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Axis Powers Hetalia/Characters/Neither Holy Nor Roman Nor an Empire: Difference between revisions

clean up, replaced: Pieta Plagiarism → Pietà Plagiarism
m (update links)
m (clean up, replaced: Pieta Plagiarism → Pietà Plagiarism)
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* [[Big Fancy House]]: Subverted and played straight:
** Subverted in the case of Chibitalia, Hungary, Austria and HRE. Austria's mansion ''is'' pretty big but the end of the Chibitalia strips suggests (if not outright states) that their spending wealth is very limited, which is remarked when {{spoiler|HRE leaves the mansion with other Germanic states.}}
** Played straight with the fancy palace where Austria and Hungary interact with [[Maria Theresa]]. It's a [[Justified Trope]] considering that Vienna is very famous for palaces like [[wikipedia:Belvedere (palace)|Belvedere]] or [[wikipedia:Sch%C3%B6nbrunnSchönbrunn Palace|Schonbrunn]].
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]: The Germanic brothers aren't exactly the happiest bunch.
* [[Cross Dresser]]: The Italies (when they were little). Although the Italies' dresses may be another [[wikipedia:Breeching (boys)|historical in-joke]].
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* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Ho Yay]]: He has a crush on Chibitalia, but he doesn't know Chibitalia is actually a boy. {{spoiler|Later, as Germany, he has a crush on Italy again and he's quite scandalized by the fact he tries to date a guy. If he ''is'' actually Germany. (Though the hints are really, really laid thick)}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ill Boy]]:[http://i.imgur.com/2T4lB.jpg In a very recent strip], he appears as a pre-teen with the looks of a 12-year-old boy, yelling at the Germanic states... and collapses due to a cough and some [[Blood From the Mouth]]. Hungary has to pick him up in a [[PietaPietà Plagiarism|certain faux symbolic pose.]]}}
* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]: In the manga and merchandise. Subverted in the anime, where his eyes are changed to be brighter and with pupils and shine to them, as well as in the very recent strip of him as an older child/teen where his eyes are drawn with pupils.
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass Adorable]] / [[Cute Bruiser]]: She started fighting when she was a little girl, and was able to take on both Prussia ''and'' Austria successfully. She also averts [[Chickification]] by both not being invincible in her "male" days ''and'' by being shown as physically strong (if not [[Took a Level In Badass|even stronger]]) during her "maid" ones.
* [[Bathing Beauty]]: She's seen taking a bath with Chibitalia in early strips, and a recent one has her [http://i.imgur.com/fpAp2.jpg inviting Taiwan to have a soak in] [[wikipedia:Lake H%C3%A9v%C3%ADzHévíz|Lake Heviz]].
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: This cute and sweet maid brutalizes Prussia's army, watches him get ready to sleep [[Blade on a Stick|with a spear in hand]], and busts down a wall in his home to help out her beloved Austria.
* [[Bifauxnen]]: For a request during the April Fool's 2011 event, Himaruya drew her dressed in a [[Knight in Shining Armor|prince-like outfit]] with Liechtenstein. She also had shades of this when she was younger before she discovered she was a woman.
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* [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]- Fritz was like a father to him. And he's dead. So…
* [[Diary]]: over 250,000 entries long, if he's really written in it every day. That ''was'' a pretty impressive library he opened up...
* [[Determinator]]: He has survived many disasters that could have killed some other nation-tan, or at least reduced them into insignificance. When whatever he is currently representing gets offed for good, he simply reshapes himself into something new and eventually makes a comeback. And through his darkest times he keeps up his highs spirits. One could argue that while he isn't [[Small Name, Big Ego|as awesome as he thinks he is]], his true [[Badass|Badassness]]ness is his hellbent [[Heroic Spirit|refusal to go down and die.]]
* [[Doting Parent|Doting Big Brother]]: To Germany.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: To America during the [[American Revolution]].
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* [[Skinship Grope]]: To Hungary, though [[Dropped a Bridget On Him|he thought she was male]] at the time. That she is female is from then on abundantly clear.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Boasts about his skills and hot blood, but often [[Butt Monkey|ends up beaten]].
** However he does have his moments of genuine [[Badass|Badassery]]ery, as anyone familiar with the [[Seven Years War]] could tell you.
* [[Smug Snake]]: He'd want to be a [[Magnificent Bastard]], but all too often he can't quite pull it off.
* [[Soulsaving Crusader]]


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