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== Tabletop RPG ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]''
** In "The Mansion of Mad Professor Ludlow" in ''Dragon'' magazine #42, the player characters are Boy Scouts investigating a haunted house. In one room is what appears to be an innocent maiden chained to the wall. She is actually a [[Horny Devils|succubus]] and very hungry.
** In the original [[Greyhawk]] campaign, the demon lord Fraz-Urb'Iuu was trapped in a stone prison below Castle Greyhawk. He finally tricked two adventurers into performing several heroic deeds to free him, and rewarded them by taking them to his home plane on the Abyss as his slaves.
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[[Category:Betrayal Tropes]]
[[Category:Horror Tropes]]
[[Category:False Innocence Trick]]
[[Category:Demonic Characters]]
[[Category:Identity Index]]
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