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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (novel): Difference between revisions

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* [[Agent Mulder]]: Luna Lovegood.
* [[Analogy Backfire]]: After Dumbledore gets ousted from Hogwarts, during Harry's career consultation meeting with McGonagall where Umbridge is also present, Umbridge makes more than one attempt to disparage Harry's desire to become an Auror, eventually going so far as to state he "has as much chance of becoming an Auror as Dumbledore has of ever returning to this school", to which McGonagall responds, "A very good chance, then."
* [[Anchored Ship]]: Harry and Cho. Her {{spoiler|emotional issues over Cedric's death}} make it too difficult for her to be in a relationship. The end result is a [[Anchored Ship|Type 2A]].
** Not to mention that Harry, at that point in time, didn't have the emotional maturity to try and work Cho through her problems - instead, he gets angry at her for {{spoiler|always wanting to talk about Cedric}}, which made things a lot more difficult for them. [[Harsher in Hindsight]], in that if they had both waited until they were both more stable emotionally, they could have gotten together and had a happy relationship.
* [[Angrish]]: Harry being unable to finish sentences while tearing apart Dumbledore's office after {{spoiler|Sirius is killed}}.
* [[Arrested for Heroism]]: Harry is hit with this after the Dementor attack. The Ministry even declares him expelled him from Hogwarts until Dumbledore reminds them that it's kind of ''his'' job to decide who's expelled from his own school.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Mrs. Figg, the [[Crazy Cat Lady]] glimpsed briefly in ''Sorcerer's Stone'' turns out {{spoiler|to be a Squib -- a mundane child of magical parents, who retains the ability to see the magical world -- and to have been keeping an eye on Harry for years.)}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: Umbridge becomes this when she is kidnapped by a pack of centaurs after foolishly insulting them to their faces. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, they don't kill her though.}}
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]:
** Twice in a row: Harry and his friends are saved from the Death Eaters by members [[The Cavalry|of the Order]] (Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley, and {{spoiler|the real}} Mad-Eye Moody), then when the Death Eaters appear to gain the upper hand over the Order, Dumbledore himself arrives and saves the day, rounding up most of the Death Eaters within a matter of seconds.
** Grawp the Giant shows up to save Harry and Hermoine from the ''Centaurs.''
* [[Big Entrance]]: Dumbledore makes one of these after professor Trelawney has been sacked, by opening the castle's huge double doors by himself and striding through them. Harry notes how impressive he can make the simple act of walking through a door.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Detention with Dolores. "Dolores" means "pains" in Latin, which was very true for this chapter.
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* [[The Big Damn Kiss]]: Harry and Cho.
* [[Big Little Brother]]: {{spoiler|Grawp for Hagrid. Lampshaded when Hagrid ''says'' that Grawp is his "little brother" and the Trio gives him weird looks.}}
* [[Black Shirt]]: Filch and Malfoy's gang are happy to help Umbridge. Unfortunately for them, this makes them fair game when everyone starts rebelling against her.
* [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]: Oddly averted, where Voldemort apparently has learned his lesson and tries to kill Harry quickly, only to be stopped by Dumbledore.
* [[Brain In a Jar]]: "''Accio'' Brain!"
* [[Brick Joke]]: Trelawney's prediction that Umbridge would be in grave danger. {{spoiler|Fulfilled by a herd of angry centaurs}}.
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* [[Dream Spying]]: Harry can sometimes see through Voldemort's mind, but the link is two-way.
* [[Either/Or Prophecy]]: A two-for-one deal, to boot.
* [[Elevator Floor Announcement]]: In the Ministry of Magic, a voice describes the departments on each floor until Harry and Mr. Weasley get to the floor that has both the courtroom and the Department of Mysteries.
* [[Egocentric Team Naming]]: Invoked. When Harry's secret group of students was caught and brought before the headmaster, Dumbledore claimed responsibility for the whole thing, noting how their charter specifically read "Dumbledore's Army, not ''Potter's'' Army".
* [[Evil Plan]]: For this book, Voldemort {{spoiler|has his sights set on a prophecy stored in the Ministry of Magic that could give him an edge in killing Harry.}} Other than that he has to rebuild his organization.
* [[Evil Teacher]]: Dolores Umbridge.
* [[Exit, Pursued by a Bear|Exit Pursued By A Poltergeist And A Mob Of Cheering Students]]: Umbridge.
* [[The Face]]: Dolores Umbridge exploited this trope. She doesn't want Hogwarts students trained in offensive magic so fills the Defense Against the Dark Arts class with lessons like 'negiotation' and 'non-retaliation' on the premise that these skills are just as important for future Auror teams as curses and counter-curses.
* [[Face Framed in Shadow]]: Dolores Umbridge's introduction.
* [[Falling Chandelier of Doom]]: Peeves attempts to invoke this.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Umbridge hates "filthy half-breeds".
** Bonus points to JKR, because in the seventh book {{spoiler|this turns out to be a very good theoretical reason for Umbridge's hatred of Muggle-borns}}. It can easily be taken as foreshadowing her later actions.
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* [[The First Cut Is the Deepest]]: Cho has a lot of difficulty being able to have a relationship with Harry due to {{spoiler|Cedric's death}}. Harry also has to deal with this after Cho breaks up with him.
* [[First Kiss]]: Harry has this with Cho [[Under the Mistletoe]].
* [[Five-Man Band]]: The best example in the series with the D.A. in the ministry.
** [[The Hero]]: Harry
** [[The Lancer]]: Ron
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** [[The Chick]]: Ginny {{spoiler|although she gets more and more badass throughout the books.}}
** [[The Sixth Ranger]]: Luna
*** Given that (at least in the film), Neville uses ''[[Standard Status Effects|Petrificus Totalus]]'', while Ginny's preferred attack is ''[[Stuff Blowing Up|Reducto]]'', one could argue that she is [[The Big Guy]].
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Ginny is more present in this book than in the previous four combined, and often [[Designated Villain|makes Cho look bad.]] Neville also begins to show signs of life as well; notably, he's still fighting when all the other kids, who are notably better wizards than him, have already been defeated. Unfortunately, this just shows the danger in relying on [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Rowling did it all so subtly that a lot of people missed it.
** "Ginny got the Snitch right out from under [Cho's] nose" Could it be more obvious?
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Harry develops this in this book, providing more fuel for those who say he has post-traumatic stress disorder on account of the [[Bad Dreams]] he has of his encounter in the graveyard in [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire|the previous book]].
* [[Hate Sink]]: Umbridge's character pretty much exists solely to be this.
* [[The Heavy]]: [[The Umbridge|Dolores Umbridge]] is this to Cornelius Fudge.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Harry briefly experiences this when he {{spoiler|thinks Voldemort might be possessing him.}}
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|The spell James uses to make Snape hang upside down in the air? In the next book, we find out Snape invented it}}.
* [[Idiot Ball]]: A minor example with major consequences: Harry forgetting Snape's membership in the Order. ([[Genre Savvy|He calls himself on it too.]])
** Harry also forgets about the two-way mirror Sirius gave him after Christmas. He doesn't know exactly what it is, but he does know it's a communication device. This could be because he was determined not to use it before even finding out what it was, thinking that he didn't want to be the one to lure Sirius out of hiding (and look how well that works out for him!).
* [[If We Survive This]]: Before his trial, Harry mentally promises to add ten galleons to the charity fountain if he's found not guilty. He ends up emptying his whole money-bag.
* [[I See Them, Too]]: Harry, Luna, and the Thestrals.
** She was also the only other character to hear the same murmuring from behind the veil that Harry did.
* [[It Will Never Catch On]]: Though the concept of stitches had been around for years prior to the mid 90s (since at least 500 BCE), it had never been picked up by the wizarding world, where much better healing methods made stitches look primitive. As a result, Molly scoffs at Arthur for using stitches as a method to try to close his venom wound that magic couldn't close. Unfortunately for him, stitches don't work either.
{{quote|'''Molly Weasley:''' Now Arthur, it sounds like you've been trying to sew your skin back together, but [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?|even you wouldn't be that stupid...]]
'''Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Bill:''' [[I Need to Go Iron My Dog|[variations on "We're going to get a cup of tea.]] "]
'''Molly Weasley:''' ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THAT'S THE GENERAL IDEA?'' }}
* [[Jerkass]]: Umbridge is a pretty big one.
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* [[Like a Son to Me]]: Molly about Harry, as if it wasn't clear already. Despite the huge fight going on when she says it, it's something of a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]].
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Harry isn't allowed to attend the Order's meetings.
* [[Lured Intointo a Trap]]: {{spoiler|Despite Harry's vision, Voldemort isn't holding Sirius in the Department of Mysteries. Instead, it's a Death Eater ambush.}}
* [[Meaningful Echo]]: "Weasley is our King", doubles an [[Ironic Echo]] to the Slytherins.
* [[Mildly Military]]: The Order. Despite fighting against a powerful dark wizard with mind control they employ very few precautions besides the Fidelius charm. Among other examples, Moody comes to escort Harry, then realizes that he has no way of confirming Harry's identity besides using Veritaserum, which [[Word of God]] confirms is unreliable against a prepared dark wizard.
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** "Christmas on the Closed Ward". The chapter starts with Molly and Arthur bickering, moves on to {{spoiler|memoryless Gilderoy Lockhart}}, both of which are funny and/or heartwarming, then ends with the trio and Ginny meeting {{spoiler|Neville and his parents, who have been tortured into insanity, to the point they can't even recognise him.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Nice job {{spoiler|finding the prophecy so that the Death Eaters can take it and drawing Sirius out of hiding so that he's killed, Harry!}}
* [[Nice to the Waiter]]: Sirius fails to live up to the advice he gave the trio in the last book. He has nothing against house-elves in general, but can't stand the way Kreacher constantly parrots the beliefs of the family he hated.
** [[Word of God]] herself stated this particular trait of Sirius in her official website.
* [[No Hero to His Valet]]: Sirius to Kreacher, {{spoiler|with tragic consequences}}. Of course, Kreacher's opinion of him had been pretty low ever since Sirius ran away from home.
* [[No Mere Windmill]]: People cling on to the belief that Voldemort can not have returned. Thus they let the dark lord grow in power undisturbed, while they accuse Harry of being a [[Windmill Crusader]] and Dumbledore of being a [[Manipulative Bastard]] using this [[Windmill Political]] for some shadowy political game.
* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: In-universe. Umbridge's ban of Harry's interview with ''The Quibbler'' only ensures that everybody reads it. This could possibly be a [[Take That]] to all the [[Moral Guardians]] who've attacked the series, only ensuring it became more successful. This is a textbook example of the Streisand Effect.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Filch almost manages to become this - after four books of being an empty threat, he's given the authority to hand out the sadistic punishments he's always dreamed of once Umbridge takes over. The only problem is that, by that point, there are so many troublemakers he doesn't know who to go after first.
* [[The Not-So-Harmless Punishment]]: Harry is punished for speaking out against Umbridge in class by being made to write lines... [[Disproportionate Retribution|with a magic quill that cuts his skin and takes his own blood as ink.]]
* [[The Oathbreaker]]: Marietta; told the location of their secret hideout to Umbridge after signing a magical contract claiming she wouldn't do that. As a result she had the word "SNEAK" appear on her face in pimples and was shunned by her classmates.
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: [[Heroic BSOD|Harry destroying Dumbledore's office]] was cut out of [[The Film of the Book]].
** Possibly with good reason. While it's kind of awesome in the book, it's likely that actually seeing Harry ranting and yelling while breaking stuff, with Dumbledore just standing there watching, could very easily have become [[Narm]] of the highest order. ''Especially'' for people who thought the scene in the book was Narm anyway.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard on the planet, causes this reaction {{spoiler|when Fudge comes to arrest him}}.
{{quote|'''Dumbledore''': Well, it's just that you seem to be labouring under the delusion that I am going to...what is the phrase? Ah, "Come quietly".}}
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* [[Remembered Too Late]]: Harry forgets a gift Siruis gave him that could have allowed him to see through a trap.
* [[Rules Lawyer]]: Literally, as Dumbledore acts as Harry's lawyer...er, Witness for the Defense, during Harry's hearing. In a rather unusual take on this trope, Dumbledore is ''forced'' to play Rules Lawyer because the Wizengamot [[Kangaroo Court|are deliberately ignoring their own laws.]]
* [[Sadist Teacher]]: Umbridge. Could be The Trope Namer.
* [[Scotty Time]]: Umbridge apparently thinks brewing Veritaserum works this way. [[Subverted Trope|It doesn't,]] as it needs to be brewed under the light of a full moon, the nearest of which is several weeks away. In both the movie and book she depleted his stock herself; in the book by putting the entire vial in Harry's tea [[Genre Savvy|(which he is intelligent enough not to drink)]] while she's interrogating him, and in the movie by interrogating every student in the school. It's revealed in the movie that the reason that the DA is found out is that she uses it on Cho, forcing her to give up the location of the Room of Requirement.
* [[Shoot the Messenger]]: Averted. Voldemort does not punish Rookwood for informing him that his plan to retrieve {{spoiler|the prophecy}} could never have worked. The man who [[You Have Failed Me...|gave him the wrong information in the first place, however...]]
* [[Shut Up, Kirk]] / [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Harry receives an ''epic'' one from Prof. Phineas Nigellus Black.
* [[Single Tear]]: Dumbledore.
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** The Wild One: Luna
** Also (according to [[Word of God]]) a double [[Power Trio]]: [[The Kirk|Harry / Neville]], [[The Spock|Hermione / Luna]], and [[The McCoy|Weasleys]].
* [[Soap Punishment]]: Casting the cleaning spell ''Scourgify'' on a human will result in their mouth being washed out with soap. James Potter used it this way on Snape in the "Snape's Worst Memory" flashback.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Again, Umbridge. This is one of the reasons she pulls off her [[Complete Monster]] routine so effectively.
* [[Surprise Witness]]: {{spoiler|Mrs. Figg}} during Harry's trial.
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* [[There Should Be a Law]]: Played with twice by Fudge and Umbridge. During Harry's trial Dumbledore states that there is no law stating that the Ministry can hand out school punishment; Fudge murmurs "Laws can be changed". When Dumbledore over-rules Umbridge, forcing her to reform the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she calls up Fudge and receives a nice educational decree ([[Lampshade Hanging|"Oh not another one!"]]) giving her absolute power.
* [[Tonight Someone Dies]]: {{spoiler|Sirius}}.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Ginny, after having been [[Demoted to Extra]] for the two previous installments. Neville's [[Badass]] tendencies begin to show as well.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Fudge thinks that ''[[Badass Grandpa|Albus freakin' Dumbledore,]] the greatest wizard in the world, is going to come quietly.''
** Fudge's overall stupidity on Voldemort's return ends up being a subversion of this trope. Voldemort realizes that it's actually in his own best interst to leave Fudge alone and allow him to continue to misrule the Ministry and persecute the people who'd stand the best chance against Voldemort.
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