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Take That, Scrappy!: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Sonic X]]'' had [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|quite a good one]] when Dr. Eggman gives Chris a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|verbal smackdown]] on how he's acting like a whiny brat because if Sonic goes away he'll be back to being normal.
** Some fans find an earlier scene in which Chris is thrown about by [[Anti-Hero|Shadow]] a lot less entertaining than Eggman's quite understandable verbal smackdown. This seems to be due to the fact that, like Chris or loathe him, Shadow is essentially ''[[Moral Event Horizon|beating up a twelve year old child]]''.
* Piplup from ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' keeps getting [[Pokémon/Funny|punted by Ash's Gible's Draco Meteor]]. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyhJPWB0j8s Many,] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEd3KR4IACk&feature=related many] [[Running Gag|times]]. As well as hit by nearly every other stray attack, tormented by a [[Bratty Half-Pint]]...this goes beyond [[Take That, Scrappy!]]. They turned him into the [[Butt Monkey]].
* Naru Narusegawa from ''[[Love Hina]]'' is a [[Tsundere]] towards Keitarou, and more than once reaches [[Domestic Abuser]] ''and'' [[Jerkass]] levels (and especially [[Character Exaggeration|in the anime]], where she reaches borderline [[Jerk Sue]] status). Well, at some point {{spoiler|Keitarou's [[Yandere]] adopted sister Kanako}} gets fed up and [[Punched Across the Room|''punches'' Naru across a hot spring]] because of that... and a good part of the fandom ''cheers''. That's more of an [[Americans Hate Tingle]] case though, since Naru is first in popularity polls in Japan.
* In the ''[[Heidi, Girl of the Alps]]'' anime series (part of the [[World Masterpiece Theater]]), Fraulein Rottenmeier treats Heidi so severely that she becomes abusive to the little girl. Then the last episodes of the series focus on Klara's visits to Heidi and her grandpa in the mountains, and Rottenmeiter is such a [[Fish Out of Water]] that she becomes [[The Chew Toy]]. It was not only hilarious, but ''cathartic''.
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* The provided image is a depiction of the infamous [[Star Wars]] character Jar Jar Binks, who, [[Alien Scrappy|for whatever reasons]], gained a HUGE [[Hatedom]] upon debuting in ''[[The Phantom Menace]]''. The statue was made by a fan for the Star Wars Celebrations. Lucas was sufficiently amused to commission one for himself.
** The fact that Jar Jar is also [[Attack of the Clones|directly responsible]] for enabling Palpatine to rise to totalitarian power and form [[The Empire]] is also very likely this trope in spectacular action.
* Love or hate the ''[[Resident Evil (film)|Resident Evil]]'' films, one can't deny that Wesker bringing Alice back to normal and killing off the clone Alices in ''[[Resident Evil: Afterlife]]'' brought a smile to the faces of those who hated the way Alice became a [[God Mode Sue]] in the previous films. She still has the [[Improbable Aiming Skills|standard]] action hero [[Made of Iron|powers]], but at least no more psychic nonsense.
** Writer/director Paul W.S. Anderson may have even slipped in a stealth admission of his own writing screwup with Alice, in the form of what Wesker says to her while he [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|kicks her ass.]] "I'm what [[God Mode Sue|you]] used to be, [[Badass|only better]]."
* A scene from ''[[Godzilla: Final Wars]]'' features a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|truly epic]] [[Take That]] against the much maligned American Godzilla. [[Curb Stomp Battle|He's taken down in just twenty seconds; the shortest fight scene in the entire film.]] After an initial temper tantrum, the Xilian General [[We Have Reserves|doesn't care much]].
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* In the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game]]'', the "Legacy of Yata-Garasu" card features [[Tier-Induced Scrappy|Yata-Garasu]] lying dead on the ground. The effect even counters his own special ability.
* In the [[Old World of Darkness]], the eventual fate of the much-hated ghoul-werewolf-mage [[God Mode Sue|God Mode Stu]] Samuel Haight was...to have his spirit crafted into an ashtray.
* An odd case: [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|the Squats]] were retconned out of existence in the third edition of [[Warhammer 40000|Warhammer 40,000]], and the creators got so fed up with fans asking about their return that ''they'' began to consider the Squats as the in-universe Scrappies. The official explanation now is that all of the Squat homeworlds were eaten by [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Tyranids]]. Occasionally one or two survivors turn up in the fiction, usually played for laughs.
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* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]''
** ''[[Sonic Rush Series|Sonic Rush Adventure]]'' introduced a character called Marine the Raccoon, whose [[Motor Mouth]] [[Reckless Sidekick]] tendencies and delusion that she's the real hero brushed a number of fans the wrong way. Sonic, Tails, and Blaze [[Lampshade Hanging]] how annoying she can be, ultimately leading up to a scene before the final level where Blaze finally blows up and yells at her: "You're a nuisance!"
** A lot of people dislike Silver from ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 (video game)||Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]]'' for being [[wangst]]y, or for being a [[That One Boss|a ridiculously cheap boss fight]]. (Even those who like Silver [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|think his story could have been handled a lot better]].) So the cutscene following the Silver vs. Shadow boss fight, where Shadow gives Silver a solid roundhouse kick to the back of his head, was remarkably cathartic.
* The entire character of Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' is this: He looks exactly like Raiden, the last game's widely-hated protagonist, and appears in the game as the sadomasochistic colonel Volgin's homosexual love interest (even his name is a [[Bilingual Bonus|Japanese double entendre]]: 'Raidenovitch' can be read in Japanese as 'Raiden no bitch', which itself translates to 'Thunderbolt's bitch', hinting at his and Volgin's relationship).
** Well, technically, he was only hated by American fans. Apparently in Japan, Raiden's fanbase potentially rivals that of even Solid Snake. Also, apparently, the player is also given the option to either kill or knock out Raikov, depending on what the player feels like, and the player doesn't even get a [[Time Paradox]] if he does the former.
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* ''[[Duke Nukem 3D]]: Atomic Edition/Plutonia Pack'' features Scrappy "Due". In a cage. In the basement of a burger joint staffed by [[Beavis and Butthead]]. Surrounded by his own excrement. About to be made into hamburger. You can do the humane thing and blow him to bloody ribbons.
** A...[[Incredibly Lame Pun|scrappy meal?]]
* The PSP remake of ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' features a new battle which brings its resident Scrappy [[Rich Bitch|Argath]] [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] just so you get the pleasure of killing him again.
* [[Rabid Cop|Carter Blake]] from ''[[Heavy Rain]]'' is a complete asshole from the moment he appears, and in one optional chapter he goads you to hit him. {{spoiler|''You can.''}}
* In the [[Fan Remake]] of ''[[King's Quest II Romancing the Throne]]'', during the Cloud Spirit test, if you pass the first two questions you can choose an optional answer where Graham asks Connor to free the kingdom from a dreaded beast... revealed to be [[King's Quest V|Cedric the Owl]], and then he draw his blade [[Crowning Moment of Funny|and chase the damned owl himself]].
* A recently introduced quest chain in ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' has the player delving into Thrall's inner emotional struggles in an effort to bring him back after he's killed by the Twilight Hammer. When the player gets to his inner rage, there are hints that he's... less than pleased with [[Replacement Scrappy|Garrosh's]] run as Warchief. For those who see Varian Wrynn as [[The Scrappy]], Thrall ain't happy with him either.
* Anders and Carver of ''[[Dragon Age 2]]'' were both [[Base Breaker|divisive characters]] among the fandom. Of party banter of the game's DLC made the two the butt of many jokes from other characters.
* Nobody liked the minstrels in ''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'': they got in your face and sang annoying songs until they either went away or you tossed coins, possibly blowing your cover. ''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' has a mission where Ezio dresses up as a minstrel and sings. One of the songs is this little gem:
{{quote|I am a tactless minstrel,
I sing off-key for coins,
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* ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' has the Murderous Moppets, two creepy and unpleasant dwarf henchmen that The Monarch inherited through marriage, to his (and the fans') displeasure. When Mrs. The Monarch orders the Moppets to distract him, they try to get in his face, only for the Monarch to coldly and plainly tell them that he doesn't like them and that if they ever try to give him an order he will kill them and feed them to the neighborhood dogs. Given that the Monarch is a man who, however physically unimposing he might be, still picks fights with Brock Samson ''for fun'', one wonders what the Moppets were thinking.
** In the final episode of Season Four, Dr. Girlfriend finally tells them off and admits that they're starting to creep even her out. The Monarch's reaction is similar to that of the fanbase's.
* One episode of ''[[Family Guy]]'' had Quagmire rant at Brian [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdbnssEZ_Xk&feature=related for a good minute and a half], [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|pointing out pretty much every criticism fans had been making about the character recently]], including his anti-religious views, his sponging off Peter, his moral superiority, his manipulative ways of attracting dumb women (with Quagmire adding that even though he does the same thing, he's at least honest about it), and so forth. Especially odd as [[Talking to Himself|both characters are voiced by]] [[Seth MacFarlane]], and [[Self-Deprecation|even odder]] since Brian is [[Mis BlamedMisblamed|the writing staff]]'s [[Author Filibuster]] mouthpiece.
** It should be mentioned that the fact that it was Quagmire speaking, combined with how cemented Brian's status as a [[Gary Stu]] [[Author Avatar]] had become, led some viewers to [[Alternate Character Interpretation|see the rant as]] one big, long [[Take That, Critics!]] with Quagmire as a [[Straw Critic]].
*** The secondary mouthpiece, Stewie, has barely two appearances on the episode mostly to say that Brian shouldn't obsess over being liked by everybody as long as he likes himself, and that he (Stewie) likes him no matter what.
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*** In that episode, and a few others, Lois has taken to saying things like "Oh God, what ''now''?" when she senses Brian is on another crusade, mirroring the audience's reaction quite well.
*** Which is sad, considering that for once [[Unfortunate Implications|he may have a point]].
** In a case of [[Hilarious in Hindsight|retroactive]] [[Take That, Scrappy!]], frustrated ''Family Guy'' fans may find it cathartic to watch Stewie mercilessly beat Brian over a loan he kept putting off paying.
* It's obvious that the characters - especially the Clone Troopers - in ''[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars]]'' find Jar Jar Binks just as annoying as the audience. Oddly, this seems to [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|make his character much more bearable]].
** Even in the Lego Star Wars short, Jar Jar only appears on camera for a few seconds to be [[Ludicrous Gibs|shot into many lego pieces.]]
* The ''[[Animaniacs]]'' episode "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special" states that the Warners were created as [[Looney Tunes|Buddy]]'s [[Ensemble Darkhorse|funnier co-stars]], and he later tries to kill them for stealing his (nonexistent in real life) fame.
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** And even then, Ferb is the only one who doesn't seem to mind... mainly because he's fairly [[The Stoic|stoic]] and [[The Voiceless|nonverbal]]. Phineaas, however, has several times shown to be less than enthused at his presense.
* The ''[[Cloverfield]]'' parody segment in ''[[MAD]]'' takes a jab at Sam Puckett from ''[[iCarly]]'', by her getting shoved out of the camera by other co-star [[Dogged Nice Guy|Freddie.]]
* In ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister", Lisa spends the class field trip to (what's left of) Springfield Glacier ranting about [[Hollywood Global Warming]] and saying things like "How can you stand around being kids when serious things are happening?!" to her classmates. Bart, in turn, pranks her by making it sound like she's farting and hitting her with a snowball that knocks her into the glacier-lake. However, this inspires the A-plot, where Lisa slaps Bart with a restraining order and uses it as ''carte blanche'' to be a jerk to him.
** After all the abuse and isolation, Bart builds makes a wicker statue of Lisa - who takes it as a symbol of love and respect. In actuality, Bart was planning to burn it as an effigy. {{spoiler|Ironically it was Lisa who sets it on fire.}}
** In "Bart Star" Lisa signs up for the school's football team to be a very annoying [[Granola Girl]] only to realize they have already done the "progressive" things she was going to complain about in the first place. She leaves in tears.
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