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== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Zombie Loan]]'': a classic example of this: The two guys are [[Chained Heat|literally chained together]] and have to work together (IE not kill each other again) to get their debt paid.
* ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'', when Natsuki agrees to work with Mai and Mikoto, although she does eventually become friends with both of them. Further in episode 16, Midori unites the HiME into the "HiME Rangers" against a common threat despite them still holding grudges against each other... although it's subverted given Midori's selfish reason for doing so, and subverted again, and brutally, with The Reveal at the end of that very episode. This happens quite a bit between Mai and Natsuki [[Mai-HiME (manga)|in the manga]], as well. Aside from the pair sharing a [[Living MacGuffin]] in Yuuichi, the student council (under Haruka's [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|watchful eyes]]) is attempting to keep them apart to prove that their side is more efficient in protecting the school from Orphans. Yuuichi once calls out Natsuki and Mai for always fighting, and demands that they start getting along better so that they can defeat Yukino and Haruka. Even when the two factions are merged together under Midori's leadership, Nao frequently verbally exchanges insults with Natsuki while making it clear that she's only in it for her agenda while Haruka contemplates taking control of the group.
* This one is central to ''Earth Defense Family the Daichis'', or whatever the right translation of its title is. ''[[wikipedia:The Family's Defensive Alliance|The Family's Defensive Alliance]]''
* ''[[Naruto]]''
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== Films -- Animation ==
* [[The Hero|Woody]] and [[The Lancer|Buzz Lightyear]] in the first ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]]''.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' have commented publicly more than once about how they [http://www.success.com/articles/1707-busting-myths-and-other-business "don't even really like each other"] and try not to spend time together.
* [[Hawaii Five-O]]. McGarrett and Danno in both the original and the remake hate each other's guts, but make one hell of a team. It should be noted that their everlasting hatred for each other ebbs and wanes as the plot dictates frequently.
* This was a staple of ''[[24]]''. Jack being the kind of guy he is, most of the people who work with him do it with teeth TIGHTLY clenched. But it's not just him. [[Jurisdiction Friction|Various government agencies will struggle to cooperate]], as will individuals on those teams. Even the villains behind the given terrorist plot will be shown to be ready to cut each other at a moments' notice.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* A Teeth Clenched Party can lead to some brilliant situations in ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|Dungeons & Dragons]]'', especially when the players make their characters without caring what the others have. One of the common DM challenges is finding ways to keep the party of butchering each other over a few gold pieces. It's best when an evil character and a good character are forced to work together.
* Imperial forces working together with xenos in ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'', which has happened in a variety of ways from [[Worthy Opponent]] to painfully bad. Indeed, several Imperial forces working with ''other'' Imperial forces, such as Space Wolves and Dark Angels, qualify. This is sometimes codified: the races are broken up into two super-factions, Order and Disorder (since the punchier antonym for "order" is already taken.) Disorder are everybody's enemies, all the time, ''especially'' each other; Order will team up in the face of an overwhelming threat from Disorder, and fight to the death any other time.
** Teeh Clenched Teamwork is the only the [[Bigger Bad|Chaos Gods]] know how to work together.
* ''<nowiki>[[Changeling: The Lost]]</nowiki>'' revolves around this kind of teamwork. Four to six vaguely human characters who have been tortured in unique ways for the last twenty years all show up on earth around the same time and agree to work together out of necessity for numbers. Then a [[Evil Twin|Fetch]] shows up and three of them want it dead, two of them want to reason with it and one of them is off picking his nose. If any of them actually hurts the others, they will get hit with the result of their [[Magically-Binding Contract]] that keeps them allies.
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* Alistair and Morrigan of ''[[Dragon Age Origins]]''. Big time. Especially if they {{spoiler|sleep together}} in a dark magic ritual to save his/thePC's life.
** This theme continues on into ''[[Dragon Age II]]' as well; Fenris and Anders aside from their deep hatred for each other despite [[Not So Different|an awful lot of similarities]] tend to alienate others. Fenris in general dislikes mages (though he has less of a problem with the Hawkes) and Anders' obsession with the Mage/Templar conflict compounded by [[Demonic Possession|Vengeance]] leaves him antagonistic towards most of the party members by the third act.
* Basically everyone playing ''[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]'' if they're not actually out to kill each other.
* ''[[Mass Effect|Mass Effect 2]]''. Similar to the Knights example above, and not surprising given it's from the same company, but in , several of your team-mates go at it against each other with biotics (Jack and Miranda) or end up with weapons drawn (Legion and Tali) forcing you to pick sides (or choose a third option if you're charming/intimidating enough). And of course there's the Justicar who agrees to work with you but also vows to kill you after the mission if you're too much of a Renegade.
** Overall, this is something of a theme for Shepard and Cerberus. They tried to kill Shepard in the first game and s/he ruined several operations, but now they're working for a common goal. By the end of the trilogy, they're back to the first game relationship, only with more personal hatred and heavier artillery on both sides.
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