 of them barely get out before [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk|Dias blows it up]]}}.
** In episode 10, {{spoiler|the entire Lost Millennium attacks the temple.}}
* [[The Stoic]]: Phryne.
** [[Not So Stoic]]:
*** Phryne has a moment when she slaps Clain in anger of him awakening Nessa from her brooch, and it only increases when she learns that he analyzed the brooch's data.
*** {{spoiler|When Gail attempts to rape her}} in Episode 7.
*** {{spoiler|Seeing her clones that have been labeled useless getting destroyed}} in Episode 8.
* [[Storming the Castle]]: Twice:
** In episode 8, {{spoiler|Sunda enlists the help of Dias to storm Barrot's [[Elaborate Underground Base]] to rescue Clain and Phryne. Nessa [[Unstoppable Rage|gets impatient]] and [[One-Man Army|goes in alone]] before they're ready. Good thing, too, because the 3 of them barely get out before [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk|Dias blows it up]]}}.
** In episode 10, {{spoiler|the entire Lost Millennium attacks the temple.}}
* [[Strange Girl]]: Clain's opinion of Phryne and Nessa. To be fair, both female leads are far from "normal."
* [[Stripperific]]: Megan.
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* [[Surprise Creepy]]: The series started relatively soft and friendly... and then {{spoiler|[[Mood Whiplash|civilians started getting gunned down]]}} in Episode 3.
* [[Take My Hand]]: {{spoiler|Clain does this to Phryne's clone, asking her to come with Phryne and him to the shelter before the underground base explodes. She doesn't survive the explosion.}}
* [[Time Skip]]: Averted. The episodes start where the previous episodes leave off at. As of Episode 4, it can be assumed that roughly only five days have passed since the first episode.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Nessa always indicates herself in the third person.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: Butcher and Takamii.
* [[Thwarted Escape]]: Clain attempts to rescue Phryne from Lost Millennium in Episode 4, but [[Unwanted Rescue|she's not fairly cooperative]] and Sunda catches Clain in the act.
* [[Time Skip]]: Averted. The episodes start where the previous episodes leave off at. As of Episode 4, it can be assumed that roughly only five days have passed since the first episode.
* [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]]: Phryne is a little taller than Clain.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: {{spoiler|To protect Clain in Episode 7, Nessa unleashes a power that "destroys" the virtual city Xanadu.}}
Line 283:
'''Barrot:''' What're you doing?! A fourth choice isn't allowed, Miss Phryne! }}
* [[Torches and Pitchforks]]: The villagers who order Sunda's group to leave.
* [[True Companions]]:
** Clain eventually realizes this towards Nessa, who was more of a "family" to him than his own parents. While he still thinks Lost Millennium is are murderers, he also has grown think of them as his friends.
** Lost Millennium. Interestingly enough, a portion of the rebel organization ''are'' actually a family.
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** Enri might possibly be one, indicated by her sweet treatment of her brother Sunda and Sanko, a child from of Granites Village, in comparison to her sour treatment of [[Accidental Pervert|Clain]] and [[The Load|Nessa]] (''especially'' Clain).
** Nessa seems to be quite the [[Tsundere]] as well once she becomes rather [[Clingy Jealous Girl|clingy and jealous]] over Clain whenever Phryne is involved. Though, she calmed down and reconciled with Phryne over a game of hide-and-seek in Episode 5.
* [[Virgin Power]]: {{spoiler|According to Barrot, Phryne needs to be a virgin to become the "key."}}
** [[Virgin Tension]]: {{spoiler|Barrot forces Phryne to let him check to see if she is still "qualified" to be the "key" or not, but before he can, Nessa invades the underground system and prevents it while on her [[Unstoppable Rage]] search for Clain.}}
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]:
** {{spoiler|Clain after getting shot, thanks to the Fractale System's advanced medical technology.}}
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* [[Unwanted Harem]]: Phryne, Nessa, and Enri seem to have some sort of feeling for Clain.
* [[Unwanted Rescue]]: Twice in Episode 4. Clain attempts to escape with a captured Phryne on board the Lost Millennium's airship, but she refuses his help and [[Armor-Piercing Slap|outright slaps]] him, angered that he awakened Nessa from her brooch. When the temple attacks Granites Village, Clain hurries to help Phryne, who again rejects his help, but this time Clain refuses to be a pushover.
* [[Virgin Power]]: {{spoiler|According to Barrot, Phryne needs to be a virgin to become the "key."}}
** [[Virgin Tension]]: {{spoiler|Barrot forces Phryne to let him check to see if she is still "qualified" to be the "key" or not, but before he can, Nessa invades the underground system and prevents it while on her [[Unstoppable Rage]] search for Clain.}}
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]:
** {{spoiler|Clain's father in Episode 6. He is ill, is unlikely to live for much longer, and isn't mentioned again.}}
** {{spoiler|The Phryne clone in Episode 8. She, as well as the rest of the Phryne clones, did not survive the temple underground base explosion.}}
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]:
** Lost Millennium and the temple. See [[Grey and Gray Morality]].
** Alabaster, another section of L.M., removed refugees' Fractale terminals without warning so that they cannot return to Fractale and are forced to follow them or get killed. {{spoiler|All the while Dias--the leader of Alabaster--still has his own terminal intact.}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]:
Line 307:
** {{spoiler|Episode 7}}. Not only is Phryne almost raped by Gail, the episode ends with Nessa unleashing a devastating power that reveals Xanadu's true nature to protect Clain, Clain getting shot by Colin, and Phryne arriving to Clain only for Barrot to find her.]]
** {{spoiler|And the whams continue in Episode 8. Barrot is revealed to be the person who raised Phryne to be the "key" and attempts to see if she's still a virgin. Clain learns that there are dozens of clones that resemble Nessa (but are really clones of Phryne from her childhood) sealed away because Phryne is the "key" and [[Expendable Clone|the useless replicas are destroyed]]. The Phryne clone who helps Clain rescue Phryne is nearly killed herself and points Clain and Phryne to the direction of the underground base's shelter, but the underground base explodes with Enri screaming out Clain's name.}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: It's quite easy to forget that Clain actually stole a data clip from the junk market in Episode 1, and this small action has little to do with the plot than briefly explain the Fractale System.
* [[What Is This Feeling?]]: Clain feels this way when it comes to Phryne. He feels angry at Phryne for leaving him without a word and wants to get "mad" at her when he sees her again, but is confused by these feelings.
{{quote|'''Clain:''' ''She came as she pleased and left as she pleased. People always do as they please. Everyone is like that in the current world. But... why am I this angry?''}}
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: Doppels.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: It's quite easy to forget that Clain actually stole a data clip from the junk market in Episode 1, and this small action has little to do with the plot than briefly explain the Fractale System.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]:
** In Episode 4, Phryne feels betrayed by Clain for not only awakening Nessa from her brooch but for also analyzing the brooch's data. Later in the episode, Clain returns the favor and calls Phryne out for always leaving him [[Locked Out of the Loop]].
** {{spoiler|In Episode 9, Lost Millennium is called out by a mob of townspeople on their murders and for the underground base explosion.}}
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: Doppels.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Dias.
* [[Wild Card]]: Dias. His motives are to ensure the Fractale System will not be restored, but his way of accomplishing said goal is morally ambiguous, and he leans more on being an [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|extremist than well-intentioned]]. His schemes include removing civilians' Fractale terminals, {{spoiler|bombing a temple underground base knowing that Clain and Phryne were still inside}}, and {{spoiler|planning on having Phryne killed so the Fractale System cannot be restarted.}}
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: Clain and Phryne. {{spoiler|They do end up together, but Phryne becomes the "key" with Nessa--she has Phryne's body but Nessa's personality mixed in. Nevertheless, Phryne still has her original memories, as she confesses to Clain that she has always liked him too.}}
* [[Wild Card]]: Dias. His motives are to ensure the Fractale System will not be restored, but his way of accomplishing said goal is morally ambiguous, and he leans more on being an [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|extremist than well-intentioned]]. His schemes include removing civilians' Fractale terminals, {{spoiler|bombing a temple underground base knowing that Clain and Phryne were still inside}}, and {{spoiler|planning on having Phryne killed so the Fractale System cannot be restarted.}}
* [[Woman in Black]]: In her original character design, Phryne's temple priestess clothing was black instead of blue. Subverted in that her personality is neither dangerous nor menacing.
* [[Woman in White]]: Nessa {{spoiler|and Phryne's clones.}}
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