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Batman and Catwoman ''finally'' confessed their love for one another, then got married and had a daughter. The daughter, Helena, had all the benefits of being rich (an excellent education, etc.), was trained by her parents to be an excellent athlete, and joined Dick Grayson's law firm. However, tragedy struck and Selena was blackmailed into donning the Catwoman suit for one more heist, which led to her death. Swearing vengeance on the blackmailer, Helena Wayne became the costumed heroine, the Huntress. No, this was not a badly written fan-fic, this was what happened on Earth-Two, during the [[Pre Crisis]] era. Even after her father, the Earth-Two Batman, died in battle with a villain after coming out of semi-retirement one last time, she continued crimefighting with Dick Grayson (''still'' going by Robin even though he was well into middle age), and joined the [[Justice Society of America]]. Then ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]'' happened, and all of the Earth-Two characters "never existed".
...until the 'New 52' reboot, where Earth-Two is not the previous Earth-Two. In the New 52 Earth-Two, Helena Wayne was trained by her father to be the perfect Robin. Somehow or another, she ended up in the main 52-verse, where she took on the identities of Huntress and Helena Bertinelli.
* [[Action Girl]]
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Played straight. Michael Lane [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|ranges from Type 3 to Type 4 all the way to Type 5]].
* [[Anti-Hero Substitute]]: Michael Lane tried to be this during the ''Battle for the Cowl'' event where he was first introduced (''[[Long Title|Batman: Battle For the Cowl: Azrael: Death's Dark Knight]]''. Dark Knight?). It didn't work out.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Micheal Lane slowly got more and more [[Ax Crazy]] as his series wound down to a close. {{spoiler|He got better (slightly) [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|after he came back from the dead]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: On the third day, no less.}}
* [[Big Bad Friend]]: Michael Lane's {{spoiler|assistant, Adrian Paratino, actually works for Ra's freakin' al Ghul}}.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: Check.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: When he wants to be.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: A lot of people have noted that Michael Lane's costume looks like something out of ''[[Assassin's Creed]]''.
* [[Doing inIn the Wizard]]: Completely [[Averted Trope|averted]] in Michael Lane's series, where the Suit of Sorrows is only described as "cursed" or "magic."
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Michael Lane carries ''two'' flaming swords; one red and [[Technicolor Fire|one blue]].
* [[Flaming Sword]]: Ditto. As stated before, Michael Lane has two.
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* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: ''Every day''.
* [[Legacy Character]]: Applies, as Michael is only the most recent incarnation of a line of Azraels who work for Sacred Order of St. Dumas splinter group the Order of Purity. All they need is the Suit of Sorrows and a volunteer. All of the people who wore the Suit of Sorrows were eventually driven insane by it. Heck, it only took six weeks to do the trick for Michael Lane's predessor.
* [[Mission Fromfrom God]]: Mikey is convinced that he's on one of these, though considering how around the bend he is, thanks to the Suit of Sorrows...
* [[Mook Face Turn]]: Michael Lane once worked for [[Grant Morrisons Batman|Dr. Hurt of the Black Glove]], and accepted an offer to become Azrael partly as his way of atoning for his perceived role in the demise of [[Batman]].
* {{spoiler|[[Offscreen Afterlife]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]]. Michael Lane briefly went to someplace that was obviously meant to be purgatory}}.
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* [[Large Ham]]: He purposefully invokes this in his original Ditko incarnation, in order to terrify criminals into submission. [[Flanderization|All subsequent versions]], though, have portrayed the Creeper persona as being [[Cloudcuckoolander|genuinely out of his gourd]].
* [[Laughing Mad]]
* [[Make Me Wanna Shout]]: [[Depending on the Writer]], his laugh can range from a deadly sonic weapon to [[The Hyena|just plain annoying]].
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: {{spoiler|His Creeper side has been recently revealed to be demonic in nature.}}
* [[Slasher Smile]]
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== Abuse (Colin Wilkes) ==
Colin was a ten year old orphan with a history of claustrophobia, chiroptophobia, abandonment issues, paranoia and violence. He had spent time in several foster homes, and underwent therapy sessions at the Children's Hospital. He was introduced to superheroes by George, a janitor at one of the orphanages he grew up in. He started collecting newspaper clippings, which was everything he had ever owned, along with his teddy bear Rory.
The Scarecrow abducted Colin and experimented on him with a synthetic Venom, hoping Batman would not fight children. But, realizing that despite Colin's grotesque appearance he was a child at heart, Batman used his Batrope to stick Colin's teddy bear to Crane causing him to attack Scarecrow instead of Batman. In the end, Batman prevented Colin from killing the Scarecrow by cutting his venom lines. Scarecrow was arrested, and Colin was moved to a hospital.
After the hospital, Colin was placed in St. Aden's Orphanage. He was still suffering from side effects of the Venom-treatment, and when he concentrated, he could activate it, changing into a giant behemoth. He decided to use this nearly indestructible form to fight crime, but knew he didn't look the part. He donned a trench coat and a hat, and ordered custom-made brass knuckle dusters that carried his new name: Abuse.
Though his first superheroing involved stopping robberies, he later turned to something bigger when he found children's bodies in the river. After investigating Humpty Dumpty's connection, he teamed up with Robin to take down the cause of the bodies: an illegal fighting ring for children, operated by Mr. Zsasz. Robin and Colin took him down, and shut down the operation. As a sign of gratitude, Robin gave Colin the Cycle of Abuse, a trike, because he thought Abuse looked stupid walking with his trench coat.
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* [[Brains and Brawn]]: An argument can be made that he fits either or, with Damian fitting the opposite.
* [[Brother Chuck]]: Hasn't been seen since the cancelleation of ''Streets of Gotham''. And thanks to the recent DC reboot, it'll be a miracle if he ever shows up again.
** [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: DC artist Dustin Nguyen said he had a lot planned for Colin that wasn't able to be fit in the original arc, but to ''keep an eye on the reboot''. People are really hoping it happens.
* [[Healing Factor]]: When Damian asked a few days later if Colin was okay from the fight, Colin said "I... Abuse heals quick." It turns out he was mostly wearing all those band-aids because he thought they looked cool.
* [[Heartwarming Orphan]]: With his parents dead and moving from foster home to foster home, he's had to mature quicker than others. It doesn't stop him from being nice to other children and doesn't let his neuroses get him down.
* [[Hulking Out]]: Albeit it doesn't require any [[Unstoppable Rage]] and he's still in full control.
** He can also do it partially, at first only affecting his leg so it would grow and break a restraint.
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[[Category:Batman Supporting Cast]]
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