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** And ''Awakening Will'', the theme of the first level and the credits of ''Z2'', but to make the long story short, let's just say: The whole soundtrack.
** Zero's Theme is also amazing, as it's a redone version of his original ''X'' series theme.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]:
** Harpuia. Also one of the most well developed characters in the franchise, which contributes to this.
** Omega, one of the more popular villains in the Mega Man franchise. Popular enough to come back as a bonus boss and an [[Infinity+1 Sword|infinity plus one artifact]] in ''[[Mega Man ZX]]''.
*** [[Love to Hate]]: In contrast to Weil.
*** Possibly because of the [[Awesome Bosses|climactic confrontation]] with Zero being a highlight of the series.
* [[Epileptic Trees]]:
** Ciel's unnamed ancestress provides one: Is she the one {{spoiler|who created Zero's clone body?}}
** A popular theory was that [[La Résistance]] {{spoiler|later become the Guardians of ''ZX''.}} This theory was backed up by the fact that {{spoiler|the Guardians}} also wear green in their uniforms, and other [[Epileptic Trees]] that Alouette and Perroquiet are {{spoiler|Prairie and Fleuve, as [[Expy]]s of Ciel and Cerveau, respectively.}}
** Some fans still think that the Dark Elf could be quite based on [[Mega Man X|Iris]].
** In the English release, a popular belief was that Dr. Weil is [[Mega Man (video game)|Dr. Wily]], of all people, due to name similarity.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Copy X's armor would spectacularly break any ''[[Mega Man X]]'' game, essentially being ''X5's'' [[Game Breaker|Falcon Armor]] with extra firepower and Charge Man's weapon thrown in for fun.
* [[Faux Symbolism]]:
** At the end of the first game, Cyber-Elf X starts projecting an image of himself in a blue robe when talking to Zero. A
Cyber-Elfy halo appears above his head in this form.
** Copy X, even moreso. If his first form full of angelic wings aren't enough, in his [[One-Winged Angel]] form, he almost literally turned into a seraphic angel. Add to the fact that he's fighting Zero, a crimson-horned reploid.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Three of the Four Guardians have this going on with the titular Zero (the ones that isn't Phantom).
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: The antagonists of the first three games in this series all have the Greek letter Omega [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"|as their symbol]]. Sure most of them are [[Knight Templar]]s, but they still [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|mean well]], fighting for the sake of humanity. But later we're introduced to an actual character named Omega, who is everything that the antagonists ([[Complete Monster|except one]]) ever stood against.
** Somewhat related: in ''X2'', Zero, {{spoiler|freshly [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}, ''very easily'' destroys a weak clone of himself that the [[Big Bad]] made. Cue the third game, where {{spoiler|Omega (the same one mentioned above) is the original body of Zero, while ''[[The Hero]]'' is the clone}}. But it was subverted, {{spoiler|the clone Zero didn't mind the irony of the situation he was in, and goes on to defeat Omega Zero ''easily''. Also, [[The Hero]] may be using a duplicate body, but the mind is real; he is still the ''real Zero''. Omega Zero is now just a mindless puppet}}.
* [[Generic Doomsday Villain]]: Omega - Technically, since he's completely mindless (he's simply programmed to kill, period) and having destroyed the world once.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: The spiked wheel enemies. They are inordinately tough (two saber slashes when one will do in most anything else that moves), coming rolling from offscreen towards you (or occasionally from behind) with no warning, do a ridiculous amount of damage (more than virtually any other normal enemy), move just fast enough that it would take split-second reflexes to dodge them, spawn again if you move mere ''pixels'' backward from where they appeared, and are sometimes dropped in by lifter robots for added cheapness.
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* [[It's Hard, So It Sucks]]: Regarded as this by some, to the point that the DS [[Compilation Rerelease]] includes an "Easy Scenario" with includes lots of 1-ups and all of the cyber-elves. You can still die even in this mode, given how [[Nintendo Hard]] it is.
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: Zero. No, really.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Copy X was just more of being morally ambiguous in the first game (performing genocide on Reploids because of the energy crisis, supposedly for the better for humanity). However, in the third game, he's willing to launch a missile to a city block full of innocent humans just to obtain the Dark Elf. At this point, [[Hero Antagonist]] [[Noble Top Enforcer|Harpuia]] can't stand it anymore and defects from Neo Arcadia. A bit later, when Copy X and Weil contact the resistance to cooperate, [[Rebel Leader|Ciel]] cites this event as why they can't be trusted.
** To be fair, Copy X is reborn as Copy X Mk. II by the [[Obviously Evil]] [[Complete Monster|Dr. Weil]] and he also manipulates Copy X to do so. Clearly Weil must have done things in him, including the [[Electronic Speech Impediment]] and {{spoiler|the booby trap implanted in his body which activates when he goes [[One-Winged Angel]]}}.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]:
** Elpizo's scream as he goes [[One-Winged Angel]].
** Dr. Weil, all the way. Not just that {{spoiler|he survived a [[Kill Sat]] attack which destroyed entire Neo Arcadia,}} but what he looks like afterwards. Never show [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/7/7a/5b94bb03.gif this] to kids. And then there's all the acts he's committed, which are [[Nightmare Fuel]] themselves...
*** His [[One-Winged Angel]]. As pointed out [[YouTube|elsewhere]], it looks incredibly ''organic''. Not to mention all the ''blood'' when he transformed ([[Bowdlerization|Japanese-only, of course]]). [[Body Horror]] in the series at its finest, folks. The [[All There in the Manual|Rockman Zero Official Complete Works]] even went as far as to say that it was a "sinful abomination of a final form" when showing the art of it. If even it says that it was like that, you can pretty much guarantee that it is extremely horrific.
* [[Player Punch]]: Elpizo aims for getting the Dark Elf, and to do so, he had to destroy the [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can|seal]], X's body. {{spoiler|When Zero finally catches up to him near the seal, he [[Forced to Watch|forces Zero to watch]] by binding him with the Baby Elves' powers as he stabs X's body, destroying it and releasing the Dark Elf.}}
* [[Robo Ship]]:
** Ciel with Zero...maybe...well, it ''is'' a popular pairing.
*** [[Ship Tease]]: ''Lots'', which warranted the [[Robo Ship]] "theory" above. In fact, some of the tropes listed in her bio are [[Ship Tease]] in themselves ([[Anger Born of Worry]] and the [[Tear Jerker]], anyone?).
*** [[Fan-Preferred Couple]]: Thanks to the large amounts of the aforementioned [[Ship Tease]] (whether it's a case of [[Relationship Writing Fumble]] or not), many fans warm up to the pairing better than the more "canonical" Zero/Iris. Then again, [[Strangled by the Red String|regarding the latter pair...]]
*** [[Star BoardingStarboarding]]: Unfortunately, because of Zero's mentality in this department, fans have settled for this.
** Neige with Craft, the most blatant example in the ''entire <s> series</s> franchise'' (besides [[Mega Man X|Zero/Iris]]).
* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: A rare canon (at least, [[What Could Have Been]]) example: {{spoiler|X becomes a tyrant [[Knight Templar]] dictator and Zero is the hero with a different body. Though probably Keiji Inafune had a reason for X becoming bad... At least, we can see the potential of it from the backstory for this game.}}
* [[Saved by the Fans]]: X. Not from death per se, but from being an [[Ax Crazy]] dictator. Similar to what happened to [[Kingdom Hearts|Axel]], this resulted in his inaction with regards to the Guardians' attempts to kill Zero. The sequels give him other things to worry about and the issue really doesn't come up again.
* [[That One Boss]]:
** Aztec Falcon from ''Zero 1'', the first mission boss from Zero is almost impossible the first time you fight him. You have no charge attack (unless you spent time grinding it out by going back to the Underground Base; if you're playing on Hard, you're screwed), he isn't vulnerable to combos, and the Z-Buster actually ''bounces off'' when the chance to shoot him presents itself.
** Phantom from the same game is spectacularly cheap compared to his fellow Guardians. Three of the Guardians have an elemental weakness which makes beating them fairly simply. Not Phantom. He's neutral, so it takes longer to kill him. Worse, the other Guardians can have most of their attacks interrupted. Only Phantom's dash attack can be interrupted. It is technically possible to interrupt his [[Doppleganger Spin]] technique with a charged blow, but for added cheapness Phantom will break the technique and strike you should you close in to attempt it. Speaking of the dash attack, he'll often do it until you hit him, and he charges to your position. If you don't hit him right off the bat, he'll get at least one hit in, maybe more if you don't score a knockback hit. Finally, his [[Desperation Attack]] makes him invisible, during which he'll throw kunai at you from random points on the screen. What's worse, he may potentially position himself above the reach of your weapons, or just plain ''above you''. To top this, he has a [[Kaizo Trap]] ability in the second battle.
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** And that's not all. [[Temporary Platform]]s abound. Temporary Platforms that have no side grip, ''shoot bullets downward'', leave no margin for error, and are placed above enemies which you will likely land on should you fall. There's also ''three bosses''.
** Neo Arcadia ''Tower'': [[Spikes of Doom]]. EVERYWHERE!
* [[Viewer Gender Confusion]]:
** Harpuia's voice is [[Megumi Ogata]], a woman. Plus his name is derived from the legend of the Harpy, half bird, half-''women''.
*** It does not help that he's wearing the exact same clothes as Leviathan (the female Guardian) with a [[Palette Swap]] (what appears to be a [[Bare Your Midriff|midriff-baring shirt]] and...panties).
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