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{{Useful Notestrope}}
{{quote|'''Martin:''' I thought getting hit by an atomic bomb would've killed him.
'''Bart:''' Now you know better.|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''}}
|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''}}
Both nuclear weapons and peaceful nuclear technology are enormously technical in nature. [[Hollywood Science|Since Hollywood never lets boring facts get in the way of an engaging yarn]], this allows some truly mind-bending violations of physics to make it by most audiences. [[Long List|They can basically be summed up like so]]:
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#* In real life, a nuclear weapon requires precise conditions to achieve a full-scale explosion, while fictional nukes act like spheres filled with mega-nitroglycerin. Shooting or even blowing up a real-life nuclear weapon with conventional explosives is likely to ''disable'' the warhead, not set it off.
#** In fact, [http://archive.org/details/StaySafe1960 here's a film produced by the US Air Force back in 1960] showing nuclear weapons being purposely dropped out of planes, set on fire, and otherwise subjected to movie-of-the-week hijinks to demonstrate that rough treatment of nuclear weapons does not result in said weapons detonating.
#* If a reactor does melt down or is going to melt down, the hero usually has to manually initiate a SCRAM, an emergency shutdown, sometimes going to elaborate lengths to set the SCRAM up or even having to manually insert the control rods into the reactor one at a time. This is as opposed to real life, where it's typically an automatic safety feature which engages if the reactor shifts outside a certain set of safe operating parameters and where a manual reactor SCRAM is as simple as turning a switch. A switch that usually exists in multiple redundant locations both near and far away from the reactor room, so that you can always reach at least one during an emergency. (For one example, the nuclear reactors used in US Navy submarines have almost a dozen different ways you can drop the rods with a single action, at least two of which don't even require you to be in the engine room. At least one of them is deliberately located ''halfway across the boat''.)
#* Occasionally, a story tries to justify the above trope by noting 'normally we'd just turn the SCRAM switch, but the damage to the system makes that impossible so (insert elaborate heroic jury-rigging here)'. In real life, the SCRAM systems on modern reactors are designed so that they require 100% system uptime to actively ''prevent'' the SCRAM from happening -- if the reactor breaks, the very act of that breaking will automatically SCRAM the pile. Usually this is accomplished by having the rod mechanisms constantly pushing against a spring, or being held up by an electromagnet. If power to the safety systems is interrupted even for a moment, the mechanism stops resisting and the reactor shuts down.
#* Similarly, fictional nuclear reactors will melt down or go up in gigantic nuclear explosions at the slightest thing going wrong. A nuclear reactor simply doesn't have the level of reactivity to cause a full-scale nuclear explosion, and modern reactors tend to have self-engaging safety features in addition to manual ones; for example, as the temperature rises above a given threshold, they will automatically shut down. If a lack of coolant flow is detected, they will automatically shut down. Etc, etc. This is intentionally very different than the one at Chernobyl.
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#** Most commercial reactors are cooled and moderated by water; a loss of coolant would risk fuel melting, but the reactor would go subcritical from the loss of coolant.
#* This comes from the Hollywood idea of reactors as bombs-in-waiting. When a nuclear bomb "goes critical", it's actually going Prompt-Critical which is why it explodes, thus when a reactor goes critical, [[Made of Explodium|it becomes a bomb and explodes]].
# The reactor core is inside the cooling tower. Because most people associate "nuclear power plants" with those giant hyperboloid structures as seen on [[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]], it's an easy mistake to assume that they ''are'' the plant and contain the reactor. In reality, the reactor is typically located in a separate block-shaped building (which ideally serves as a containment), and the towers are just the enormous radiators that contain and manage the cooling water. There are other types of power plants (such as coal plants) that have cooling towers which look just like the ones commonly associated with nuclear plants, whereas there are nuclear plants that don't ''have'' cooling towers. Notably, both the wrecked Chernobyl and Fukushima plants don't have them (Chernobyl has an unfinished cooling tower intended for unfinished additional reactors): Chernobyl used cooling ponds instead of towers, and Fukushima was cooled by the whole Sea of Japan. Since the cooling towers are ''open'' on the top, placing the reactor inside would ''expose it to the open air'', which would obviously be a bad idea.
'''Idea 2: Nuke-grenade- HO!'''
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* Amazingly enough, ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' averted this: a nuke is launched in one episode, and is then sliced apart by the eponymous Gundams beam saber. Slicing the nuke ''does not'' cause it to explode, but fall to pieces harmlessly. How averted this is is debatable, as Amuro is shown he has to slice the missile apart in a certain way to keep it from exploding. Draw your own conclusions.
** Sadly, later series are more inaccurate. Both ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory]]'' and ''[[Chars Counterattack]]'' also prominently featured nukes... which did not behave much like actual nukes would (most horribly: the Physalis Gundam's nuclear bazooka looks like it fires some sort of ''beam'' rather than a projectile).
*** The GP-02's atomic bazooka doesn't seem to be a conventional nuclear missile launcher, as instead of a missile flying out of the shaft, an intense beam of energy emerges. This suggests that the bazooka is actually a [https://web.archive.org/web/20120520161314/http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/spacegunconvent.php#Nukes_In_Space~Nuclear_Shaped_Charges casaba howitzer], a directed energy weapon that utilizes a nuclear-shaped charge to generate a high-energy gamma ray laser and is essentially a hypothetical real-life [[Wave Motion Gun]]. However, they still fail in that in order to make a casaba howitzer that small without blowing up the GP-02 in the process, it would have to be made of a material much MUCH stronger than anything currently known to man, and since mobile suits of all makes and models are getting torn apart by simple energy and kinetic weapons, this probably isn't the case.
** ''[[Gundam Seed]]'' has ZAFT remove nukes from the equation of war with the N-Jammer, a device that completely cancels nuclear reactions in its radius... somehow. Then N-Jammer Canceller technology is discovered and they go back to launching nukes. ZAFT's [[Gundam Seed Destiny|next countermeasure]] is the Neutron Stampeder, which somehow prematurely detonates the warheads before they're launched.
* In the ''[[Bubblegum Crisis]]'', the final episode of ''Bubblegum Crash'' has a runnawayrunaway robotic tunnel digging machine, uh, digging a tunnel though an active fusion reactor. The secondary police characters were alternating between ranting against and calmly accepting the imminent vaporizing of Mega-Tokyo. To be fair, it was digging very fast, almost a foot per minute.
== Comic Books ==
== Comics ==
* ''Justice League'' #3 (1987) features the "cooling tower = reactor building" misconception.
* As does ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #329: Spider-Man (who has the powers of Captain Universe at this point) fights the Tri-Sentinel, who attacks a nuclear power plant. During their fight, the Tri-Sentinel smacks the cooling tower, to which Spidey comments: "Oh, no! He's cracked a ''containment tower''!"
* In ''Identity Crisis'', Firestorm the Nuclear Man, mortally wounded after being impaled through the chest with the Shining Knight's magical sword by the Shadow Thief, detonates like an atomic bomb a short while later. The omniscient narrator, Green Arrow, comments:
{{quote|"No one there is a physicist. But they still know what happens when you puncture a nuclear reactor."}}
** To which reviewer Greg Morrow of the comic book blog "Howling Curmudgeons" [https://web.archive.org/web/20120206063519/http://www.whiterose.org/howlingcurmudgeons/archives/006974.html had this to say]:
{{quote|"Well, I ''am'' a physicist, and the answer to what happens when you puncture a nuclear reactor is: Pretty much nothing. [...] In no case would you get, as ''Identity Crisis'''s narrator seems to think is self-evident, a nuclear explosion. Worst case, you get an explosion of radioactive material (not unlike a 'dirty bomb,') but you're not going to get a Fat Man-type explosion."}}
* Deconstructed in, ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]''. The [[Big Bad]] uses this trope to convince an ignorant public that Dr. Manhattan is a walking radioactive cancer-machine.
* In ''[[Dr. Seuss|The Butter Battle Book]]'', the Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo appears to be the size of a thimble, yet has enough destructive potential to send the Yooks racing for the fallout shelters.
* The death of Locke in the ''[[Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' story "Mobius: 25 Years Later". Let's see, why is Locke dying? Because he contracted cancer. How did he contract cancer? Because of a lifetime of absorbing Master Emerald radiation interacting badly with his altered DNA. Why is his DNA altered, ''he experimented on himself to give his then-unborn son Chaos-fueled superpowers.'' See the problem? The same genes that end up killing him through enhanced radiation sickness are now in Knuckles. Oh, and just to add further insult to this, ''Locke gave Knuckles' egg a big ol' dose of Master Emerald radiation soon after it was laid''. How Knuckles didn't hatch into a stillborn tumor baby, while his dad ended up dying from cancer, despite having the same combination of altered genes and radiation, is anyone's guess.
== Fan Works ==
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* ''[[Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami|Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami]]'' keeps returning to this one. A nuclear bomb is no more powerful than a small pipe bomb ("the nuclear bom went off like a bom") -- the worst of the damage is a scratch in Light's dad's car -- but covers the area in "radiactiv" (which fatally irradiates "[[I Am Not Shazam|Yotsuba]]" but leaves everyone else unharmed). Later, nuclear missiles are used as pens, and even later than that, putting "nuclears" in a normal explosion makes it magic, [[Outrun the Fireball|letting it chase our 'hero']].
* [[The Life After Death Trilogy]], a post-''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider Man]] 2'' fanfic starring Doc Ock, deals with two examples of nuclear physics. First is Dr. Octavius's infamous experimental fusion reactor, and more in line with this trope are the four plutonium batteries he uses to power the tentacles. At one point Octavius mentions that he's rigged a failsafe in them that will deliberately overload the batteries in the event of his death as a way to keep the tentacles from falling into anyone else's hands, essentially making a quartet of small nuclear bombs. Vindictive as he might be, this trope does get averted in that Octavius knows full well that nuclear reactor =/= nuclear bomb and the damage his little batteries would inflict is nowhere near the annihilation of half of Washington DC he threatens.
== Films -- Animation ==
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* Zig-zagged in ''[[The Iron Giant]]'': a nuclear missile is detonated in the upper atmosphere, resulting in a fireball and not a mushroom cloud, but played straight in that punching the nuke would not have caused it to detonate.
** If the Iron Giant had been a bit more familiar with Earthling technology, he might have realized that it would be possible to cripple the missile from a safe distance with a long-range weapon like a laser -- instead of ramming into the missile head-first in a self-sacrificing kamikaze attack. But, obviously, that would've been emotionally anticlimactic.
== Films -- Live Action ==
* Use of stock footage from nuclear tests is very common in B-movies; these will typically include vertical smoke lines, even when the weapon is supposed to be a battlefield deployment.
** For those who don't know, those smoke lines are from rockets that were launched during nuclear tests to measure the path of the shock front.
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== Literature ==
* Averted in the first of [[Harry Turtledove]]'s ''[[Worldwar]]'' novels, when the Germans use the the [[BFGBig Freaking Gun|80-cm Dora railway artillery]] to destroy two alien ships, one of which holds the Race's nukes. The nukes' detonators go off, but no nuclear explosions occur, as the bombs are deformed by the ship exploding. However, the explosion does spread radioactive material over a large area.
* Averted in [[The Dark Tower]], at least a little. When Eddie Dean sees the creatures in the Waste Lands and exclaims that a nuclear war took place here, Blaine corrects him and states that it was something far worse.
* [[Roald Dahl]]'s 1948 novel ''[[Sometimes Never: A Fable for Supermen]]'' is the first science-fiction to involve several nuclear bombs. But it averts this, being surprisingly accurate and graphic. It has two third-shot accounts by witnesses of nuclear blasts. By the way, every named protagonist is killed by the same nuke.
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* [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in [[Alan Dean Foster]]'s [[Alan Dean Foster|Spellsinger]] novel ''Paths of the Perambulator'', where Jon-Tom creates a miniature mushroom cloud using magic and then muses that nothing is impossible in a magical world.
* Spoofed in [[David Langford]] and John Grant's parody disaster novel ''Earthdoom''. Two men lost on the London Underground are, for different reasons, both carrying quantities of radioactive material. When one of them is discovered and forced to stand at the end of his Tube train by a conductor, he - being a newspaper science correspondent - delivers an angry lecture about how this stuff can't just explode at the drop of hat, and even if this train were to run into a brick wall ''right now'', nothing would happen unless there was a sufficient amount of material on the other side in ''just the right position''... At that point the train runs into a brick wall. Guess who's standing on the other side.
* In the ''[[Foundation]]'' series, the first two stories feature nuclear stations which blow up due to bad repairs.. or just some idiot messing with the controls. This was, mind you, written in the early Forties. Later editions changed it to radiation leaks.
* Spectacularly averted and/or subverted in Isaac Asimov's [[The Gods Themselves]] when a radio-chemist discovers a radioactive element that cannot possibly exist under the known laws of physics - it turns out to be from another universe where the laws of physics are sufficiently different that it can exist there!
* Averted and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in Murray Leinster's novella ''Second Landing.'' The protagonist needs to disarm a nuclear bomb extremely quickly, and does so by shooting it with a bazooka. The bazooka blast renders the bomb unworkable, but does not detonate it, since that requires proper sequential detonation of the shaped charges surrounding the nuclear material.
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** ''[[Halo]]: Ghosts of Onyx'' actually had the Spartans fire ''grenades'' into an elevator with the UNSC's "older" nuclear warheads, since they're "basically paperweights" without the arming codes. They're bemused by how their alien foes [[Lampshading|treat the warheads with kid gloves]].
* Averted in ''[[The Laundry Series|The Atrocity Archives]]''. A nuclear bomb is set and primed to blow an alternate reality to hell, but a member of the team realizes that's the last thing they want, as the bomb's energy will give the monster inhabiting the universe enough power to come through to ours. So, he manages to defuse the bomb by popping the caps without triggering the plutonium.
* In ''[[A Swiftly Tilting Planet]]'', one of the sequels to ''[[A Wrinkle in Time]]'', the following exchange takes place when talking about ''nuclear war''.
{{quote|'''Gaudior:''': "You know some of the possibilities if your planet is blown up."
'''Charles Wallace:''': "It just might throw off the balance of things, so that the sun would burst into a supernova." }}
** Keep in mind that in the Time series, stars are living beings that have been known to commit suicide or take self-sacrificial actions, and that parts of a living being can be independently sentient. It's not unreasonable, given the bizzarebizarre nature of reality in the series, to assume the loss of the only celestial body in the local area that is capable of supporting matter-life would unduly affect Sól.
* In John Ringo's ''Legacy of the Aldenata'' series, specifically in the novel ''Hell's Faire'', there is a new nuclear-like weapon. It is described as having its primary radioactive isotope scattered in the area of effect, carbon-13, as having a very fast half-life. The trouble is, carbon-13 has no half-life at all, because it is a stable isotope. (Carbon-14, on the other hand, ''is'' radioactive, if only very slightly; its half-life is on the order of five thousand years. Such a long half-life implies a very low decay rate, and consequently a complete unsuitability for use in any kind of 'dirty bomb' application.)
* In Joe Haldeman's ''[[The Forever War]]'', frequent reference is made to nuclear weapons with yields in the microton range. One microton is just one gram, or approximately three one-hundredths of an ounce -- or, in other words, since we're talking about yields in terms of TNT-equivalent, barely a firecracker's worth of bang, and that's if we're being generous. Now, in theory, it would be possible to produce a nuclear explosion out of such a tiny mass of fissile material, by increasing its density enough to drive it supercritical -- trouble is, there's no point; ''The Forever War'' is set in the future, and even today we know how to make [[wikipedia:Raufoss Mk 211|chemical-explosive rounds]] which produce quite a bit more than a firecracker's worth of bang.
* [[H. G. Wells]]'s novel ''The World Set Free'' (1914) features what may be the first ever appearance of atomic explosives anywhere, but considering that it was written at the tail-end of the Victorian Era, the physics are quite dodgy. Extrapolating from the idea of radioactive decay as something with a tremendous amount of energy releasing it over a long period of time, Wells' nukes work by somehow speeding up this process. Instead of releasing all of its nuclear energy in an instantaneous, massive explosion, the bomb speeds up radioactive decay to the point where you have a huge fireball that hangs around for several days before dying down.
* ''[[Leviathan Wakes]]'' plays #1 completely straight. If anything happens to a ship's fusion plant, it goes off like a thermonuclear bomb.
* In ''[[Dr. Seuss|The Butter Battle Book]]'', the Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo appears to be the size of a thimble, yet has enough destructive potential to send the Yooks racing for the fallout shelters.
== Live Action TV ==
* The 1939 serial ''The Phantom Creeps'' posits that a radiation poisoning antidote can be made by mixing in the original radioactive substance, a radioactivity measuring device can measure the radioactivity of an object several rooms away assuming the whole area isn't irradiated, and if the mad scientist ever completes his doomsday weapon it will be more powerful than dynamite.
* A lot of people have been criticizing ''[[Lost]]'', without a lot of cause, as ''Lost'' got it mostly right. On ''Lost'', the 'gun-type' plutonium fusion core of a hydrogen fission bomb was removed from a 1950-era hydrogen bomb by an Iraqi military officer with electronics experience, using the notes of a physicist, both from 2004.
* A lot of people have been criticizing ''[[Lost]]'', without a lot of cause, as ''Lost'' got it mostly right. On ''Lost'', the 'gun-type' plutonium fusion core of a hydrogen fission bomb was removed from a 1950-era hydrogen bomb by an Iraqi military officer with electronics experience, using the notes of a physicist, both from 2004.<br /><br />They averted #1 specifically having it rigged to explode on impact, with the implication that it would not normally. {{spoiler|And even that failed until it was banged on repeatedly, leading to the implication there was just some rigged switch that had failed to hit the ground correctly}}.<br /><br />Also, the guy carrying it, at one point, was threatened with a gun, and he points out he's carrying a nuclear device and you shouldn't shoot him...but he was probably just using the trope to keep from getting shot.<br /><br />It was, however, somewhat lighter and smaller than it should have been. Hydrogen bombs of the 1950s weighed a good 15,000 pounds. If you could get the trigger out and turn it into a backpack bomb, the ''trigger alone'' for a H-bomb required at least 60 kg of pure U-235 to create the fission explosion required to set off the bomb, even before you look at the surrounding 1950s-era mechanics used to set off the explosion. Also, people tended to call it a "hydrogen bomb" even when they're talking about the trigger that was removed.<br /><br />The biggest problem with ''Lost'' was that they were talking about the core of the bomb. The core produces the fusion reaction, which is triggered by the fission reaction happening around it, which is triggered by an external layer of high explosives. There's a reason that people make big nuclear bombs that have to be dropped from planes instead of just little remote-control-size assemblies.
** They averted #1 specifically having it rigged to explode on impact, with the implication that it would not normally. {{spoiler|And even that failed until it was banged on repeatedly, leading to the implication there was just some rigged switch that had failed to hit the ground correctly}}.
* In the pilot miniseries of the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|Battlestar Galactica]]'', there is a mushroom cloud, implied to be a large nuclear strike, less than one mile from where Boomer and Helo are fixing the Raptor. The two are not only alive, but also suffering no ill effects, nor is there any visible damage to the landscape near the mushroom cloud.
** Also, the guy carrying it, at one point, was threatened with a gun, and he points out he's carrying a nuclear device and you shouldn't shoot him...but he was probably just using the trope to keep from getting shot.
** It was, however, somewhat lighter and smaller than it should have been. Hydrogen bombs of the 1950s weighed a good 15,000 pounds. If you could get the trigger out and turn it into a backpack bomb, the ''trigger alone'' for a H-bomb required at least 60 kg of pure U-235 to create the fission explosion required to set off the bomb, even before you look at the surrounding 1950s-era mechanics used to set off the explosion. Also, people tended to call it a "hydrogen bomb" even when they're talking about the trigger that was removed.
** The biggest problem with ''Lost'' was that they were talking about the core of the bomb. The core produces the fusion reaction, which is triggered by the fission reaction happening around it, which is triggered by an external layer of high explosives. There's a reason that people make big nuclear bombs that have to be dropped from planes instead of just little remote-control-size assemblies.
* In the pilot miniseries of the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'', there is a mushroom cloud, implied to be a large nuclear strike, less than one mile from where Boomer and Helo are fixing the Raptor. The two are not only alive, but also suffering no ill effects, nor is there any visible damage to the landscape near the mushroom cloud.
** The show gets points for avoiding number 2.2, depicting detonations as bright flashes or pulses of light.
** Helo also has to take radiation meds while on Caprica.
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* ''[[Space: 1999]]''. Nuclear waste stored on the Moon undergoes a chain reaction and detonates. The explosion is strong enough to throw the whole Moon out of the solar system, at a sizeable fraction of light speed.
* The ''[[CSI: Miami]]'' episode "Dead Woman Walking" takes the "radiation = lava" trope ''literally'' with an iodine-131-contaminated corpse slowly burning up from radiation exposure. Strangely, though, the rest of the episode is quite well researched and gets an impressive number of details right - including the use of real-life spectrometry tools instead of a [[Magical Computer]], and an aversion of [[Sickly Green Glow]] with a character even pointing out that "it's not like [the radioactive material] glows or anything".
== Music ==
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== Puppet Shows ==
* The ''[[Thunderbirds]]'' episode "The Mighty Atom": a nuclear reactor goes critical and explodes, rather than overheating and melting down.
** It's ''Thunderbirds'' - a series with an episode where water explodes. [[Bellisario's Maxim]] applies here.
== Tabletop Games ==
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** In [[All There in the Manual|the backstory]], they had [[Superior Firepower|much, much bigger nukes]]. With which they sterilized a ''planet''. Once they realized they could actually, y'know, do that, even the Confederates weren't big enough idiots to keep 'em around. The "nukes" in-game would likely just be big friggin' conventional bombs, called nukes because [[Rule of Cool|it sounds badass]]. (Low damage is more a matter of game balance.)
** 'Course, ''[[StarCraft]]'' is just full of these [[Units Not to Scale|inconsistencies]], due to [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]. The mushroom cloud is due to [[Rule of Cool]] and [[The Coconut Effect]].
* ''[[Fallout 3]]'' has a [[BFGBig Freaking Gun|Fat Man weapon]] and [[Exploding Barrels|atomic cars]] (''fusion''-powered cars!) that both go up in cute little radioactive mushroom clouds about the size of an artillery blast when they explode. However, it's justified as the Fallout series is about [[Zeerust|1950s]] ''perceptions of the general public'' of how nuclear technology works. Another notable example is the Enclave Oil Rig's nuclear reactor in ''[[Fallout 2]]'', which detonates in a massive nuclear explosion after the player causes a meltdown.
** It is worth mentioning, however, that man-portable weapons capable of firing nuclear projectiles were produced and a nuclear car was at least considered and designed (Ford Nucleon). ''Fallout'' also shows the the world as the people in Atomic Age seen it complete with deliberate use of [[Science Marches On]].
** ''[[Fallout 1]]'' has The Glow, a permanently radioactive area due to a reactor getting hit by a missile. The game and its sequel also have some extremely powerful chems - Radaway siphons away radiation in your body harmlessly (although it's implied that the process is complex and unpleasant, rather like performing an improvised dialysis) while Rad-X bolsters your natural resistance in an improbable and unexplained way. Take two and you can walk around in The Glow with no harm at all!
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* ''[[SimCity]]'' games almost avoided this trope -- if your nuclear plant melts down, the surrounding buildings are left undamaged (except for a small risk of fire), but fallout is scattered around the surrounding area, rendering it uninhabitable. In retrospect, they probably should have put a ''containment dome'' over those reactors or something. ''Sim City 4'' plays it dead straight though: an exploding nuclear plant creates a huge blue mushroom cloud, a massive crater and a big shockwave that can flatten half your city.
* The nuclear missile in ''[[Shadow Warrior]]''.
** Nothing ways [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]] like a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfjqNPaLlXw nuclear bazooka]
* The "World's Smallest Nuclear Bomb" in ''[[MDK]]'', complete with miniature mushroom cloud (about 6' high) and, showing some attention to detail, a ground shock wave.
* The ''[[Command & Conquer]]'' series has many of these:
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== Real Life ==
* The [[Chernobyl Disaster]], which has its own page for a reason. What follows here - 5.8kb of text - barely scratches the surface of the matter:
** Chernobyl's scram rods system was defective by design. When inserted into the core, these rods briefly ''increased'' the reaction before shutting it down. As it turned down, that brief stage was enough.
*** Almost everyone involved in Chernobyl is to to blame to some extent -- it was a combination of gross mal-operation as well as major design flaws.
**** This was all compounded by Soviet political doctrine, which had classified much information the party had deemed a 'State secret.' None of operating staff knew that the control rods were graphite tipped.
***** They knew — after all that was their job description. They simply [[Too Dumb to Live|didn't understand the implications]].
*** The story in a nutshell: the reactor was due to stop for a maintenance and this was considered a good opportunity to test if cheap-and-dirty diesel and regular water pumps work when specialized bells-and-whistles SAOR ('''s'''ystem for '''a'''utomatic '''r'''eactor '''c'''ooling) fail. The experiment was planned, everyone prepared, but a different reactor in the same plant suffered some troubles and there was not enough power in the energy system during the day. So the experiment was delayed and was to be conducted not by the experienced people from the day shift but by a night shift of "young specialists". At first they made a mistake and and dropped the reactor from 1600 MWt to almost zero (instead of the 700-1000 MWt planned). They did not shut down the reactor at that point as they should have; instead, they removed nearly all control rods to increase power and stabilized the reactor at ~200 MWt, leaving about 6-8 control rods in the active zone (not just a safety violation but a crime). And then they continued with the experiment, disabling one of the main generators ''and'' the SAOR (not just a crime but a suicide attempt). To take the SAOR offline, they also had to disable several auxiliary safety devices designed specifically to halt reaction in case of a LOCA (Loss Of Cooling Accident), in other words prevent the exact accident that happened. As expected, water stopped circulating in the reactor and heat started to rise while the diesel pumps slowly started up. Suddenly realizing that the reactor was again gaining power at a rapid rate, the staff pulled the SCRAM. The lower part of the control rods was made from graphite to decrease latency when operated properly, but pulling them back into the active zone briefly resulted in increased reactivity of the reactor. Guess what happened when two hundred rods were dropped into an already overheating unstable reactor?
**** Non-technical summary: A reactor that was designed and built with disgustingly obsolete safety measures was then operated entirely ass-backwards from everything known about safe reactor procedure by [[Too Dumb to Live|inexperienced personnel]] who had also deliberately hotwired around every single one of the automatic safety systems designed to prevent people from doing what they were doing. In order for Chernobyl to occur, '''literally every single possible thing''' that could go wrong had to go wrong, in each and every step from laying out the original blueprints to the final button push. In other words, not remotely likely to happen ever again, especially since nobody else designs and builds reactors according to the Chernobyl specs any longer and the RMBK type reactors still in operation are being operated by people who know exactly how the Chernobyl crew fucked up and will never ever go remotely near that type of stupid shit again. Seriously, the incident report on that disaster was passed out to pretty much every reactor operation crew in the world. (Try reading it sometime if you find a copy. If you can understand the technicalese, you'll simultaneously be laughing and crying.)
*** The fact that the Chernobyl disaster is physically impossible with modern reactors doesn't stop today's opponents of nuclear power from citing Chernobyl in their reasoning. It's the equivalent of [[Godwin's Law]] in nuclear power debating circles.
**** Three Mile Island gets a lot of this too. In that one the safeties actually worked. Despite a partial core meltdown occurring, the total amount of radiation exposure to anyone outside the plant was less than what you'd pick up from a chest X-ray.
*** You'll get some supposedly genuine documentaries about Chernobyl throwing out ridiculous numbers either for the sake of drama or some vague anti-nuclear message. Example 1: Saying the thermal explosion that could have occurred if the melted reactor material had come in contact with the water under the core would have be equivalent to a multi-megaton detonation. Not unless a cubic kilometer of water somehow magically flashed to steam. Example 2: Saying radiation in the town nearby was 10,000 roentgens per hour!. This is the equivalent of sitting in the heap of slag that formed under the reactor's cooling units, ''right after'' the reactor had melted down.
*** Most people assume that because of the Zone of Alienation surrounding Chernobyl, any kind of nuclear accident will make nearby areas uninhabitable for centuries. However, the real reason the Chernobyl site is blocked off is because pieces of the reactor core were scattered around the country side and then buried in a hurry after during the cleanup. Much of the area around Chernobyl is livable though, as radiation levels have fallen dramatically over the years, as evidenced by the recent appearance of native wildlife to the region. The real danger is the unknown burial sites for the core parts, which could release a lot of radiation if disturbed. The biggest long term ecological concern for the area is about radioactive isotopes that have settled on the bottom of a nearby lake, which while harmless now, could make the water deadly if a dam broke.
* Events like the crash of the Galileo probe against Jupiter made a bunch of conspiracy theorists start claiming that there are plans to ignite Jupiter into a second sun. Similar predictions were made when the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was about to impact Jupiter. For reference, the minimum mass to actually get self-sustaining nuclear fusion in a ball of gas (that is, a small red dwarf star) is around 75 Jupiter masses.<ref>even a brown dwarf takes 13 Jovin masses</ref> So, even if you did manage to initiate some fusion on Jupiter, all you'd get would be a nuclear explosion. That's it.
* #4.1 was unfortunately played straight in the [[wikipedia:Goiânia accident|Goiânia accident]] -- the misplaced radioactive source in question did apparently have a blue glow once extracted. This encouraged people to play with it, with fatal results.
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