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*** Not just the music. {{spoiler|Her [[Famous Last Words]] becomes sadder and more poignant with the A support. If they don't have it, Ninian just smiles and tells him she's glad he's unharmed. If they do, she also begs him to protect her beloved Elibe.}} Gaaaaah.
*** Yes, but the A support with {{spoiler|Eliwood and Ninian}} makes the overall outcome a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] at the end.
*** At least {{spoiler|she gets better by the final battle. And [[Took a Level Inin Badass|she kicks some fire dragon ass along the way]].}}
**** Actually {{spoiler|make that two fire dragons.}}
***** It brings another [[Tear Jerker]], tho: {{spoiler|the Dragons weren't ''evil'' per se, the only wanted to see Elibe one last time, hence why they answered the call. Ninian lampshades this by [[Tender Tears|crying for them]] as she kills them and saying she's sorry ''several'' times.}}
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* ''[[Fire Emblem]] 4'': It was bad enough being blindsided halfway through the game when {{spoiler|Ethlin and Cuan are killed and their daughter Altenna taken captive}}, but that very same chapter ends with {{spoiler|your ally Alvis betraying you and murdering nearly every available playable character, including the main character Sigurd}}.
*** Ironically, Alvis himself becomes tearjerker material in the second half. {{spoiler|He's lost the woman he loved, his son's been turned evil, his empire and all his plans were ruined by Manfroy, Azel's long dead by this point...all that's left for him is death}}.
*** And for some extra "fun", read the manga. For starters, there's the entire subplot about Eltoshan and Lachesis, especially her total emotional breakdown after he died...In general, that thing is excellent at capturing the characters' emotions and personalities and all, which makes the entire thing extra depressing if you see something good happen to them for once, while knowing of the great plot twist of Chapter 5. This creates a constant air of uncomfortable dread.
* Most [[Star-Crossed Lovers]] people in ''Fire Emblem'' do end up here. Especially {{spoiler|Miledy and Gale in the 6th game, also Priscilla and Heath in the 7th game. Guy also adheres this, but his relationship doesn't go as much Tear Jerking as the Heath-Priscilla A Support...}}
** About the Miledy and Gale thing, {{spoiler|it's especially tearjerking when you actually let Miledy kill Gale in one of the last levels (just check the conversation they'll have)}}.
** {{spoiler|Sain and Priscilla's A support}} is severely depressing, partially because how jarring it is to see the {{spoiler|happy-go-lucky, comic relief Sain actually sad. Priscilla is just a magnet for melancholy}}.
*** The latter is slightly subverted by {{spoiler|Priscilla finally getting her happy ending (and a [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Heartwarming Moments]]) with Erk}}.
*** Priscilla seems in fact to get every male character she can talk with in love with her, except Raven and Lucius (understandable) and Oswin. Though you would probably have preferred this kind of support that the actual with him.
**** Come to think of it, Priscilla's supports with Oswin are pretty sad too. The girl embarked in that journey to learn what happened to her parents, and he has to tell her they're gone. Even Oswin, who borders on [[The Stoic]], is depressed.
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** On the note of Legault, if you take him to the final battle against Nergal, he says a few rather depressing lines to the {{spoiler|Morphs of Lloyd, Linus, Uhai, and Brendan.}} Something about his quote at the beginning of Light really hits home. And don't even get started on Legault's supports with Nino...
{{quote|'''Legault:'''"My oh my... Fools aplenty. That includes me, too."}}
** Nino also gets those conversations, if you [[Magikarp Power|levelled her up enough to bring her to the final battle.]] They're arguably even more heartbreaking than Legault's, considering Nino's ultra-woobie status.
{{quote|'''Nino:'''"{{spoiler|Linus}}... I'll...see you again... I'm sure you're angry, but... Please be my friend...again..."}}
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' doesn't even ''need'' any plot-related scenes. [http://www.serenesforest.net/fe9/death.html Just let certain characters fall in combat].
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{{quote|'''Ike:''' Farewell, Knight.}}
** {{spoiler|Zelgius'}} death in ''Radiant Dawn''. {{spoiler|"Now the other person is truly...alone."}} Then there was also {{spoiler|Pelleas' death at ''your'' hand, especially when you learn minutes later that it was all in vain.}}
* Limstella really died a damn tragic death. She was an incredibly loyal character to the very end. Sure, she was a morph and so she just had to be loyal, but look at Sonia or Ephidel. Both weren't exactly happy about dying. But Limstella? Nergal gave her so much magic power before sending her against the lords that she would die, even if she had won. But did she feel hesitation to go into death for Nergal? Not at all. Still, despite she seems to have no emotions and just does what Nergal says, she was not completely without personality. She knew she was not human and her life was not worth anything (at least this is Nergal's opinion) and still, in her dying breath, she actually shows that she can feel something morphs do not have: emotions. In this case, it is sorrow. Sorrow, that the lords may be powerful enough to defeat Nergal. Even in her last moments she only thought of her master. Now that's loyalty and love. Nergal ''really'' did not deserve such a subordinate.
* {{spoiler|Sephiran's death in FE 10. He welcomes death with open arms. And if you have Sanaki Talk to him during the battle...Oh boy. Heck, every boss after Rebirth (1). Lekain was a pleasure to kill, albeit the other guy (Hetzel) didn't really deserve it.}}
* Was I the only one who cried when {{spoiler|Leila died}} in FE 7? Perhaps it's because Matthew was my favorite character, but I was horribly depressed by it...
** No, you weren't. Definitely, not. And Matt's little speech before he re-joins the game? Made me bawl harder.
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** Not to mention the A-support with Canas revealing him to be {{spoiler|her uncle}}, nor forgetting he has only one ending, in which {{spoiler|he dies, too}}.
*** Poor Nino definitely takes [[Break the Cutie]] to new levels. Or, at least, IS's brutal attempts to do so.
** Several of Nino's endings involve her running away and vanishing. The ending with Nino and Erk involve {{spoiler|Them both vanishing when bounty hunters come to kill Nino.}}
*** Which adds another layer of [[Tear Jerker]] for Nino... {{spoiler|She never gets to see her twin sons again, leaving them in the care of an orphanage...that eventually gets destroyed}}.
* You have to {{spoiler|kill Loyd}}, and rather had him to join. It's especially sad when you let Nino talk to him in chapter {{spoiler|27, right before he dies}}.
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* Matthew and {{spoiler|his lover who was spying on Nergal (who he was planning to propose to)}} from FE7. [[Complete Monster|Ephidel]] orders Jaffar to {{spoiler|kill her once they discover her being a spy, then leaves her corpse as a welcome gift to Eliwood's forces as they arrive on the Island.}} Matthew suspects {{spoiler|Jaffar}} of the crime after he joins, in their 'support' conversations. In their 'A' support Matthew finds in himself to forgive {{spoiler|Jaffar because he was under Nergal's complete control ''and'' over Ephidel's orders, and Jaffar reveals the last thing she said was 'Matthew'}}
* In [[Fire Emblem]] 4, try to pair Levin with Tiltyu. Then get him to talk with Tinny in Chapter 10 (through Celice). {{spoiler|Tinny will then reveal Tiltyu's [[Break the Cutie|downward spiral]] from a [[Genki Girl]] into a very depressed [[Broken Bird]] thanks to that [[Evil Matriarch|bitch of a step mother]] [[Complete Monster|Hilda]]. It even makes Levin, who is all aloof on other pairing's wife's death, actually BAWL. He'd dismiss it as a [[Sand in My Eyes|sand on his eyes]], though.}}
** If you pair him with Sylvia and then get him to talk to Leen, the results are also pretty sad. {{spoiler|Leen will tell him about herself and her lonely years at the Darna orphanage, and how she wonders what did she do to deserve abandonment. Levin will try to cheer her up by saying her parents had good reasons to leave her there but they'll come back to her some day... then Leen mentions that she's often felt watched over by someone else, and she wants to know who and where her [[Mysterious Protector]] is. And Levin can't tell her that ''he'' is her dad, maybe because after being revived/possessed by Holsety, he can't remember everything clearly...}}
* In [[Fire Emblem]] 7, Hector and Eliwood's A support is pretty tragic when you know the plot of FE6. {{spoiler|1=They are talking about the warrior's oath to each other that they took when they were children. Hector, at one point in the conversation, tells Eliwood, "I don't want to hear any excuses about not being able to come help when we're old men." Eliwood then agrees and says, "Stay alive, Hector." In FE6, Eliwood becomes dreadfully ill and can't come to help Hector himself in the war on Bern, and Hector is killed in the war. That makes this conversation, which would ordinarily be a heartwarming display of loyalty and friendship, tragically ironic.}}
* The ending to [[Fire Emblem]] 7 can be sad enough {{spoiler|due to watching Nils and Ninian say goodbye forever}}, but if you maxed out Eliwood and Ninian's support, {{spoiler|you watch Nils say goodbye... even to his own sister}}. If you were a fan of Nils, this is heartrending enough, but if you were on Hector's story and got the obscurely ridiculous-to-get hidden 19xx stage... {{spoiler|You also watch Nils break down as a part of him realises he just watched his dad die}}. Get both conditions together, and...
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