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Flashpoint (comics)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Complete Monster]]: Most of the villains of the saga. Seriously.
** Special note goes to Heat Wave, here a sadistic murderer with absolutely no moral boundaries ([[Friendly Enemy|as opposed to his normal DCU portrayal]]).
** {{spoiler|Penthesilea starts off with arranging Diana's assassination, which actually ends up killing Hippolyta, her own sister.}} After that, in Flashpoint #4, the moment {{spoiler|Captain Thunder is separated back into his six component children by Enchantress, Penthesilea kills Billy Baston without hesitation.}} Even Diana herself was stunned by the fact that {{spoiler|Captain Thunder}} was just a {{spoiler|child (well, multiple).}}
** The Joker {{spoiler|AKA Martha Wayne. Like the main DCU Joker, she has a freudian excuse (although much less vague than Joker's) but her horrific, sadistic treatment of her child captives (and it's implied this is far from the only time she's done it) take her so far beyond the [[Moral Event Horizon]] it's frightening.}}
** Gorilla Grodd is a genocidal mass murderer in this timeline.
** General Nathaniel Adam (known in regular continuity as [[Captain Atom]]) who is probably one of the worse human villains in the story.
*** And don't forget Lionel Luthor in ''Project: Superman'' # 2: {{spoiler|he leaves his son Lex to be devoured by Krypto (whose mind had been tampered with by Subject Zero to get angry) while he runs away to save his sorry hide}}.
** Reverse Flash counts too, although not for his actions in Flashpoint (where he's barely appeared until the final issue). He's been set up as one since his recent origin issue in [[The Flash]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: In terms of the various miniseries. ''Batman: Knight of Vengeance'' is the real breakout.
** The Flashpoint universe version of Batman{{spoiler|/Thomas Wayne}} himself is the breakout character of the main series with most fans talking about how awesome he is and not really caring much about the main plot.
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* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Michael Desai, the Outsider. He's perpetually two steps ahead of the most powerful heroes and villains in the Flashpoint verse [[From Nobody to Nightmare|despite never appearing before his tie-in mini]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Almost as soon as promotional material (saying things like "[http://blog.newsarama.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/flashpoint11.jpg The spaceship never crashed]") popped up fans started doing [http://georgethecat.tumblr.com/post/2745925315/flashpoint-crossover-event-invites-parody their own versions].
* [[Mis BlamedMisblamed]]: With the sudden cancellation of the ongoing ''[[Justice Society of America|JSA All-Stars]]'', ''Freedom Fighters'', ''R.E.B.E.L.S.'', ''The Outsiders'', ''Batman Confidential'', & ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' monthlies, a number of disillusioned fans blamed Flashpoint and it's '''MANY''' miniseries as being responsible. ([[Scapegoat Creator|That or that Dan Didio cancelled them for no reason]]). The real answer was that while they got good buzz, the numbers for each book weren't enough to keep them in production. It was sort of like the ''[[Blue Beetle]]'' all over again.
** The ending to ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' can't have helped: [[Ambush Bug]] convinced the villain to end his scheme by [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|telling him the book was getting canceled]] and that he wouldn't have time to see it through. We don't know ''exactly'' what he said, but "Flashpoint" and "Didio" came up.
* [[So Okay It's Average]]: Seems to be the general opinion on the main series.
* [[Narm]]: The ending of Batman Knight of Vengeance #2 {{spoiler|"MARTHA!"}} It comes across in almost "Goddammit {{spoiler|Martha}}, not this shit again.'' sort of way.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: It's still too early to make any final judgments since the series is ongoing and some story elements have yet to receive full explanation, but several things related to the series have caused controversy.
** [http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2011/05/flashpoint-world-map-sparks-controversy/ Much] [http://geeksofdoom.com/2011/05/20/dcs-flashpoint-world-map-sparks-controversy/ head-slapping] [http://www.comicvine.com/forums/flashpoint/4735/flashpoint-map-ape-controled-africa-castrating-amazons/613792/ ensued] when the [http://www.blogcdn.com/www.comicsalliance.com/media/2011/05/flashpointmapbig.jpg Flashpoint world map] was released and people saw that most of Africa is listed simply as "Ape-controlled." Apparently no one at DC thought this might be taken badly when applied to a continent overwhelmingly populated by black people, given the historical tendency for black people to be likened to monkeys and apes in racist propaganda. For the record, "ape" in context refers to Gorilla Grodd, a previously established Flash villain who is ''literally'' a gorilla, but the fact that this is the ''only'' information we had on the ''entire continent'' (besides the fact that a large part of Northern Africa is missing due to the same war that destroyed most of Europe) was the real unfortunate part, and the fact that ''Batman: Incorporated'' had done something similar with the "Batman of Africa" (falling into an unfortunate tendency to treat the entire continent like it's one country) a few weeks earlier did nothing to help.
*** Amusingly enough, the Grodd one-shot actually seems to pull a [[Lampshade Hanging]] on the last part since he's pissed that no one cares about what's happening in Africa (though see [[Broken Aesop]] for why this falls a bit flat since it's technically ''his fault'').
** The fact that the same map lists an "[[All Asians Are Alike|Asian Capital]]" was also criticized.
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