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{{quote|''Damn right [[Most Tropers Are Young Nerds|we]] are.''|The original [[Nerds Are Sexy/Laconic|laconic definition]] of this trope.}}
Geeks and nerds often have it rough in the romance department, especially in popular culture. Typically, they are stereotyped as being so unattractive that only fellow nerds would find them desirable mates. However, it is interest and intellect that makes the nerd, not looks. And for some folks, intelligence is very, ''very'' attractive.
This trope shows what happens when a character finds that a nerd is, indeed, sexy. The nerd's "objective" looks could fall anywhere within the wide spectrum of human attractiveness; all that matters is that a character finds something about the nerd that arouses his or her interest. If said character is in high school, he or she may grow up to be a [[Hot Scientist]].
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* This is pretty much the entire point to ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]''. The boys on the show don't get laid in spite of their geekiness (except Sheldon, [[Asexuality|for whom sex is less exciting than video games]]), they get laid pretty much ''because'' of it.
** The [[Tagline]] is "Smart is the new sexy".
* [http://oceanup.com/legacy/2009/05/26/david-henrie-selena-gomez-blond.jpg David Henrie], who plays Justin, in ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]''. The nerdy boy that builds robots, collects action figures and can't do more pull-ups than his younger sister. Surprisingly (or not), in the show [[Unwanted Harem|he has a lot of girlfriends]].
* ''A Town Called [[Eureka]]'' is this troop in a nutshell seeing as it's a town full of Super Geniuses/nerds. It also created a 'Chicks find the Science talk sexy in some of the episodes. Good examples are Zane, Henry, Alison Claudia (kinda counts she was in both Warehouse 13/Eureka Crossovers)
* Ben Wyatt in ''[[Parks and Recreation]]'' is into math, model trains, skinny ties, plaid shirts, and ''Game of Thrones'', but that doesn't stop Leslie Knope, Shauna Malwae-Tweep, Marlene Griggs-Knope, and Joan Callamezzo from hitting on/chasing after him.
* Castiel, despite being labeled in-universe as "nerd angel", is also referred to as "sexy" and "pretty" by demon and angel alike.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Although Xander, Willow, and Wesley are all sexy nerds in their way, it's Giles who's sexy ''because'' he's a nerd. Or, as a love interest put it, "a sexy fuddy-duddy".
** Later lampshaded when even Tara and Willow, both lesbians, find Giles singing "Behind Blue Eyes" incredibly sexy.
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* In the ''[[NCIS]]'' episode "Singled Out", the team was looking for a killer who believed in this trope, and Ziva goes undercover as a nerd in an attempt to identify him.
* A [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFKwnHJQXsY 2009 Intel commercial] featured a male Asian office worker freshening his cup of coffee. Semi-porn background music can be heard. All the women are staring hungrily at this guy, who sees it but acts too cool to respond to it, like this is normal for him. At the end, a voice over identifies this normal-looking nerd as the inventor of the USB port. (He was actually just an actor, but it gets the job done.)
* In ''[[Gilmore Girls]]'', Rory is seen wearing a t-shirt that says "Reading is Sexy." Considering the action she gets over the course of the series, she's right.
* Spencer Reid of ''[[Criminal Minds]] graduated from high school at 12, has two B As by 16, has an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory. In one episode Hotch mentions this "Reid was propsitioned by every prostitute we talked to."
* The Doctor, from ''[[Doctor Who]]'', [[No Hugging, No Kissing|at least in the incarnations where he's allowed a love interest]]. Many characters seem attracted by just how intelligent the Doctor is, with such a wide range of knowledge that it vastly out-scopes anything we know. Of course, being good looking and having a time machine probably doesn't hurt, either.
** Several of his companions fit this trope, although they are usually [[Overshadowed by Awesome|overshadowed by the Doctor]].
* As Scully of [[The X-Files]] says of the two scientists in "War of the Coprophages" who walk off into the sunrise together: "Smart is sexy".
* [[Ugly Betty]] gets a lot of it. The title character may be cute and even beautiful upon certain occasions, but her sexy turns on only in the last few episodes of the series. Most of her boyfriends are often the embodiment of the trope, with nerdy accountant Henry having some serious male model-like body going for him.
* Modern Family's Alex is both absolutely gorgeous in all her nerdiness and 'has her fans as she says, literally: "You have your fans, I have mine. And one day, your fans are going to work for my fans."
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[Mad Scientist]] Kokonoe from [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]].
* ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'''s Ryusei Date is the epitome of otakuness, having more interest in the features of whichever [[FemBot]] was currently in the hangar than real girls. Nevertheless, Latooni Subota and Mai Kobayashi fall for him, the former going as far as [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75fh1LghX9U imitating his geeky speech out of affection.] [[Celibate Hero|Ryusei himself doesn't seem to mind, though.]]
* Philia Felice from ''[[Tales of Destiny]]'' is a really nerdy priestess, complete with nerd glasses, who have a penchant of inventing self-made bombs. However, that turns out to be one of her charms ([[Lampshade Hanging|she also admits that she's plain looking without her glasses]]), including her nice personality as well as [[Kikuko Inoue|her voice]].
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* '' [[Times Like This]]'': Cassie, the main character, is a brainiac with a mean sex drive. When she's not [http://timeslikethis.com/index.php?id=295 banging famous guys throughout history] thanks to her self-made time machine, she's [http://timeslikethis.com/index.php?id=182 sneaking boyfriends into her workplace] for some conference-table whoopee.
** You can also order [http://www.cafepress.com/overdone.305387215 "Sexy Nerd" merchandise] from TLT's Cafe Press page.
* ''Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet'', has computer abilities that reach [[Mad Scientist]] levels. If you try [[Playful Hacker|hack]][[Cracker|ing]] any system she administers, she '''will''' detect it, and she'll set things up so any train or plane you get on will only take you to [[Place Worse Than Death|Fort Wayne, Indiana]]. She's also a curvy blonde bombshell. Once she was pursuing Spencer, [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased|who didn't want to date her]]. When he hid in a nightclub and she barged in looking for him, the mental reaction of every other male in the room was, "Man, is she hot!" One of them, a few seconds later, asked Spencer, "Are you insane? How many other supermodels are chasing you?"
== Web Original ==
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* In the episode of ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'' where the Riddler reforms (or rather, [[Chronic Villainy|attempts to]]), he ends up with quite a few women fawning over him. Unless that's an example of [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]].
* In ''[[The Real Ghostbusters]]'', Janine has a crush on nerdy Egon for his high intelligence. So do a handful of minor female characters.
** Janine's crush was a holdover from the movie where she is quite blatantly hitting on Egon, and Egon is either clueless or doing a good job pretending he's clueless.
* Used in an episode of ''[[Robot Chicken]]''. After seeing [[Cue the Flying Pigs|hell freeze over]] we are treated to a nerd dance around in his underwear, gleefully singing about getting laid. The hot girl in bed states, in a rather matter of fact manner, that she thinks nerds are hot.
* Tecna from ''[[Winx Club]]'', though her boyfriend is even more of a nerd than she is.
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