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*** Then there are some Chlarkans who actually think that even Clark, the future ''Superman'', isn't good enough for the supposedly-saintly Chloe anymore, and that the only reason they should get together is because anyone else would be even 'less' deserving of Chloe. Or that he could be a part of her superpowered harem.
** A lot of fans think the show is just tired and stale now, while some others think the show has gotten better.
** In recent years, the Smallville fanbase has been divided between those who think that Chloe and [[Green Arrow|Oliver]] are the best couple in the show's history and that they should stay romantically involved vs. those who point out that Ollie ends up with Black Canary in the comics. The Chlollie ship was so almost-universally beloved that even the ''showrunners'' seemed reluctant to break them up. Finally, the showrunners {{spoiler|came up with a compromise in the final episode: Chloe is seen 7 years after the events of the series reading a story to a young boy who appears to almost definitely be her and Ollie's son. However, the show leaves it ambiguous and open-ended whether she and Oliver are actually still together romantically or not. This way, the Chlollie shippers are able to speculate that Chlollie are still married, while the mythos supporters can speculate that they are no longer married but that Oliver still helps Chloe to take care of their son.}}
** And then there's the group that just watches the damn show for enjoyment, wants to be surprised and entertained rather than getting some ship-wish-fulfillment, and is able to go along even with twists they don't particularly care for without (too much) bitching. Needless to say, that's a very minor group, and not very vocal. And unlikely to visit this site, anyway.
* As is probably inevitable among fans of a very [[Long Runner]] with a constant turnover of creators and wide variations in style from season to season, ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fandom is not so much Broken as splintered into a whole pile of glittering but sharp-edged pieces. Some debates have been running for decades but stil raise passions. The Third Doctor, charmingly anti-establishment gentleman hero or arrogant, bigoted, militaristic tool of the Man? Season 17, sparklingly intelligent highpoint of the show as comedy or unfunny, underwritten, overeducated tosh made with contempt for anyone who wasn't at Cambridge with Douglas Adams? John Nathan-Turner, producer who did his best under difficult circumstances or the Devil Incarnate Himself? Colin Baker, crap performance or good performance in crap scripts? [[Seasonal Rot|Worst Season Ever]], 22, 23, or 24? Seasons 25-6, the final nail in the show's coffin or brilliant comeback [[Screwed by the Network]]? The 1991-2005 spin-off novels, superb, thoughtfully [[Darker and Edgier]] exploration of the full potential of the universe and characters for grown-ups, or dull, pretentious, adolescently [[Darker and Edgier]], [[Continuity Lock Out]]-prone [[Wangst]]-fest? Do any of the non-TV spin-offs count as canon at all?
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* ''[[Power Rangers]]'': Generally, the fanbase divides itself into a four or five-tier format: people either generally like all seasons, don't like anything after ''Wild Force'' (season 10, the start of the ''Disney Era''), don't like anything after ''In Space'' (season 6), or don't like anything after season 9 ''Time Force'', or don't like anything past the original series (seasons 1-3). Occasionally, you will encounter holdouts who think it ''all'' sucks in comparison to the glory that is Tommy Oliver.
** What style is better? Campy like ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' or dark like ''[[Power Rangers Time Force]]''?
** Whether or not to count the [[Re CutRecut]] of ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' officially as season 18. Press releases from Nickelodeon and question responses from Saban Capital Group's official ''Power Rangers'' Twitter page indicate that they both consider ''Samurai'' to officially be [[Word of God|year/season 19]]; which does [[Word of Dante|suggest]] that they, in the very least, count the recut as season 18.
** Then there's the group that contest that ''[[Super Sentai]]'' is vastly superior and that the mere act of creating an American version of the show is both racist and disrespectful to the source material. (Let's not mention that a subtitled version of ''[[Super Sentai]]'' would never achieve mass commercial success in the West and that most of the people in this camp found out about ''[[Super Sentai]]'' through- you guessed it- ''[[Power Rangers]]''.)
** And while we're on the subject of [[Toku]]: the group that believes ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' is becoming a [[Merchandise-Driven]] [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys]] and a one-man version of [[Super Sentai]] (with -- god forbid -- [[Combining Mecha]]) versus the group that enjoys the newer series for their entertainment value and believes that the shift in style is just an effect of a naturally-changing culture ''versus'' the group that hates all New Generation [[Kamen Rider]] series and believes that the Old Generation stuff is vastly superior in every single way.
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** With the new developments of Season Four, the fandom has been broken into three parts. Some religious fans are offended by the possibility of not-so-good angels, some atheists are offended that God has been brought into it while others are saying that this has finally made the mytharc interesting.
** ''Metamorphosis'' spawned a [[Broken Base]] in a matter of days. The Deanfen are defending Dean's actions to the death and are spitting molten hate at Sam, the Samfen are bending over backwards to defend Sam and are wanting Dean to be punished, there are others who are fandom the writer for her apparent OOC characterizations and then there is the sane minority who think that both Sam and Dean are on a whole new level of fucked up and while it doesn't excuse their behaviour, it certainly explains it.
** This isn't even mentioning the violent shipping wars between Wincest (Sam/Dean) Dean/Cas, and more recently, Sassy (Sam/Cas).
** There is also great debates on which actor is better, whether or not the quality of the acting/writing/show in general has gone up/down over the seasons, whether or not the show should have ended at season 5, and the quality of season 6.
** Whether or not the show is filled with sexism, misogyny, racism, and [[Unfortunate Implications]].
** There is also quite a bit of debate over whether the new seasons are any good. Some fans love seasons 6 and 7 while others renounce them and have their end of Supernatural with the season 5 finale.
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' is complicated, everyone puts their own marker for exactly where it went wrong somewhere different if they even believe it did. There are a few key events that tend to mark the large general shifts in the show dividing it into three compartments. Basically you have the age of Apophis making up the first few seasons, then the post Apophis period (the start of which is signified by his actual death in the prime timeline) which is known most for Anubis and everything related and finally the Ori arc which starts in season nine and sees the introduction of an entirely new set of badguys (the old ones now thoroughly defeated) and quite a few changes to the regular cast.
** Not to mention, the fans who ostensibly stopped watching when Daniel died, but are still part of fandom versus those who thought his return negated the issue completely.
** Fargate SG-1.
* ''[[Stargate Universe]]'' has a divide between Young and Rush supporters. This is probably intentional.
** The show also represented a schism between those who enjoyed the prior two series, some enjoying the more dramatic tone added to the stories, and some who hated what was perceived as a loss of comedic elements. The disgruntlement of the latter was cited by some the producers as a cause for the shows eventual cancelling. This was [[Serious Business]] to some fans on Gateworld who believed that they were being censored when they expressed their hatedom on the boards. In protest, they started their own website.
** Also the fight between those who wanted [[The Load|Chloe]] thrown out the nearest airlock up against a (unusual, as they are diametrically opposed [[Shipping]] pairings) combined force of the [[Just Friends|Chloe/Eli]] and [[Official Couple|Chloe/Scott]] shippers who wanted her to stay.
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'': fans kind of split off from the rest of [[Star Trek]] fandom rather more violently than proponents of other series', but there's also the small base who think anything after the original three seasons of the original ''[[Star Trek]]'' is crap. (Hey, even [[Seasonal Rot|season three of TOS]] is dicey.)
** And now a schism is opening between people who are willing to give JJ Abrams' interpretation in [[Star Trek (film)|the 2009 movie]] a chance, and others who have been adamant that anything less than slavish devotion to the original series is automatic grounds for [[Fanon Discontinuity/Film|Discontinuity]].
*** Not necessarily just TOS, arguably more people ignore anything after the end of either ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager]]'' or'' [[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]]''. You get the same thing with the movies at various points, often after ''First Contact'' or ''Nemesis''. A few fans ignore everything made after [[Gene Roddenberry]] died (a decent amount of ''The Next Generation'' plus everything after it).
** Also: Kirk vs. Picard (see the page quote), were ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager]]'' and ''[[Enterprise]]'' any good, some or all of the various movies etc...
*** A fair answer to Kirk vs. Picard came in an ad for ''[[Attack of the Show!]]'' promoting new co-host Candice Bailey. She's being grilled by main host Kevin Periera, who asks her this question; her response is [[Geeky Turn On|"Yes, please!" in an aroused tone of voice]].
** The ''[[Enterprise]]'' episode "Regeneration" is especially divisive. Some thinking it one of the best episodes ever, while dissenters....well don't.
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'', [[Battlestar Galactica Classic|old show]] vs. [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|new]].
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* ''[[A Different World]]'', after season 1, and whether or not the latter seasons are better than season 1. and of course the fandom wars of Denise and Dewayne, VS. Dewayne and Whitley.
* [[Main/Ptitleg 61 am 70 o 3 b 3 w|M* A* S* H]], anyone? D'you prefer the earlier seasons, before [[Jump the Shark|Alan Alda took over behind the camera and it became preachy instead of funny]], or [[Grow the Beard|the later seasons, where the show realised the wacky comedy didn't fit too well, and became deep instead of dissonant]]?
* Some people quit watching ''[[NCIS]]'' after {{spoiler|Kate <s>converted to Hinduism</s> was killed}} and Ziva and Jenny Shepard were added to the cast. The majority came back, but many didn't and some who did continue to watch still felt the early seasons were superior to the later. Ziva (who was always something of a bone of contention) became extremely polarising in season six and is disliked or outright hated by a sizeable chunck of the audience.
** Jenny Shepard as well. Some fans adored her, others loathed her, and all were vocal. There were also those that liked the character when she was first introduced and joined the hating side during the La Grenouille arc.
* Because ''[[Glee]]'' can alternate rapidly between campy, screwball comedy ("Vitamin D") and more serious episodes ("Preggers," "Mattress") there is a bit of a schism in the fanbase between viewers who watch it for the zany, off-the-wall moments, and those who watch it for the deeper, more dramatic storylines. As the [http://www.avclub.com/articles/mashup,34411/ AV Club's Todd VanDerWerff] (who is firmly of the latter camp) puts it: "There are times when I suspect that the reasons I like ''Glee'' are singularly unlike most of the reasons shared by the, sigh, Gleeks." It's not much of an issue yet, but could become one as the show goes on and decides where exactly in the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism]] it fits.
** [[Van Der Werff]] himself tends to note [http://www.avclub.com/articles/throwdown,34138/ in] [http://www.avclub.com/articles/mashup,34411/ his] [http://www.avclub.com/articles/bad-reputation,40820/ reviews] that the three creators/writers tend to consistently present different approaches to the series: Ryan Murphy is interested in (somewhat purposely) ridiculous soap opera plotting based on old after-school specials; Ian Brennan in finding the small moments of happiness in a sad world full of failure (a la [[Freaks and Geeks]]); and Brad Falchuk serves as a compromise, attempting to fit ridiculous moments into a realistic world filled with deep characters (compared by [[Van Derwerff]] to [[Buffy]]). Though most fans don't tend to notice the specific differences between the writers, some have noted their preference for certain levels of realism in the show.
** There's a divide forming based on whether fans prefer the first or second half of season 1. The first 13 episodes of the show were mostly produced prior to the series beginning to air, while the next 9 (four of which have aired as of this addition) followed a four-month broadcast hiatus. As a result, musical numbers have increased from as little as one or two large sequences per episode to usually one per act following the hiatus (at the arguable risk of time devoted to story); fan favorite, sometime-antagonist and fan-favorite Sue was pushed to the foreground and given her own songs, while characters like Artie, Tina, and Quinn had less screen-time; and an overall dark, satirical tone (the pilot, for instance, had a teacher plant weed on a student to blackmail him into joining glee, and characters regularly lied about pregnancies or had unhappy marriages) with small moments of happiness, replaced by a brighter, cheerier tone.
** As the show has gone on into its second season, it's become so hard to find ''anything'' that fans won't fight to the death over that it's probably just best to regard ''[[Glee]]'' fandom as a base not so much broken as splintered beyond all hope of repair...
** To emphasize that point, Glee has one of the longest YMMV pages of any series on this site.
** And of course a mention must be given to the events at the end of 'Mash Off', where even attempts to remain neutral will be doomed to fiery faliure.
* ''[[Prison Break]]''. It depends for every fan, since each of the four seasons are radically different from each other (including its tone and writing quality). Some fans enjoyed all four seasons, more or less. Others dismiss seasons three and four as unwatchable. A few viewers stopped watching after season one's long awaited jail break. But generally, season one is favored by the fanbase, while season three is widely disliked.
* ''[[Survivor]]'''s [[Base Breaker|Russell Hantz]], of seasons 19 and 20, notably caused the first major rift between the show's non-internet fanbase and its internet fanbase. Rupert of ''Pearl Islands'' caused a similar rift, but it wasn't nearly as pronounced. Due to the show's editing positioning him as a [[Villain Protagonist]], Russell tended to be very popular with casual fans of the show (note his winning of two consecutive "America's Favorite Survivor" awards), however, he's absolutely reviled at forums such as "Survivor Sucks", where both of his losses in the final vote triggered huge celebrations. Note that the internet doesn't entirely hate Russell, it tends to be about 60-40 in favor of hating him, and mentioning him will likely cause a huge [[Internet Backdraft]] wherever you go.
* ''[[The Amazing Race]]'' has two groups of fans, those who believe that [[This Is a Competition|This Is A Race]] (and prefer to intense competition between the teams), and the [[Call It Karma]] fans (who watch to see teams they like). They generally get along at the beginning of a season, until something sets them off and the flame wars carry on for the remainder of the season. Arguments about team selection and how the courses should be planned out can get pretty heated as well.
** Ask the fans to rank the seasons. Seasons 5, 7, and 12 will generally be at the top, while 8 and 15 will be at the bottom, but no one will be able to agree on how everything else places in-between.
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* There are two types of ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' fans: the ones who claim the show hasn't been good since [cast member of choice] left and who often only watch it to complain about how it isn't good anymore, and the ones who understand that the nature of the show inevitably lends itself to periods of ups and downs, and who watch anyway. The former group is something of an annoyance to the latter, since many of them claim that they [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|"haven't watched SNL since the 70s/80s/90s"]] and will insult anyone who actually likes the current seasons.
* ''[[Degrassi]]'' has a fandom divide between the 'original cast' (Seasons 1 to 7) and the 'new cast' (Seasons 7 to present). While the general rallying cry of the former is 'the Show should have ended when J.T. died', the issue has very little to do with the character. The former believes that the latter cast is poorly hidden copies, the latter believes that the new cast is a superior second attempt. Both sides do generally agree Seasons 7 and 8 sucked.
** Speaking of Degrassi, what about the other series like [[Degrassi Junior High]] and [[Degrassi High]]? Even among fans of those, how canon is ''The Kids From Degrassi Street'' and is it good or not?
* In the wake of Bob Barker's retirement, you can pretty much classify fans of [[The Price Is Right]] into two categories: those who think that Drew Carey is a [[Replacement Scrappy|terrible host who is running the show straight into the scrapheap]], and those who think that he's not quite that bad.
* It almost unanimous that fans of ''[[Roseanne]]'' all hate the last season. The split comes from people hating it for different reasons. Some hate the fact the Conners won the lottery, changed their lifestyle and the show stopped being about a blue collar family (although this becomes a moot point when the [[Wham! Episode]] aired that season). And the latter group hate the wham episode for that very reason, not really because it made the lottery win moot, but because it made the show end on a devastating [[Downer Ending]] implying that {{spoiler|after Dan died, Rosie never realized her dream of becoming a writer. And the rest of the family is still stuck in a low income working class rut}}. Of course there are a few proponents whom found the "coping method" implemented by Rosie through her writing to be depressing [[Fridge Brilliance]]. As they believe there were subtle hints that {{spoiler|their lives as rich lottery winners was fake all along.}}
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* [[Jericho]] fans have an interesting twist in who is responsible for the nuts campaign that saved the show. The two main groups involved both claim credit for running a successful campaign and for the idea of sending in Nuts something that happened in a chat room right after the show aired. Although which chat room is hotly debated with supporters of Shaun O'mac saying it started in his chat and the supporters of Schumi claiming it started in Jeritopia. Both sides accuse the other of using the campaign for their own gain or trying to control the fandom. This is what led to the second campaign failing(without an effective leader any attempts fell apart) and why much of the fandom simply drifted away after the second season ended. Also if you are ever asked your favourite couple from the show was Stanley/Mimi because stating you like either Jake/Emily or Jake/Heather is risky. Also there is some debate over whether the show improved in the darker later episodes or if the earlier more optimistic were better.
* [[War of the Worlds (TV series)|War of the Worlds]] is a interesting case. When season 2 arrived most hated it, especially after they killed off {{spoiler|Drake and [[Badass|Ironhorse]]}}. Some thought the show actually [[Grew the Beard]] around season 2. Almost two decades later and people's opinions about season 2 has started to be a lot less critical (just short of being [[Vindicated by History]]). Some feel that the second season wasn't bad per se', but just felt that the show's changes was too abrupt. Some believe that the second season would have worked better if the show had a build up to the setting of season 2. Thus making the changes less jarring.
* The infamous feud between Shannen Doherty and Alyssa Milano still causes heated debates among ''[[Charmed]]'' fans to this day, despite the fact that the two actresses seem to be at peace with one another now.
** A lot of this stems from complaints about the show becoming [[Lighter and Softer]] after Pru's death.
* [[Mad Men]]: Some fans want to see a Don Draper / Peggy Olsen relationship, others emphatically do not.
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** On the subject of Michonne, she's confirmed for season 3, along with (presumably) the Governor.
** Did the show get better, or did it devolved into a [[Soap Opera]] [[Melodrama|melodramatic]] [[Wangst]] fest with a light dusting of zombies?
* ''[[CSI]]'' suffered this after Grissom and Sara became an [[Official Couple]].
** The post-Grissom era did it to an extent as well, dividing the Langston fans from the Langston dislikers.
* ''[[CSI: NY]]'' has gotten into the picture as well with the pairing up of Danny and Lindsay.
* ''[[CSI: Miami]]'' in general. Half the 'CSI' franchise fans enjoy it and the other half can't stand David Caruso.
* Virtually most, if not all British shows that get "exported" to other countries suffers from this trope.
** Case in point: [[Top Gear]] UK is loved in general by (mostly) everyone, but there is a strong divide with fans of [[Top Gear US]]. The divides range from the hosts (Tanner Faust is too wooden and stiff, Rutledge Wood's [[NASCAR]] background and his annoying fratboy attitude, to Adam Ferrara's "lack of creditable car credentials") to the format changes (News is generally extremely brief to accommodate commercials, the renaming of Star in a Reasonably Priced Car to "Big Star, Little Car, Season 2.1 seemed to have turned into weekly "Cheap Car Challenges" which would dominate the program time, etc.) to the fears that due to the advertising dollars that fund such shows, fair and honest criticism would be squashed in order to "please the advertisers." Prominent car guy and comedian Jay Leno remarked that such a show would never flourish in the United States in it's original form.
* ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' fans are generally split into three groups: 1) Fanboys who watch it for Barney Stinson and are [[Misaimed Fandom|actually serious in their belief]] he's a [[Draco in Leather Pants|legitimately awesome and admirable person]] (these are the [[Wolverine Publicity|targets of CBS's pandering]] and the ones responsible for most of the show's [[Popcultural Osmosis]]). 2) Fangirls who watch it for the [[Fan-Preferred Couple|Barney/Robin]] [[Will They or Won't They?]] romance arc and treat the rest of the show, especially Marshall and Lily, as filler (these are the ones responsible for the majority of fanfiction, fan wank, and flame wars). 3) The sane contingent who watch it for the unique narrative format and style of humor, the [[Continuity Porn]], and the heavily-foreshadowed progression of the five characters and their path from Robin joining the group to the point in their lives where Ted meets the mother. This last one, of course, is drowned out in the storm of [[Shipping]] and [[Memetic Mutation]].
* The last episode of season one of AMC's [[The Killing]] was extremely polarizing.
** Definitely the second season.
** Is Linden a great character? or a emotionless robot who is unlikable.
** Mitch is also very Polarizing. A traumatized mother, or a selfish whiny [[Angst]] filled bitch?
** Is Holder the only likable character, or is his tweaker like, pseudo ghetto characterization annoying?
* [[Homeland]] for the same reason as [[The Killing]]. The way the first season ended really irritated some fans.
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