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Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas: Difference between revisions

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* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: Leo Regulus. Nothing escapes him.
{{quote|"I've taken a good look at you. My eyes can see everything about my opponents: their strengths, their flaws, their habits, even the source of their power."}}
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: {{spoiler|Partita, Tenma's mother, as an Specter}}.
* [[Backstory]]: Libra Dohko and Aries Shion, this was your life!
* [[Bad Habits]]: Hypnos usually disguises himself as a priest. He's posing as one when introduced.
* [[Badass Boast]]: Cancer Manigoldo claims he's "the kind of man even Gods need to watch out for". {{spoiler|Considering he was able to destroy the ''entire'' body of a god, admittedly at the cost of his life, when the best Seiya and company could do to that god was prick his finger without their God Cloths, he's quite right.}}
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Aquarius Degel, Balron René.
* [[Badass Cape]]: All the Gold Saints with a badass wind to blow it in some cool way.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Hakurei and Sage, on so many different levels.
* [[Badass Long Robe]]: Sage, Hypnos, Thanatos, Alone.
* [[Barrier Maiden]]: Before the rosary that seals the Specters' souls is created, Athena herself sustains a barrier that prevents them to be resurrected.
* [[Battle Aura]]: Cosmo energy is depicted as something similar to fire.
** Purple: [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience|Pretty much everyone from Hades's side.]]
* [[Battle in the Center of the Mind]]: {{spoiler|Virgo Asmita confronts a [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashed]] Defteros inside of his mind to release him from his brother's control.}}
* [[Battle in the Rain]]: Dohko and Kagaho's last face-off.
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* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Tenma, Sasha and Alone perish after their last attack against Hades, only a handful survive ([[Foregone Conclusion|Shion and Dohko]], Teneo, Yato, Yuzuriha, Atla, Cheshire and Pandora), Athena's army is practically destroyed, the Sanctuary is desolated and empty -- but the sky shines bright with the hope of the next generation.}}
* [[Bizarrchitecture]]: Lost Canvas. Fair enough, since it's a gigantic materialized painting.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Alone is said to be the man with purest soul; that's precisely what makes him the perfect body for Hades' reincarnation. Ouch.
** Also, Kardia and his overheating heart, Albafica and his poisonous blood and in a rare villian example: Basilisk Sylphid {{spoiler|who also deals with something similar to Albafica}}.
* [[Blind Seer]]: Asmita
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* [[Blood Magic]]: Divine blood, used for many kinds of magic. It can grant you a ridiculously large lifespan (albeit with a [[De-Power]]) can turn you into a [[Physical God]] when injected into your veins (as long as you don't die), it can instantly upgrade your [[Power Armor]]...
* [[Bloody Murder]]: Albafica.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: {{spoiler|Gemini Defteros was a victim of this at one point. Virgo Asmita helped him break through it at the cost of killing his twin brother Gemini Aspros, who had conspired to kill the Pope.}}
* [[Broad Strokes]]: There are only a few similarities between this and Kurumada's own story taking place during the same time. However, a few do spring up, such as both versions of the Garuda Specter having the name Suikyo.
* [[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu]]: Because few victories come without cost.
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* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]: Scorpio Kardia because he knows he's [[Living on Borrowed Time]] anyway.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]: Alraune Queen.
* [[Combination Attack]]: {{spoiler|Sasha, Tenma and Alone! against Hades}}.
* [[Conveniently an Orphan|Conveniently Orphans]]: Almost everyone, justified since it's the 18th century Europe.
* [[Couldn't Find a Pen]]: The "True Red" found by Alone/Hades.
* [[Creepy Cathedral]]: Forest Cathedral, the [[Big Bad]]'s headquarters on Earth.
* [[Creepy Centipedes]]: Yato faces a monstrous (and talking) one in the Forest of the Dead.
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Tenma, Manigoldo, Regulus, Yuzuriha, even [[The Dragon|Pandora]].
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: Hades and his Specters.
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]: Gemini Deuteros (albeit with blue hair), who originally thought to be because he spent several years in an island wearing little more than a loincloth, was confirmed as the former when childhood flashbacks do show him as a [[Dark-Skinned Blond|Dark-Skinned Blunette]] while in the Sanctuary.
** Cait Sith Cheshire, although with white hair.
* [[The Dark Side]]: Alone. {{spoiler|He regains control over his body, still has Hades powers and decides to go ahead with the Lost Canvas plan.}}
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* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Several instances, like the fight between Manigoldo and Thanatos.
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: Pope Sage and Thanatos.
* [[Died Standing Up]]: Wyvern Radamanthys. {{spoiler|Then horribly subverted when he's show to still be alive in spite of having a huge gaping hole on his chest and being stripped of his godly powers.}}
* [[Disability Superpower]]: Averted with El Cid, he was still able to use Excalibur even after getting his forearm cut off {{spoiler|when one of his own attacks got reflected back to him.}}
* [[Disney Death]]: {{spoiler|Wyvern Rhadamanthys is a master of this.}}
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* [[The Evil Prince]]: Hades's previous [[Soul Jar]] was said to be a young prince by Teshirogi.
* [[Evil Twin]]: Gemini Aspros.
* [[Expy]]: Most of the Saints look just like their future incarnations from the original Manga, down to their signature moves and even their roles. However, personality-wise, it's a different story.
* [[Eye Scream]]: Sagittarius Sisyphus and Taurus Rasgado.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Alone, in a major way kicked off by a gigantic [[Kick the Dog]] moment.
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* [[Gender Bender]]: Phantasos.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Leo Regulus
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Yato to Tenma.
* [[The Greatest Story Never Told]]: Almost! {{spoiler|If Sasha had arrived some minutes later, no one would ever know of Aspros's [[Heel Face Turn]] and that he sacrificed his own life in order to defeat Youma/Kairos and seal him for good. She's the only one to know, because she arrived on the spot little time before his death.}}
* [[Grim Up North]]: Bluegard.
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* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]: Dohko wields the Libra Sword to fight Minotaur Gordon and his [[An Axe to Grind|axe arm]].
* [[Heroic RROD]]: {{spoiler|Leo Regulus.}}
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Lots. The entire time. It's quicker to list the Saints that HAVEN'T died this way than the Saints who have (who are {{spoiler|Albafica, Asmita, El Cid, Sisyphus, Manigoldo, Junkers, Degel, Defteros, Ilias...}})
** {{spoiler|Owl Partita, personal messenger to Athena, reborn as a human to care for Pegasus' soul as his mother -- and switched sides, becoming the guardian of the temple of Uranus. Her fight against Tenma is so he can get enough [[Heroic Resolve]] to overcome any obstacle, including killing his own mother, in order to bring down Hades.}}
* [[Hidden Agenda Villain]]: Bennu Kagaho. He's with {{spoiler|Alone's. Not Hades', just Alone's.}}
** Mephistopheles Youma.
* [[Ho Yay]]: For the fangirls, this is just added fuel for their Dohko/Shion fanfics! It doesn't help that every single Expy got [[Estrogen Brigade Bait|very, very pretty.]]
** Minos keeping praising Albafica's beauty or [[Villainous Crossdresser|Veronica]] with Manigoldo.
*** Dohko/Kagaho's fight has some.
*** Radamanthys/Regulus on the front cover of Chapter 200 as well as during their fight.
*** Alone/Hades with Tenma too especially at the moment when he takes Tenma's head in his hands very close to him as if to give him a kiss. This goes [[Up to Eleven]] in the latest chapters (past 212).
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Gemini Aspros. Arguably, Leo Regulus as well.}}
* [[Hope Sprouts Eternal]]: {{spoiler|If you're not too cynical about the ending, specially considering the [[Foregone Conclusion]] that this war will happen again in the future.}}
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Tenma, just like his successor, Seiya. And still [[The Hero]].
* [[Hot Shounen Mom]]: Tenma's mother, Partita.
* [[Human Popsicle]]: {{spoiler|Aquarius Degel and Seraphina.}}
* [[Hurting Hero]]: Tenma.
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* [[Implacable Man]]: {{spoiler|Rhadamanthys. Survived getting his heart pierced by Kardia; getting it ripped out by Regulus; and survived long enough, after being cut in half by Alone, to unseal Athena's power, and still save Pandora as his last act as an Specter.}}
* [[Incurable Cough of Death]]: {{spoiler|Leo Ilias}}.
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: So many, but specially, Bennu Kagaho.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Alone's justifications. Living means suffering :: Living is bad :: If you're not alive, you won't suffer :: Death is salvation from suffering.
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== J-L ==
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Cancer Manigoldo. {{spoiler|In his duel against Thanatos, pretty much every time he claws back from death to further disgrace the god is a Crowning Moment of some kind.}}
** Played with Albafica in his backstory.
** Virgo Asmita absolutely qualifies.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{spoiler|Pandora}}.
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** {{spoiler|She also not only treats Harpy Valentine as one, but even calls Radamantys one as well.}} {{spoiler|Then Radamanthys does the same to his loyal subordinate, Valentine, by piercing his chest with his fist.}}
* [[Kill'Em All]]: The series is ''really'' known for having minimal plot armor. {{spoiler|As of chapter 212, Shion and Dohko are out of commission, only Sasha and Tenma remain capable of making a stand, barely.}}
** [[It Got Worse|It doesn't look good, does it?]]
* [[Kill It with Fire]] : Bennu Kagaho's main form of attack.
* [[Killed Off for Real]] : See [[Kill'Em All]].
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Arguably, Alone. {{spoiler|Not Hades, Alone.}}
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* [[Mega Manning]]: Leo Regulus's signature ability.
* {{spoiler|[[Mercy Kill]]: Alraune Queen's reason to [[Off with His Head|behead]] his partner Minotaur Gordon after the latter's defeat.}}
* [[Mind Rape]]: Often, from such varied sources as Alone, Virgo Asmita (a master in the art of) and Nasu Veronica.
* [[Moment Killer]]: [[Cool Old Guy|Hakurei]] has just {{spoiler|defeated and [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed]] [[Manipulative Bastard|Hypnos]], an evil god, and prepares himself to destroy the barrier that protects the Forest Cathedral... but Alone appears out of thin air and kills him}}.
* [[Monstrosity Equals Weakness]]: On the Specter side. Usually, the big and menacing ones are quite weak, while the [[Bishounen Line|smaller and more handsome]] ones are the real threat.
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* [[One-Winged Angel]]: After being humiliated by {{spoiler|Gemini Aspros}}, Mephistopheles Youma revealed his true nature as {{spoiler|the [[Physical God]] Kairos.}}
* [[Only Mostly Dead]]: It happens to Tenma early on, thanks to a highly unlikely bulletproof vest. {{spoiler|Wyvern Radamanthys, Libra Dohko and Gemini Aspros as well.}}
** Asmita does come back as a ghost at one point :)
** {{spoiler|And Radamantys, which everyone thought had died at the hands of Scorpio Kardia}}
* [[Only in It For the Money]]: Acheron Charon simply does the job he's paid to. And he ''really'' does the job, even if it's for enemies.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]] - The rivalry between Bennu Kagaho and Libra Dohko seems to be heading to this conclusion.
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: Youma is always in a good mood and making fun of everybody else, even when he's being a [[Complete Monster]]... when he isn't cheery, run away '''really''' fast.
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: Alone, although he knows he could thwart he heroes' advance through the Lost Canvas if he wished. He simply wants them to come all the way and suffer as much as possible before facing him.
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== P-R ==
* [[Paint It Black]]: After his [[Face Heel Turn]] Alone's hair turns black. This happened to [[Evil Twin|Gemini Asperos]], too.
* [[Pervert Dad]]: {{spoiler|Mephistopheles Yoma. He stops Pandora by grabbing her breasts from behind. [[Flat What|What.]]}}
* [[Petal Power]]: Albafica.
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* [[Soul Jar]]: {{spoiler|Lady Seraphina for Poseidon, and Alone for Hades.}}
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Mephistopheles Youma didn't take into account {{spoiler|that Aspros's own reality-warping powers would trump his own. Or that Defteros's spirit would intercept a would-be fatal attack. Or that due to his nature as a Specter he could get sealed inside Asmita's rosary.}}
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Is it Hasgard or Rasgado, anyway? Alone or Aroon? Aron? [[Aerith and Bob|Bob?]]
* [[Spikes of Doom]]: All over the place in Jamir.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: Gemini Aspros and Defteros when {{spoiler|Mephistopheles Youma was the one that stirred up the rivalry between them and tricked Aspros into fearing and hating Defteros when they were younger.}}
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* [[Tragic Villain]]: Pandora.
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: {{spoiler|The opening for the 2nd season shows Sisyphus's corruption and Gemini Aspros.}}
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: Alone, Sasha, Tenma, {{spoiler|Pandora.}}
* [[The Unfavourite]]: While Aspros was loved and respected by everyone in the Sanctuary, his younger twin Defteros was treated with utter disdain and hostility. Apparently, said treatment is based on an old lore, which claims thats an older Gemini twin shall be born under an auspicious star, while the younger one shall bring disgrace and chaos. {{spoiler|[[Irony|Oh the irony]].}}
* [[Unperson]]: In the backstory, {{spoiler|what Kronos did to Kairos/Youma, erasing all evidence of him from history. It is also the reason of why [[Rage Against the Heavens|he wants to take down the Olympus Gods]]}}.
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* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: Hypnos is occasionally seen calmly having tea and enjoying the view from a balcony in the Forest Cathedral. He and Thanatos also seem to be fond of playing chess.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Tenma and Yato.
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: Teshirogi seems to take this to consideration a bit too much. {{spoiler|There would be no yaoi fangirl who can't take any hint from how Tenma and previous Hades' vessel Alone interact, it's not exaggerating to say Alone especially after his [[Heel Face Turn]] is obsessed of Pegasus Tenma.}}
** Pandora even mentions that Alone's eyes are beautiful and lively, although full of soul-crushing sadness.
* [[Whip It Good]]: Balron René's weapon of choice.
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* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Leo Regulus has no problems in physically fighting Behemoth Violate.
{{quote|"That Specter is... a woman? Well, I won't be bothered. She's a soldier and a powerful enemy, nothing else matters."}}
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Leo Regulus, who is avenging his father Ilias, dead at the hands of Wyvern Rhadamanthys.
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: {{spoiler|So Tenma has mortally wounded Alone, this is the end, right? Nope, turns out that badly injuring Alone rather than outright killing him allowed Hades to fully manifest right away.}}
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Yuzuriha
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