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Atop the Fourth Wall/Storyline Tropes: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptive Ability]]: {{spoiler|Mechakara}}
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]:
** The "Zero Patrol" review.
** {{spoiler|[[Robot Buddy|Pollo]], at least in one particular [[Alternate Universe]] where he and the world's other sentient robots [[Turned Against Their Masters]] and decided to exterminate all organic life.}}
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* [[Artifact of Doom]]: {{spoiler|The "Magic Gun" is actually a subversion: It was created in a pretty evil fashion, but the only hints of intelligence are of a wholly positive personality who talked Linkara out of killing himself and so far the only people it has killed on its own were [[Asshole Victim|its]] [[Abusive Parents|creators]].}}
* [[Awful Truth]]: {{spoiler|The Magic Gun? The one that he does not have to explain? It is actually a weapon created by two worshippers of a great evil to smite their enemies using their innocent, loving daughter's blood as a power source. The predictable result: after trapping their daughter's life-force in the gun they accidentally summoned a primal evil formed from her pain and rage which exacted revenge on her parents. The fact that she is at peace now does little to assuage how damn creepy the usually comedic prop has become.}}
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: {{spoiler|Mechakara seems to have been rebuilt by Lord Vyce. Be afraid... be ''very'' afraid...}}
** {{spoiler|And now he's "reborn" in Pollo's replacement body, thanks to Magic Coin's magic, possibly also gaining untold powers. [[Running Gag|Be afraid... be ''very'' afraid...]]}}
** Oh, it gets even better. {{spoiler|That's not even Mechakara. It's Lord Vyce, [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|back from being left for dead]] and ready to retake his ship.}}
* [[Badass Boast]]: Lord Vyce's "All that I see, I conquer!" Other people have already taken up the phrase to describe him.
* [[Bat Deduction]]: How does Linkara get his [[Eureka Moment]] on the Entity's identity? The word "heavy."
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* [[Chekhov's Armoury]]: In addition to the below-mentioned guns, Linkara is constantly expanding his "Arsenal of Freedom" with [[Captain America (comics)|loads]] [[Star Trek|of]] [[Power Rangers|different]] [[Doctor Who|weapons]], ready to be used whenever needed.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** Linkara found a working Pokéball in his review of a [[World of Warcraft Comic(comics)|World of Warcraft]], which he later used to {{spoiler|capture a Pyramid Head.}} ''That'' becomes one itself in {{spoiler|''Silent Hill Dead/Alive #5'' when he uses Pyramid Head to finish off a Nurse}}.
** There were a dozen or so with payoffs in the Mechakara battle. The Power Rangers Morpher and the various weapons he picked up over the length of his show were the most obvious, but it also saw the payoffs for things like Black Lantern Spoony and Dr. Insano's haircut. In the commentary for said video he even [[Lampshade Hanging|admits]] that {{spoiler|shooting Mechakara with the gun from the Cable #1 review}} was a deliberate attempt to evoke this trope.
** When {{spoiler|Mechakara}} attacks during the review for the Zeo Rangers, Linkara attacks a {{spoiler|giant Mechakara with Neutro, which he says he took from Dr. Insano when the good doctor left it parked behind Spoony's house. In the second part of Spoony's review of FFX, there's a point where Dr. Insano bursts into Spoony's room, asking if anyone has seen Neutro, which he left parked behind Spoony's house.}}
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* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]: A rip in hypertime allows Linkara to go off to fix things by reviewing ''Warrior'' #4, then return to the exact same time he left and keep doing reviews (this was actually done due to the unpredictability of when the ''Warrior'' review would be put up).
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: {{spoiler|The Ultimates 3 review.}}
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Pollo against {{spoiler|Linksano}} in ''[[JLA: Act of God]]'' Part 3.
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: Both trailers for the 2009 and 2010 does show some details that should not be there...
* [[Transformation Sequence]]: In an emergency (such as the showdown with [[Big Bad]] Mechakara) Linkara can use his [[Power Rangers]] morpher to transform into an [[Video Review Show|Internet Reviewer]].
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