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== If Naruto and Hinata wind up together, Konohamaru will develop a crush on Hanabi instantly. ==
Konohamaru copies ''everything'' that Naruto does, so Konohamaru would be inclined to develop a crush on Hanabi just based on knowing: Naruto is in a relationship with Hinata, and Hinata has a little sister. What becomes of Konohamaru because of this is as open ended as [[OC Stand -In|who Hanabi is.]]
* I've read some fanfics with this as a running subplot. It kinda makes sense...
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* I don't really see much that Sasuke has done which is truly beyond redemption. Now, his stated goals are pretty bad and I'll admit, {{spoiler|putting that blade through Karin to get at Danzo was pretty evil}}, but other than that he's done what? He kicked Naruto's ass, then time skip, then kicked Naruto's ass again, and then he's killed Danzo while potentially being misled by Madara. Really, all he's done is demonstrate a willingness to abandon his teammates {{spoiler|plus the Karin thing}}, which, while reprehensible, [[Complete Monster|doesn't quite put him into the realm of being completely gone]]. I don't think Sasuke's going to go this route since he's probably going to be crossing the [[Moral Event Horizon]] soon, but I don't think he's there yet.
** Oh, sure you can join my Team Evil, Sakura. Now, just to make sure you're evil enough to be my medic, [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten|kill the othe-]] BACKSTAB! (Cares for nobody but himself and his revenge)
** [[You Have Failed Me...]] for the last time. Now die. [applied to ''his entire base'', not just teammates who disagreed but allies who would do anything for him] (Not even the people loyal to him matter, even if their continued living would be kinda useful with regards to the whole completing his revenge thing. Both irrational and supervillianesque. To abandon one's comrades because of philosophical reasons is horrible, but forgivable. To abandon them because their death is more convenient at the moment than life is utterly unforgivable)
** [[Laughing Mad|Hahahahaha]][[Evil Laugh|hahahahaha!]] (off the deep end entirely. Once somebody does this, the only forgiveness that is any kind of believable is life in prison or the electric chair)
** A small group of spymasters in Konoha went too far in quashing a rebellion. ''The entire city must perish in flames''. (further evidence of his mental and emotional disconnect from others He shows every sign of psycopathy, not being able to empathize with others, as well as the evil madness neccesary to make having the many die for the sins of the few believable. If he was at all redeemable, he would at least ''consider'' ceasing now that Danzo was dead. It didn't even so much as occur to the bastard).
*** The thing is, all of these are so laughably [[Kick the Dog|puppy kickingly evil]] that it's impossible to take the seriously. Sasuke is messed up in the head. He's not a tragic figure, or an evil figure, or even a sick puppy. He's turned into a flanderized version of himself. It's not a 'Fallen/Redeemed Hero' Paradigm anymore. He's just manipulation-bait. Even if Naruto manages to flip him again, it'll really just be more 'Sasuke gets manipulated to do things, just by the goodguys this time'. I'm sure he'll end up a minion for whoever replaces Madara as the evil figure in the inevitable continuation. And then by the next [[Big Bad]]. And the next. He's the [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Knuckles]] of Naruto.
**** Knuckles was a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] when he was manipulated. The fact that Sasuke has displayed ''insane evil laughter'' and had a [[You Have Failed Me...]] moment all his own indicate that while he's being manipulated, there ''is'' evil intent and feeling all his own beyond his manipulator's instructions.
***** Or possibly Sasuke can be redeemed ''because'' he is so obviously crazy. Once he has/if he does snap out of his epic [[Freak-Out]], he'll realize what he's done is completely stupid. Sasuke toes the line mightily, as the fact is he hasn't actually managed to do permanent [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing damage. Sure, the intent was there, but the execution was lacking.
***** To the original post I completely agree about what Kishimoto is trying to pull of and how upping the ante isn't working but besides the Draco in leather pants crowd whose continued support of Sasuke drives the author to prove that Sasuke has fallen and needs to be redeemed,there is also a faction who declared him fallen beyond redemption since he first left Kohona and that he should have been killed on the spot so ultimately whatever stance Kishi would have taken somebody would have complained.
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** ...Does that make the Rasengan concentrated Spiral Energy?! [[So Cool Its Awesome|DUDE]]!!
*** Nope, its just chakra... that can be substituteded with Spiral Energy for a bigger attack. The ''Raikage'', though, is concentrated Spiral Energy.
* Alternatively, the Naruto world is stuck at the tail end of the [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Age of Strife]]. Chakra is actually a precurser to [[Psychic Powers|psykers]], but humanity's evolution isn't quite there, yet. Furthermore, everyone's at war, and Naruto has yet to face the true horrors of the rest of the world and unite everyone as the [[God-Emperor]] [[The Messiah|of Mankind]]. Or the [[God-Emperor]] of Mankind will show up (perhaps after the Sixth Hokage's [[Despair Event Horizon|death]]) and, unfortunately, [[Foregone Conclusion|kick everyone's asses]].
** Conversely, the Naruto world is a colonized planet lost to the Age of Strife, where psykers are accepted as ninja, because the Imperial Truth has been lost to time as the legend of the Sage of the Six Paths. Again, this explains the ramshackle technology and alternative geography we see in canon.
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Using Bijuu chakra as a stand-in for the actual Bijuu is already in play, so it's plausible.
== The rest of the Sound Five has been [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|brought back]] ==
We just haven't seen them yet. I mean, I know Kimimaro was the strongest, but is that any reason to leave out the rest?
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== Itachi will not die ==
Itachi is Sasuke's [[Morality Chain]]. Sasuke was perfectly sane (if a bit angsty) when Itachi was still alive. When Itachi died, Sasuke began to lose it (admittedly, it took a bit of prodding from Tobi). However, with Itachi back on the scene, Sasuke is far more sane than he has been in 100 chapters. Seeing Itachi crumble before his eyes from the released Edo Tensei would...would...[[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|urk!]]
== Tobi was one of the kids in Team Jiraiya ==
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