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Cthulhu Mythos/WMG: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎The Elder Sign is just the Elder Things' logo.: clean up, replaced: [[The Simpsons| → [[The Simpsons (animation)|)
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== Most of the really big things, the ones that don't even notice other beings and could accidentally knock a large planet out of orbit, are spaceships from [[Organic Technology]]. ==
Because [[FTL Travel|the reality-warpin' wunz go fasta]]. Some of the creatures really are living beings in their own right, or carry "passengers" like parasites or symbionts, but a good many of them (particularly the ones that just spend hundreds or thousands of millennia floating around in space) are the organic shipsof much smaller species that may have actually bioengineered the ships beyond mere symbiosis. This is supported by ''The Colour out of Space'', where the meteorite seems to be carrying living tissue inside the pockets and [[Humans Are Cthulhu|Humans Could Have Been Interpreted As Cthulhu]]. If you find it far-fetched, imagine the [[Creatures|Shee ark]] crash-landing in industrial England or modern New York City, and compare the probable results to ''[[The War of the Worlds (novel)|The War of the Worlds]]'' or ''[[Cloverfield]]''.
== Nyarlathotep was actually a god of [[Kawaii]] long ago ==
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== HP Lovecraft is ''not really'' a nihilistic [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] ==
Okay, this might be more of a Poison Oak Epileptic Tree, but Lovecraft is actually just acting some of his nihilism so that he can make and write his stories better and more memorable. You know, fully understanding and comprehending a fictional universe by acting them as though they are real experiences. He was just living his life as though it was a work of art. Well, if he was truly that of a nihilist, then the probability of him [[Heroic BSOD|collapsing]] [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|from the revelation]] increases. After all, a meaningless story is fun but easily disposable, but a philosophic story that questions our existence is more memorable and interesting. Remember how the anime ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' became famous due to its philosophic mindscrewyness?
** I cant tell if this was a joke or not because if youve read his letters its clear he never was a Nihilistic [[Niezsche Wannabe]] its also clearly he wasnt a nihilist he had philosophical beliefs he held to firmly, the only remarks he ever really made that implied he was one was when he was suffering severe depression after the death of his mother.
== Danforth from ''[[At the Mountains of Madness]]'' didn't really go crazy. ==
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== [[Humans Are Cthulhu|Humanity is driving Nyarlathotep insane]]. ==
By whatever standards [[Eldritch Abomination]] have. Supposedly humans shouldn't even blip on most of the Mytho's radar, yet Nyarly is obsessed with them; changing them, dominating or destroying them. He purposely deals with them and actively works to change human society. He is not [[Above Good and Evil]]; indeed, his behaviour is [[Friedrich Nietzsche|Human, All Too Human]]. See, the [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]] thing is ''two-way.'' Nyarlathotep set his perceptions on a radically different species (humans) and the perspective is driving him bonkers.
** As for why he's set his perceptions on us, well, going by the works in which he appears he's been trying to make us do ourselves in for a very long time and so far hasn't suceeded in doing so. Basically he's bored and we're a challenge.
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