Battle for Wesnoth: Difference between revisions

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* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Multiple units use these; the most obvious example is the Loyalists' Spearman, and one of its advancement lines (Spearman-->Pikeman-->Halberdier).
* [[Bottomless Pits]]: The chasm terrains.
* [[Bow and Sword Inin Accord]]: Most Elvish units, the Orcish Ruler line and the Orcish Warlord. Some Loyalist units, like the Duelist, Dragoon and Lieutenant, also use swords and crossbows. And almost every archer in the game has a short sword or dagger for retaliating against melee attacks.
** This is a popular combination for leader units, including Konrad in Heir to the Throne, Haldric in Rise of Wesnoth, and Tallin in Northern Rebirth.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Drakes. All of them can breathe fire, though the Clashers can't do when wearing full armor, and hence, the Clasher-line units have no fire attack in-game.
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* [[Cincinnatus]]: Kalenz from ''Legend of Wesmere'' has a habit of doing this.
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: Aside of gameplay, [[Scripted Event]]s are used for "cutscene" chat, and not necessarily on map related events. In the beginning of ''Heir to the Throne'' this includes [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|on attacking]] the first time and [[Bond One Liner|on killing an unit]] the first time.
{{quote|'''Delfador''': I am Delfador the Great. [[Prepare to Die|Prepare to die!]]
(or): Only a fool would dare to attack me!
(crackle crackle crackle)
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* [[Leaked Experience]]: Basically the only way to level up healers.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Expect to see a lot in multiplayer, as it takes some experience to learn that ''because I can'' is not good enough a reason for attacking. One has to take into account the day/night cycle, terrain, formations and the overall tactical situation. Also, the AI tends to be somewhat of a leeroy itself, at times.
* [[Left -Justified Fantasy Map]]
* [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Although the balancing of the game prevents any units that can obviously be used like this, some units are much more powerful than they would appear at first. The Elvish Shaman has negligible attack power, but has the "slow" special ability that renders enemy units much easier to attack and largely incapable of retreating.
* Also, [[Magikarp Power]]: That same Shaman, though initially limited to the support role of healing and slowing, can be transformed into a direct-attack offensive spellcaster, the Sorceress, upon leveling up. She loses her healing ability in the process, but gains the ability to cast the arcane Faerie Fire spell, which is very strong against magical opponents (especially Undead). She can go all the way up to level 4 and become an Elvish Sylph with enough XP - which is one of the most powerful mainline-balanced units in the game.