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Baten Kaitos/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sidequest]]: Almost ''plays out'' like one, and has a certain feel to it, but it is actually mandatory, to go to the Celestial Alps later in the game to obtain "something Georg left behind for Kalas." Surprise surprise, {{spoiler|turns out the [[Terrible Trio]] [[No One Could Survive That|was alive]] [[Never Found the Body|after all.]]}}
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Very cynical at the beginning, more idealistic towards the end.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: To Giacomo and crew.
* {{spoiler|[[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: After [[The Reveal]].}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Cool Boat]]: Like all ships not belonging to the Empire Or Mira, ''it's alive.''
* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Reblys.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: He fights with ''oars.''
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Balgora's Paddle, and "Ultimate Geyser" as his ultimate Finisher, and either Skull Creel or Creel of the Whale as his equipment magnus.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Slowest character, but has the highest raw base power and very high defense and HP. In fact, there so happens to be one piece of equipment designed to subvert his low speed, turning him into a [[Lightning Bruiser]], if only until you get better equipment.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Not seen clearly in ''Eternal Wings'' due to [[Retcon]], but in ''Origins'', {{spoiler|he blames himself deeply for his father's death.}}
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With King Ladekhan. {{spoiler|''Origins'' shows that they weren't very different as children.}}
* [[Power Trio]]: Forms one of sorts with Ladekhan and Palolo II in Origins.
* [[Retired Badass]]: Sort of.
* [[Sidequest]]: His involves going to the Greater Celestial River to go look for Reblys and Anna, who went looking for a remedy for a kid's fever. Gibari and Reblys end up having a fish-out... {{spoiler|and end up fishing The Lord Of The Celestial River.}}
* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: With Anna to some extent, particularly in ''Origins''.
* [[Team Dad]]: Far and away the oldest member of the six, and serves as something of an authority, although most leadership defaults to [[The Hero|Kalas]].
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: He and Reblys have a fishing competition...''using enormous logs as fishing rods.''
=== Lyude ===
{{quote|*Points his gun* '' {{spoiler|Savyna}}, I have reason to believe that you [[The Mole|are an Imperial Soldier.]]''}}
Imperial Ambassador of the Empire of Alfard to the Kingdom of Diadem. As his title implies, his job is to act as the go-between both nations and see it to it that peace is kept between them.
...Or so he'd like people to believe. As he himself points out, his title is actually little more than a simple name, and indeed his position is actually more of a means to get him out of the way. This is not because he was seen as a threat to the throne, but rather because he was exiled, as we learn not too long after meeting him. Indeed, Lyude is a one-in-a-million citizen of the Empire, one who does not think of himself as being above the rest of the entire world. This is later explained by the fact that, unlike the rest of the Alfard children, he was homeschooled by his surrogate mother {{spoiler|[[Heroic Bastard|and actual real mother]]}} and nanny, Almarde, who taught him to be kind and mindful of others. Thus his defection from the Empire comes when they prove that they have no intention of being pacific, honorable or even fair. A pacifist at heart, Lyude is very nice and also very considerate, finding himself enjoying his stay in Diadem rather than seeing it as an exile as he enjoys the simple pleasures of life that come naturally with the world. Fights with a gun, his magnus taking the form of [[Musical Assassin|brass instruments.]]
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* [[Instrument of Murder]]
* [[Military Brat]]: His siblings are soldiers for [[The Empire]]. He was, too, until he joined you.
** He is also the youngest son of Lyuvann, a soldier who assists Sagi in Ahza during Origins, making this trope literal.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Or, failing that, nanny's boy.
** A side quest in Origins reveals that {{spoiler|Lyude is [[Your Cheating Heart|the nanny's son.]] When Camella finds out, she leaves.}} Hence why Skeed and Vallye consider him [[The Unfavorite]].
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: though it edges into Kuudere at times, she's mostly this.
* [[Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life]]: What she did before joining Kalas.
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]: NEVER stops smiling in Origins, even when {{spoiler|Shannath lays dying before her, or when a paramachina is about to kill her.}}
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: To a point
* [[Hair Decorations]] - Honestly, she could have done with a simple ponytail. And her defense equipment are barrettes.
* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]]
* [[Flechette Storm]]: Her first finisher involves her raining burning feathers on the target.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Phoenix Crest, and her ultimate Finisher is "Deadly Heat Scythe", and either Skull Barrete or Fairy Barrete for her equipment magnus.
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* [[Insistent Terminology]]: ''The Great'' Mizuti.
* [[Kid Hero]]: 14 years old.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Much slower than [[Fragile Speedster|Xelha]], but has substantially more defensive abilities, and can generally soak up hits pretty well. That being said, Mizuti's finishers aren't as good as Xelha's.
* [[Power Floats]]: Floats practically ''everywhere'', and even though Mizuti does walking motions, Mizuti is still levitating even then.
* [[Rings of Death]]: Used as such in only one finisher.
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{{spoiler|As she and Folon reveal, they used to be orphans from Azha whom the Empire bought for use in experiments. Giacomo took them under his wing and kept them close, which earnt him their loyalty. After Giacomo dies at Kalas' hands, she and Folon disappear from the story until they appear at the last minute to help the other rulers breach the shield around Cor Hydrae. After that, at the end of the game, they appear one last time to the scene to bid their farewells to the Guardian Spirit, alongside the rest of the named cast.}}
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Appears at the last minute to help the other rulers of the sky breach Cor Hydrae's magical shield.}}
* [[Blow You Away]]: Her main elemental focus, with her single [[Making a Splash|water]] attack being [[An Ice Person|Chaotic Ice,]] one of two Finishers.
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* [[Adipose Rex]]
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: In ''Origins'', he keeps a scrapbook dedicated to Verus and {{spoiler|takes Verus' betrayal [[Start of Darkness|VERY badly]], almost as a spurned lover}}, and has some generally effiminate mannerisms. In ''Eternal Wings'', his bedroom is filled with children's toys and heart pillows and has a generally pink theme.
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]: Appears barely a few hours into the second disc. [[Spoiled by the Format|Whoops.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Doomed by Canon]]}}: In ''Origins''.
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* {{spoiler|[[Fake Boss]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: ''Twice''. The first canonical one in Origins, where he goes off the deep end after Verus reveals himself. The other one, in ''EWLO'', after [[The Reveal]], when he appears again, he's arguably even ''more'' nuts than before. Just listen to him!}}
* [[Jiggle Physics]]: {{spoiler|His [[One-Winged Angel]] form.}} [[Squick|Oh god.]]
* [[Marathon Boss]]: Can feel like this {{spoiler|in the first battle}} because he will keep healing himself practically every turn.
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{{spoiler|After ''Origins'', it is now very heavily implied that she is Sagi and Milly's daughter, the two having gone to Mira at the end of the game seeking asylum under Duke Calbren. Her hair color, which is the same color as Sagi's after she is redeemed, and her incredible ressemblance to Milly further support this possibility.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: In her backstory.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: She's fully human, and is in one piece, but there's ''something else'' with her.}}
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Ruler of Sadal Suud, the Ancient Frontier. He is a man of pourtly build, often acting in a rather selfish way, and is also criticized to be a coward who kisses up to the Empire. Rodolfo is first seen complying with the Empire's intentions in Sadal Suud in hopes that they will go away quicker. After that, he is said to have confined himself in his mansion after {{spoiler|Malpercio revives.}} Some time later, before the end of the game, he returns to help the other Rulers {{spoiler|destroy Cor Hydrae's shield.}}
In ''Origins'', we see a younger Rodolfo who is a servant to the unnamed Lord at the time, hoping to inherit the post. We see him originally as someone very greedy who would gladly allow the Empire promachinate his country, but it turns out his true intentions are to help push Sadal Suud forward in the world's economy. [[It Got Worse|As expected,]] it doesn't work.
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: What he [[Subverted Trope|''tries'']] to do to Hughes in ''Origins''. Unfortunately, Hughes didn't actually buy it for a minute, and was in fact already prepared for the event.
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* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}
* [[Badass Adorable]]: He's fifteen, baby-faced, naive, and fairly short. Milly even tells him at one point that he's the kind of person who looks like he needs mothering.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Nothing more than a sword and some magic. {{spoiler|Upgrades to [[Badass Abnormal]] after the Heart-to-Heart.}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: {{spoiler|Hurt Sagi's mother}} and Sagi will kick your ass.
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* {{spoiler|[[Gone Horribly Right]]: He is the successful tailor-made spiriter/malideiter.}}
* [[Heavy Sleeper]]: A [[Running Gag]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: He's voiced by Crawford Wilson, aka [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Jet]] and [[The World Ends With You|Beat]].
* [[Improbable Age]]: He's in the Dark Service, and he's only fifteen. Becomes justified later on when you realise {{spoiler|that certain people in the empire knew ''damn well'' who he was.}}
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Is arguably the most balanced of the party.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]
* [[Kid Hero]]: He's 15.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Inspires die-hard loyalty from Milly and Guillo, as well as winning over the leaders of the island nations very easily.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: 'Sagi' is the Japanese word for heron, but it can also mean 'fraud.' {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|It fits the Guardian Spirit more than it does Sagi.]]}}
* [[Momma's Boy]]: A lot of his decisions are based on how they will affect his mother, and she often expresses that she wants him to start doing things to make himself happy. {{spoiler|[[Unstoppable Rage|And God help you if you hurt her...]]}}
* [[Nice Guy]]: Compared to the cynical [[Jerkass]] Kalas, Sagi is very idealistic and upbeat.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Occasionally.
* {{spoiler|[[Tomato in the Mirror]]: Sagi and his spirit aren't quite what he thinks they are.}}
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: {{spoiler|Before Heart-to-Heart, Sagi loses quite a lot of fights. Afterward, he's unstoppable.}}
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Just ask {{spoiler|Shanath}} what happens when you make Sagi angry.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: Verus certainly had him under his thumb.}}
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* [[Child-Hater]]: Children are fascinated by Guillo and play rough with it as a result, which annoys it greatly. Additionally, Guillo mentions [[Kids Are Cruel]] plays a part.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Doesn't help the gender issue at all, either.
* [[Crutch Character]]: When it first joins your party, it's under AI control.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Might not be ''the'' snarkiest character ever created, but it's certainly up there.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Like the others, normal attack elements vary, but its finishers fall under all six elements. It tends to lean more towards the [[An Ice Person|ice]] side of things, however.
* {{spoiler|[[Famous Last Words]]: ''So long, Milliarde. Take care of Sagi!''}}
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Has the highest attack power but pitiful HP and defense.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Hold Your Hippogriffs]]: Frequently.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Parodied. Guillo threatens to eat a lot of people, but never acts upon it.
* [[The Lancer]] ''and'' [[The Smart Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Lost Superweapon]]: Guillo was abandoned by the Children of the Earth, who felt that the world didn't need weapons that could kill a god anymore.}}
Line 568:
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Anyone who says Milly isn't cute is a filthy liar.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Sort of. She's had more education than Sagi, even though she was never particularly interested in school.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Possible interpretation given how ''ecstatic'' she sounds in a scrap.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[The Big Girl]] and [[The Chick]]: She shakes up Sagi and Guillo's in-game two-man band dynamic and also serves as their emotional centre. In-battle, she also seems to get ''very'' into it.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: When [[Genki Girl|Lolo]] shows up, anyway. [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Cute Bruiser]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Doomed by Canon]]: Again, if you buy into the idea that she's the mother of Melodia.}}
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: [[Drop the Hammer|Maces]].
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Normal attacks are variable, of course, but her finishers fall primarily under [[Shock and Awe]], with some hints of [[An Ice Person]] and [[Playing with Fire]], except for a couple which have no element at all.
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: Her crush on Sagi is very obvious. [[Deadpan Snarker|Guillo]] takes a few shots at her for it.
* [[Face Palm]]: When Sagi {{spoiler|reveals that he told Lolo about their wedding}}.
Line 583:
* [[Large Ham]] / [[Not So Above It All]]: Outside of battle, she seems like a fairly cheerful girl with a rather [[Everyone Can See It|obvious]] crush on Sagi. Inside of a battle, she takes considerable bites out of the scenery with her [[Calling Your Attacks|attack cries]]. {{spoiler|It clearly runs in the family.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter]]}}
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: A weird example. She has low offense, but her physical defense is the highest of the three party members, and her low attack power is balanced out by the fact that she hits multiple times per attack (as well as having several unique specials attacks). {{spoiler|Granted, this may be a subtle hint that she's a [[Cyborg]]...}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: She was reporting on the party's actions to her father, Baelhiet.}}
** {{spoiler|She never actually betrays you, however - she admits to this instead.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]: After the spectacular failure of the malideiter project, he fled [[The Empire]] and tried to kill himself. Then, he met his Guardian Spirit.}}
* [[Duel Boss]]: Briefly
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Mostly [[Light Is Not Good]] and [[Playing with Fire]].
* {{spoiler|[[Fake Boss]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Famous Last Words]]: ''Goodbye, Daimon. I'm sorry we never got to see the end of your story''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]]: Milly almost convinces him to stop promachination and land Tarazed. Then Verus steps in...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Realization]]: It takes a beatdown from Sagi and his Guardian Spirit refusing him power to realize it.}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Looks like [[Mass Effect 1|Saren's]] connection with machines is older than we thought.
* [[Large Ham]]: He's calm throughout most of the game, but {{spoiler|when you confront him in Tarazed's control room}}, his VA unleashes the hog.
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist]]: He outright states that even if he had reservations, he conducted the malideiter experiment partly because he wanted to know if it is possible to create an artificial spiriter.}}
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Laughing Mad]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: It's heavily implied that Verus is Sagi's father.}}
* [[Mission Control]]
* [[Mysterious Backer]]
* [[Nice Hat]]: You were expecting otherwise?
Line 679:
Has a daughter, named {{spoiler|Savyna}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Irony]]: The malideiter project is supposed to make Shanath into a perfect heir for [[The Empire]]. Years later, the project's only successful sample kills Shanath. Shanath even muses on this at his last moments.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|To both Baelheit AND Verus.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: The list is quite long.
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: A villain-to-villain example. He is secretly working with Verus.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He genuinely cares about his daughter, {{spoiler|Savyna}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Self-Made Orphan]]: It's heavily implied that Shanath's father is Emperor Olgan, whom Shanath murders at the beginning of the game.}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: As smug as they get.
Line 701:
* [[Recurring Boss]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Her main weapon is some sort of taser.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Fits right in with the rest of the antagonists.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Views Sagi as one after he defeats her under the Celestial Tree.
Line 714:
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: If you choose to spare him, he comes to Milly and Sagi's [[Big Damn Heroes|rescue]] as they flee Tarazed.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He really cares about his brother, Nasca.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: His primary elemental power.
* [[Power Fist]]: His machina arma is a giant gauntlet.
* [[Recurring Boss]]
Line 760:
* [[Genki Girl]]: Very energetic, although also quite intelligent.
* [[The Glomp]]: Gives one to Sagi after he agrees to get her celestial fell-branches, much to Milly's horror.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Catherin Taber, whom you may know better as the voice of [[Final Fantasy XII|Penelo.]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Gets three scenes in the whole game.
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{{spoiler|...or so you thought. Wiseman wasn't quite dead, and spent the next thousand years wandering the earth as a spirit, too weak to regain his power or be sensed by mortals. Upon meeting Verus and sensing his heart, Wiseman bonded himself to Verus, waiting for an opportunity. When Sagi killed Verus, Wiseman was able to devour his heart and steal the power from Tarazed's core, returning to the corporeal world in a more terrifying form than ever before. After a [[Rousing Speech]] from Malpercio, Sagi and co. are able to slay Verus-Wiseman. In his death throes, he vanishes, leaving behind only Verus' cane.}}
* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: He's clearly an antagonist, but at the same time he also doesn't seem to "get" the morality of mortals.
* {{spoiler|[[Assimilation Plot]]: He turns people into pure Magnus and absorbs them.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: Arguably. Should you complete the sidequest that involves him, he shows up after Verus is defeated and absorbs him for the final battle. Whether or not he was actually controlling him isn't confirmed.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Bigger Bad]]: It is his promagnation campaign that started all the problems throughout the series.}}
Line 819:
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: Inhumanly deep and very slow.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: It's never explained exactly what manner of being he is.
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]: In the original past, he escaped the battle of the gods in the confusion of the fight and vanished into history. Sagi, however, can set that right.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]] / [[Moral Event Horizon]]: YMMV but {{spoiler|while his promagnation campaign can be considered incomprehensible to normal people, killing everyone off in Naos who refuses to go along with his ideals is the point where Seph and his family become resolved to stop Wiseman at all costs.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Load-Bearing Boss]]: After taking over Verus, he sucks the afterlings out of Tarazed's core and uses them to give himself more power. Defeating him causes Tarazed to self-destruct.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]] Behind The Man}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Subverted. Seph's group seems to be under the impression that his reasons for {{spoiler|eating Magnus}} are going to be a convoluted mess of [[Xanatos Gambit]]s and emotional manipulation. Instead, he just states his beliefs and tells them to take it or leave it.
* [[Marty Stu]]: A very strange, not to mention ''creepy'', in-universe subversion. When we're first introduced to Wiseman, it's [[Obviously Evil|painfully obvious]] to the protagonists that he's a [[Humanoid Abomination]] but the [[Genre Blind]] villagers ''think'' he's one of these. They proclaim him the best thing to happen to them, spread word of the wings he's given them through teaching them how to embrace their Hearts to encourage everybody else to do everything he says. Not to mention the fact that they revere him like a god and are either totally unaware of or don't care about the fact that this thing {{spoiler|eats souls for breakfast}}. Needless to say, Seph and Sagi's respective parties are ''not'' fooled.
* [[Obviously Evil]]
* [[Royal We]]: Always speaks like this.
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