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** However, [[Dark Is Not Evil]], and while many rats are in fact pests, some of the Kamigawa block Nezumi are decent, if anti-heroic.
* In ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'', the Skaven are [[Exclusively Evil]] rat-men who practice foul sorcery and use chaos-empowered steampunk technology to wage war on everyone else (even the other [[Exclusively Evil]] races).
* In earlier editions of ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', wererats were [[Exclusively Evil|Always]] [[Lawful Evil]] (along with the [[Chaotic Evil]] werewolves), while most other forms of lycanthrope were good or neutral. With Fourth Edition, this has been changed so all lycanthropes are [[Exclusively Evil]].
** And then there's [[Planescape]]'s [http://www.planewalker.com/040101/cranium-rat Cranium Rats]—one isn't smarter than a normal rodent, but their telepatic abilities bind their little powers and intellects into [[Hive Mind]], so the pack of three dozens can cast minor spells, half-hundred is as smart as an average human, and so on. They're [[Neutral Evil]], and some or all of them are spies of [[Eldritch Abomination|illithid god Ilsensine]].
* Subverted by the Nezumi (aka "ratlings") in ''[[Legend of the Five Rings]]''; they're primitive and rather crude, but basically good guys.
** When ''Five Rings'' was converted to ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' for the 3rd Edition ''Oriental Adventures'' book, nezumi were portrayed as [[Chaotic Neutral]]. However, the book noted that ratlings were often evil in other settings.
* The Ferrans of ''[[Talislanta]]'' tend to be nasty, thieving little scavengers. They have no concept of hygiene and can [[Smelly Skunk|spray like skunks]]. However, the Ferran in the ''Talislanta'' tie-in anthology manages to be something of a [[Woobie]].
* The Beshilu of ''[[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]'' are Hosts, spirit parasites that possess humans, hollow them out body and soul, and ride around the resulting meat puppet. They're singularly obsessed with gnawing open holes in the Gauntlet, leaving gaps to [[Spirit World|the Shadow]] that allow pretty much anything to slip through unfettered. The werewolves don't like this.
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* Apparently most of the Rattkin in ''[[Wizardry]]'' are thieves (there's also a Rattkin scientist), and their high-ups are [[The Mafia]], but in general they are not worse than any other faction present and better than some, and no more or less prone to generate an aggressive [[Random Encounter]]. That's just their ways. In ''[[Wizardry]] 8'' some work with the party against [[Big Bad]]—it turns out that NPC followed him to another planet to avenge for crossing them on Guardia back in VII.
* Rattata and Raticate in the 1st generation of [[Pokémon]]. They aren't really evil, but are often used by Team Rocket grunts and are [[Com Mons]], so most players generally get tired of seeing them. Also, are contrasted by the [[Nice Mice]] Pikachu and Raichu.
* The rats in ''[[Little KingsKing's Story]]'' appear quite mischievious, and the narrator seems none to fond of them. {{spoiler|In the end, it's [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|very justified.]]}}
* Don't forget the army of anthropomorphic rats in ''[[Battletoads]]''. These sleazy space pirates fit this trope perfectly. And you'll come to hate rats after [[That One Level|Sc]][[Invincible Minor Minion|uzz]].
* Jimmy Two-Teeth in the ''[[Sam and Max]]'' games, a small-time ruffian rat who is also the [[Butt Monkey]]. He is apparently [[Put on a Bus|sent on a bus]] in Season 3 -- but not before (it is suggested) causing an outbreak of bubonic plague at Max's bidding.
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