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** You guys win the internet for the ''[[Marathon Trilogy|Marathon]]'' reference.
== [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] '''[[Subverted Trope|not]]''' [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|a crapshoot]]. ==
* We have no actual evidence of AIs turning evil, apart from the Reapers. Every other "evil" AI in the game - the geth, the AI on the Citadel, and the Alliance AI on Luna were all acting in self-defence. The quarians explicitly state that they preemptively attacked the geth, the Citadel AI knew that C-Sec would be trying to shut it down, and the one on Luna was confused and attempting to defend itself from the Alliance.
** Except for the fact that all attempts to communicate with the geth failed. They were left alone behind the Perseus Veil until Sovereign convinced them to join him, in the process committing what organics would call war crimes.
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* This is obviously a [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|terrible idea,]] because this is ''Conrad'' we're talking about, and this response isn't going to do anything but encourage him. In the next game, if you gave him this response, you'll find him still tooling about with his "mercenary" work, except this time, instead of just running into him, he runs into ''Shepard'' during a mission after all hell's broken loose, gets tangled up in the firefight, and ends up running his ass off towards the ''Normandy'' with them. We'll learn at this point that his replica armor is at least somewhat functional; considering he's been wandering the edge of the Terminus Systems, he'd probably have gotten himself killed on Illium after annoying someone too much if he didn't have an actual kinetic barrier. He'll also have wisened up enough to carry a pistol he can barely use.
* On the ''Normandy'', continuing on the Paragon path will once again result in Shepard trying to make Conrad go away through kindness, this time by telling him he can join the team... if he's willing to be trained in order to keep up. You can choose who will fulfill this role; the renegade option is Grunt, who ends up accidentally killing him, eating him, and shrugging apologetically. The neutral option is Jack, who just scares him off with her crazy. The Paragon option, however, is Garrus, who turns into [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]. With this option, Garrus can be seen running Conrad ragged all around the ship while sounding a whole lot like [[R. Lee Ermey]] after the next couple of missions, until it finally ends with an exhausted Garrus admitting that Conrad actually works perfectly well under decent military authority (naturally, Shepard can ask Garrus which of them has reach and which of them has flexibility here). Conrad is finally recruited at this point as an Engineer, because he's clearly not a biotic and can only use a pistol without killing himself, but turns out to be mechanically inclined.
** Apparently, if you go back to the Citadel or somewhere after Paragon-convincing Conrad to go home, he'll have started up a charity for orphans and other unfortunate souls called the Shepards, so unfortunately I believe this is [[Jossed]]. I think I like this idea better, though - it would probably be the best example of [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] ''ever''.
*** Oh, that's easy to work in; the report specifically mentions that his charity helps human slaves escaping from batarian slavers. Batarians don't like things like that very much and will probably go after him to put an end to it. Conrad runs into Shepard and co while on the run from batarians or mercs hired to kill him. Alternatively, he tries to keep being a mercenary as the charity's primary source of funding.
**** Shepards only helped already-freed slaves. So, unfortunately, not going to happen.
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*** It was established that Conrad has no combat training whatsoever. Probably never even been in a firefight. All the other party members are either long-time veterans (Zaeed, Samara, Garrus) or specially engineered to be powerful (Jack, Grunt, Legion).
* Conrad: [[Joke Character]]?
** If you do his Loyalty Mission, he either [[Took a Level Inin Badass|takes a level in bad ass]], or enters into [[Lethal Joke Character]].
* Sadly, you can't recruit him. Maybe with the next batch of DLC.
** You can get {{spoiler|a copy of his doctorate dissertation on Xenoscience to help the Crucible Project}}, though.
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** {{spoiler|Confirmed! Though he can survive if you completed the Rita's Sister sidequest in [[ME 1]].}}
== Conrad will actually [[Took a Level Inin Badass|take a level in badass]] if he survives [[Mass Effect 2]] and appears in [[Mass Effect 3]] ==
* At first the Shepards will help slaves that are already free, but the stories about the abuse and horrors slaves go though at the hands of their masters compels Conrad to act. He'll go actively freeing any slave outside of batarian space (because even Conrad is not that stupid) and trying to stop slave raids while they happen. He'll even start gathering allies and hiring mercenaries for the cause. He starts off as the strategist, coming up with the battle and raid plans, but will eventually learn how to actually fight because the people he recruits teach him how in case one of the people on his rapidly growing list of enemies tries to kill him. A mission will involve several groups of slavers trying to kill Conrad and his group because they hate them like the mercs on Omega hated Garrus when he was Archangel. He can call Shepard for backup, and surprise everyone by holding them off successfully until he/she gets there with minimal losses to his combatants, and no freed slave casualties. He only calls Shepard because the plan he came up with to get out of the situation requires three more people, and he noticed that [[Genre Savvy|Shepard always had two other people with him/her whenever he met up with him/her.]]
** The Paragon choice will end in the plan working perfectly, and Shepard getting Conrad's charity/organization a large amount of donations by enforcing it and visiting the Shepard's regularly. Especially significant and sweet for the Colonist background and/or Ruthless reputation.
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*** Especially since the sequel added in "nutrient paste" that the keepers produce, which feeds them and poorer citizens of the Citadel.
**** Of course, it's kind of a moot point. They may have lived to a ripe old age, but 50 000 years have passed - they're long dead and gone.
** One, ''[[Mass Effect]]'' is not exactly squishy (setting-wise, it's harder than most TV and video game SF), nor does it include [[Disney Death]]. We have ''one'' character come [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] in two games, and it's the player character—and it took two years and vast resources for the [[NGO Superpower]] to do even that.
*** And that one who came back had an intact brain buried on a frozen world and then kept in cryo until his body was rebuilt. Closer to "mortally wounded and frozen at the brink of death" than "dead and resurrected," and certainly a long way from "starved to death 50,000 years ago while surrounded by robot bugs that break everything down into its component materials and use them for maintenance."
** Personally, I'm pretty sure the Protheans set up the council. Remember how apparently the council was making laws against AI research even before the Quarians created the Geth? The protheans almost certainly left some hints.
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* Hence the Sovereign's declaration: "We have no beginning. We have no end." At the end of Mass Effect 3 Shepard closes the time loop, throwing the Reapers to the beginning of time, starting the cycle anew.
** Shepard has two choices, to send the Reapers back or to destroy them. The first one [[Bittersweet Ending|makes everyone hate you and you become public enemy #1]]. The second option [[Downer Ending|ends the universe]]. Have fun with that!
** The [[Final Boss]] will be a Reaper [[Stalker with a Crush]] [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|who will merge with Shepard to create a super-monster]] that causes the loop. The only way to beat it properly and get the so-called "actual" ending will be to complete [[Guide Dang It]] quests to get the [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: "Restriction 666 released... Dimensional interruption imaginary number formed... <s>Azure</s>[[Writing Around Trademarks|Sapphire]] Grimoire... Activated!"
** This could just be rhetoric induced by an arrogant god complex. Remember, this is the same being that thought itself so high above these puny organics but got soundly defeated by them.
*** Seems to have been rhetoric. There are certainly no time loops going on.
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** {{spoiler|Legion. To elaborate, before Mass Effect 2 having a geth squadmate would be out of the question. But Mass Effect 2 has shown that not all geth are evil; as a matter of fact, most hate the Reapers and the geth that helped Sovereign.}} What if this applies to the Reapers? If the Reapers are fully machines, then the above theory applies, and if {{spoiler|they're partly organic}}, then surely at least one of them can overcome their "society's" peer pressure.
** It would be a great plot point. Plenty of players have probably chosen {{spoiler|to not help the Illusive Man and destroy the Collector Station}}, so additional help on fighting the Reapers will have to come from somewhere, and where better than from a rebel Reaper?
** In terms of tropes, this would elegantly deconstruct both [[Exclusively Evil]] and [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] at the same time. Bioware doesn't necessarily even have to [[Retcon]] anything.
*** Sovereign even says that the Reapers are "nations onto themselves". Each one is able to make its own choices. If every single other alien race in the game universe has proven itself immune to the [[Planet of Hats]] syndrome, then this one can't possibly be an exception.
** Of course it's likely that the Reapers don't see other creatures as anywhere near significant enough to care about.
Line 894:
== The Reapers were created by [[Precursors|an ancient alien race]], of which the Thorian is the sole survivor. ==
* Think about it: The Thorian and Reapers both operate using similar ''modus operandi''. The Thorian resorts to using spores to [[Mind Control]] its thralls; Reapers operate using indoctrination. Both are massive, [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abomination-type]] creatures/machines with a grand scale of time and a similarly derogatory look towards other, "lesser" species. [[Deeman 45|This troper's]] theory is that there was once a whole race of Thorians, spread out all across the galaxy, maybe about one per planet. They traveled through spaceborne spores, like how the Thresher Maws have been shown to do. They enslaved all other species, but after a time their thralls began fighting back and resisting their masters. The Thorians couldn't effectively fight a united army of multiple enslaved species, and so created a race of sentient supermachines in their own image - the Reapers - to hunt down and exterminate all advanced organic life other than their own. The Reapers handily slaughtered the rebelling races, but [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|turned against their creators]] because, in ''Mass Effect'', that seems to be what AI enjoys doing. Only one Thorian survived their genocide, a tiny spore on Feros. After eliminating everything, the Reapers felt empty, as their programming still dictated that they hunt down advanced organic life, and they retreated into dark space. Eventually, they returned to the Milky Way Galaxy to find that new civilizations had sprung up. They eliminated those, too, and found they liked the cycle of extinction. So, that's how the whole mess began.
** Taking this theory one step further, if their original function was to deal with threats to their masters, perhaps the other species need to reach a certain developmental threshold before thay can intervene (to ensure they only target the threatening species, and not the submissive ones) but their creators failed to take into acount the fact that they themselves were above this threshold. In the ensuing war, they destroyed all but a few Reapers, and those that survived 'adapted' their core directive to use it as a means of recuperating their numbers. Generations later, their numbers have been restored and they've developed from programmed intelligence into true sentience, but the cycle that got them there is so badly ingrained into their minds that they continue it endlessly out of habit.
** There could be some very solid in-game evidence for it. The asari who's trapped in the Thorian specifically notes that the Thorian's life cycle consists of long periods of hibernation punctuated by periods of extreme activity. It's hard to believe they wouldn't include that information if it wasn't a connection of some sort to the Reapers.
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== The Reapers are the pinnacle of naturally occurring silicon based life, carbon-based life was their technology. ==
* They're so old they think they have no beginning, but they really were the original precursor. They can indoctrinate organics because organic life was their technology. Eventually they got booted out of the universe by the organic equivalent of [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]], and came back stronger and more pissed off after licking their wounds. Naturally occurring organic life is either a mistake caused by a dispersion of organic Von-Neumann Machine stand-ins, or simply another type of naturally occurring life that happens more often than the Reapers would like. They treat organics poorly because of the reason we treat geth poorly, they see us as tools who simply refuse to step in line like we're supposed to.
** This would be incredibly awesome, but unfortunately the sequel confirms that {{spoiler|the Reapers are partially organic and have to be constructed at least partially out of organic components}}, so organic life ''had'' to come first.
*** Unless... {{spoiler|the organic components of their bodies are their equivalent of our cybernetic implants.}}
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This is also why the series is called 'Mass Effect'. It ends with Shepard discovering the truth behind mass effect, and possibly the end of mass effect altogether.
== Reapers were created by The Keepers, who [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|indoctrinated their own makers "for their own survival."]] ==
Well, think it over for a bit. The Reapers had to come from SOMEWHERE. What of all things, would make them keep the Keepers as the one race they specifically kept alive [in a way] for all time, with possibly infinite more species better suited to the job? The old, "Protecting Maker's Life Against His Will" thing that popped up in [[I Robot]].
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