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== Missi has [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder]]. ==
She's impulsive, easily distracted, seems bright enough (she started working on cars at a very young age), but is reckless.
== If Ash does turn back into a boy, then Emily and Missi will start [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|dating]] each other. ==
== Ash is doomed to be the 'girl' in relationships ==
(Male pronouns used for Ash)
Ash is/was a nice guy who didn't have much experience with girls. He has trouble going from telling a girl that he likes her to the stage where he does something about it. Thus, all the girls he goes out with will have to take the more dominant, ie 'male' part in the relationship. Look at Ash's past relationships: With Missi, even Ash was aware that Ash was the 'girl'. After Emily groped Ash's boobs, we saw Ash have a private 'Girly' reaction, while there was no matching scene of Emily. Plus, in the Misfile comic posted July 7, it's clearly Emily who's pushing the relationship to sharing a bed with Ash.
Ergo, Ash had better learn to accept it and, if Emily and Ash have a lesbian wedding, Ash should just accept the fact that Emily is the one people will be expecting to wear the tux. Besides, I could totally see Ash in a lacy / sexy wedding gown Ash's mom selected for 'her'.
* No, Emily would be in the dress because she has no problem with wearing dresses and wants to think of Ash as a guy so she can get used to her attraction to him. Most likely she'd want him to stay as masculine as possible. Doesn't mean she won't be the more dominant one, though.
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** I would like to note two things: 1, Kay could have been misfiled as little as ten minutes before Ash and Emily, and they wouldn't notice the difference, because they were properly filed at the time, they would be updated along with the rest of the universe. 2, following from the first, if Kay was misfiled, his memory wouldn't have been affected by Ash and Emily's misfile, meaning he would be really confused about how his friend Marie was suddenly talking about her daughter, rather than moping over an estranged son.
== The misfile was part of an elaborate [[Gambit Roulette]] by 'The Monster' car to will itself into existence and to create for itself the perfect racing team. ==
Ash, as male, was a talented driver/mechanic but who had no contact with his mother and whose dad often assigned him heavy chores. As a girl, Ash has contact with her mother (who paid for the Monster's engine), has met with the perfect team manager and engineer (Ash can't do everything by herself, after all), and now has the Angels for her dad to dump the heavy chores on.
== The misfile was part of a divine [[Gambit Roulette]] ==
It has been established that God knows about the misfile, but for some reason has decided not to do anything about it. As a result of this, two angels are currently hanging around in an obscure town in the middle of nowhere that has coincidentally been haunted by two evil spirits and where an archon has recently been murdered. With the hints that the other archons are disappearing, something evil is clearly going on and only a ridiculously circuitous plan can stop it.
* Or maybe, instead of taking a direct path to solving the problem, God has decided to do things indirectly for the fringe benefits, such as rooting out corruption in the ranks, reforming Rumisiel from a pot-smoking slacker into a competent angel, and dealing with a number of supernatural disasters all at once. He probably set it all in motion by causing Cassiel and Rumisiel to meet fifty years ago as a random coincidence.
* Alternatively, perhaps God has grown bored with running the universe for all eternity and [[They Just Didn't Care|just doesn't care anymore]]. He's just leaving the angelic bureaucracy to do all work for him.
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** [[Word of God|Hazelton has confirmed this, in the context of the Misfile Universe.]] ([[Incredibly Lame Pun|Ha.]])
* Note that since God knows everything, it is logically impossible for him to execute a [[Gambit Roulette]] since there are no factors he couldn't predict.
* Maybe God is just altruistic. He doesn't want to trap Ash and Emily in their misfiled lives, so he doesn't tell the angels about the mistake. However, he also wants them to meet each other, grow from the experience, and ultimately be able to choose which life they would rather live, so he doesn't prevent the misfile before it happens. Although he probably wants to stop whoever is killing the angels, he has provided that entity with free will, which he wants to allow that person/angel/whatever to express.
== The comic is actually a [[Prequel]] for [[Doctor Who]] ==
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== Vashiel has a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. ==
And killed Raechiel. Think about it. Raechiel ends up missing and dead after Vashiel has his [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=754 Flashback Nightmare] about the old days. You also see a place on fire. Vash had a destructive streak. This manifested into a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] or I guess, just and Evil Side. Raechiel was a judge at Vashiel's hearing, or something like that. Evil Vash wanted revenge and killed Raechiel, whish is why Vash can say he didn't kill Raechiel.
** I thought Egypt myself, could be anywhere really no shortage of heavnly fire in the bible.
** That leaves the question of why would the archon come to his town.
** Maybe Evil Vash sent some kind of distress signal to call him down personally.
** Actually, Vashiel could not be responsible for any Biblical smitings. He was [http://www.misfile.com/?page=1034 just earing his sword] during Rumi's childhood.
[http://www.misfile.com/?page=14 Rumi is only 437 years old]. Anything before 1567 couldn't be Vash's fault.
*** It was [[wikipedia:Great Fire of London|London, 1666!]] That would fit Rumsiel's apparent age when he got the sword if the angels age roughly the same relative rate as humans.
**** No that fire was caused by some aliens fighting with the Doctor.
* Alternately, it was a different "Vashiel," who had his mind wiped and status revoked. Good Vashiel is so good at what he does because Not-so-good Vashiel is egging him on from his subconscious, to take over once he gets within range of anyone important enough (or close enough to realizing the mindwipe wasn't completely effective) to risk blowing his cover.
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== Ash and Emily will be together after things return to normal. ==
We've seen how reality rewrites itself to suit the new status of the world (female Ash sending the letter to her mother, where the male Ash just threw it away, for example.) We've also seen that "friendships" can also be recast--Ash and James, for example. So, while the angels obviously have to cover their own asses and erase all memories of the misfile, they will show some kindness and, in the rewritten reality, have the two of them have met (around the time that the misfile occurred) and have started going out. Besides, how else can they explain why Emily {{spoiler|wasn't in that car crash}}? Because, just like in the "messed-up" timeline, she was with Ash instead.
* Don't forget, Ash wants to get back to normal, but Emily wants to keep her new life. Relationships are two sided, so even if Ash is written back to normal and Emily isn't, Emily will have hung out with Ash, likely as the girlfriend, but since it isn't said that 'Girl-Ash' and James weren't a couple, just still best friends (even if they did go for it), she could have just been the best friend (since she may have still vehemently denied being the girlfriend in 'Guy-Ash' reality), while Ash would have paired up with Missy, who Ash would have had no reason to break up with. Long story short, I support this theory, but I'm just pointing out that that your 'benevolent angels' theory isn't the only way it could have happened.
== Ash can return to being a guy without giving up memory of things. ==
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== Ash will have to confront his male self at some point. ==
Given that Ash's identity crisis is a major theme of the series, and as the matters with the Angels and Heavens escalate, I'm confident that Ash will end up having to race his former self, in the form of some kind of illusionary what-if, as part of some kind of Divine Aesop proving that Ash is Ash, regardless of what the misfile says.
== [[Have You Seen My God?|God is dead]]. ==
No, not trying to be some lame [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] here. Something must've happened to God in the Misfile universe (either he died, something unknown killed him, or he just plain lost interest and left the universe completely), which is why we don't see him at all. The [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] was set up to keep the universe in order to make it seem like God is still alive, kicking, and in charge. Only the highest ranking angels know about this [[Masquerade]] and the recent assassinations are an attempt to destablize the order and unravel said [[Masquerade]].
== Emily will find out she didn't lose her virginity in this timeline. ==
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== Pre-Misfile Female Ash was a [[No Bisexuals|lesbian]]. ==
Either because of or resulting in the weirdness of what happened with James. Rumsiel and post-Misfile Ash were shown playing some sort of bikini beach game (I don't recall if it was volleyball or a [[Dead or Alive|DOA]] [[Xtreme Kool Letterz|Xtreme]] [[Spin-Off|Beach Volleyball]]-style "[[Jiggle Physics|jubble-centric]]" minigame pack, but either way, it was almost definitely Ash's from pre-Misfile. 1) Ash was broke from the misfile until after the appearance of the game. 2) so was Rumsiel. 3) Ash's father wasn't surprised to see her playing it, and would ([[Even Evil Has Standards|despite his perversions]]), be unlikely to play such a game around his daughter (based on comments from Dr. Upton himself).
* So would all the [[Porn Stash|yaoi magazines]] Ash found under Female Ash's bed have just been compensatory cover since she was a lesbian in denial?
** Considering how androgynous most boys in yaoi manga are, it's possible - she could've been lusting over their feminine features, but been convincing herself that since they were actually male, she wasn't really gay.
* It isn't unheard of for straight girls to buy fanservicey games like that.
== When they finally get the chance, both Ash and Emily won't want to be fixed ==
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The original gambit was the titular misfile, which was enacted to save Emily's life and begin her magical training. (Hence turning Ash into a girl and pushing them to become friends - the former guarantees Kate's interest in Ash, and the latter ensures that Emily is present when they deal with Kate's dead sister.) This explains why Rumisiel is so [[Badass]] when the stakes are high (1. Tom; 2. Angelica; 3. ''Missi'', which no ordinary being could have expected to work, but who did a lot to help Ash keep it together; and 4. Bronwyn), why Rumisiel always does something to make himself look really stupid right after each of those, and why the Archon came to this obscure little town when trouble started brewing in Heaven. In the original plan, Rumisiel would have had cover for returning to Heaven after taking care of Bronwyn, but what with the missing Archons he needed his superiors give him an excuse to stall.
* So then why is Kate's sister Angelica still dead? If Rumisiel had misfiled Angelica to have survived, then Kate wouldn't have gotten possessed and gone nuts, she was the cause of several injuries, such as Aiden's, and had caused people to quit racing. Also, wouldn't it have been easier to simply give Molly the same misfile as Emily so neither would go to the party rather than turn ash into a girl. Sure Molly would be pissed off at Rumisiel for altering her life, but I think she would eventually come to like the misfile for giving her of what she would likely call "two more years of parties and dating"
** Angelica fits into Rumi's plans by being dead, and getting exorcised, ''after knocking Holy Avenger-sword-wielding big brother unconscious''!
** How else is a filing clerk angel going to get his hands on a [[Sword Of Power]] without people noticing?
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Harvard offers zilch for gearheads, after all.
* I don't know anything about either school, but your description seems plausible enough. It also helps since when Emily and her mom went to look at colleges, Emily's Mom said they would also touring MIT, so it probably means that as long as its prestigious and while Harvard is the best case scenario in her mind, Emily's Mom would be willing to compromise, though they would likely argue about Emily wanting to go into a career involving cars.
== Team Misfile will eventually become the world's first all-female rallying team, with Ash driving, Emily navigating, Missi wrenching, and Ash's Mom will be their sponsor. ==
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== Ramael will turn out to be the true villain. ==
He appears shortly after an angel is found dead. Ever since he met Rumisiel, he's done nothing but tempt the poor guy further down the path of vice. Vashiel has a history with him, and clearly hates him as a result. He even looks like a bad guy. He could possibly be a fallen angel, working for Satan and trying to bring the whole [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] down.
He's either trying to tempt Rumisiel into messing up so he never goes back to heaven, because he knows about the misfile, and it's crucial to his plans. Or he knows nothing about the misfile, and is simply luring Rumisiel into a false sense of security so he can be killed just like that other angel, either because Rumisiel has a bigger part to play than would seem, or because Rumisiel's death would significantly traumatise Vashiel, who obviously would have a big part to play.
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** No, Raechiel is the dead one. Ramael is Vashiel's "old friend."
== Missi is about to get some serious [[Character Development]] and possibly be truly [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]. ==
"Now" being as of comic 1448, found [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=1448 here] <ref> It should go to the right one, I went through the archives</ref>. Look. She looks way too serious, almost sad, and a four-mile walk barefoot is beyond her annoying [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] tendencies and into "This is real and important" territory. I smell [[Cerebus Syndrome]].
* I hope you're right.
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== Pre-misfile Girl!Ash was transgendered. ==
The differences between the timelines were all due to [[Closer to Earth|hormones]] and body parts; they always had the same personality. Pretty much the only evidence I've found for this is that Doctor Upton's reaction to Ash shouting "I'm still a boy inside!... I'm a boy!" was "Go to bed, Ash!", which implies that he already knew but isn't angsting over it (assuming it wasn't [[Selective Obliviousness]]), but it would't necessarily have had any lasting, visible repercussions for Misfiled Ash to find.
* This could explain why he lets Rumisiel stay around even though he's a bit of a leech. He thinks Ash may be transgender or a lesbian. If she has a boyfriend and he encourages it, she might be coming out of a phase or 'cured' (I apologise in advance to all LGBT people who may be offended by that). He may not be homophobic, but it is true a lot of people are fine with homosexuality except among their family. After all, his hopes the pair of them are going to get married some day is pretty clear he's willing to accept any guy his daughter likes.
== Rumisiel is God ==
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* One thing people forget about the files is that (according to the supplementary materials), most people CAN'T read the codes in the files; only a few higher-ups can. Rumisiel can't really change the files beyond moving them around.
== If/When Ash does return to being a boy, his and Emily's relationship will be rewritten so that they were dating since the Misfile began. ==
We know Ash likes Emily and Em likes Ash back, but cannot accept she is attracted to a girl. We've seen that as a girl, Ash and James would have been together, so obviously it can work the other way. Cape Cod could be explained by Em encouraging Ash to finally contact his mother and the summer vacation was for them to reconnect, maybe with Em being the one who wore Ash's dress. James and Ash falling out could be Ash prioritizing Emily. The race against Kate could have been Kate seeing how much Emily cares about Ash, or maybe Em asks Kate not to kill Ash, which gets her to thinking about her views on life and getting over her sister. Missi, maybe Ash and Em break up for a while and Missi was Ash's rebound, but he realises he loves Emily and they get back together, he still dates Missi but remains friends with Emily and that causes some issues or Missi is trying to break the two up so she can date Ash. Oh, and Emily staying around in Tempest could be her deciding to miss college for a year to figure out what she wants to do and also to wait until Ash is old enough to come with her.
== Missi's character won't evolve because she's always going to be a side character. ==
We've never had a section of the story devoted to Missi alone, showing her thought process and things like that. Ash, Emily and Rumisiel are the stars of Misfile, so they get character exploration and development, but Missi is just someone they know who hangs out with them. The only time we saw any depth was when she got drunk, because she let down her defences and confessed she feels lonely, but that seems to have mostly been ignored now. This could be because none of the main trio see past her bubbly personality and think she is naturally a happy child. Until she lets down her defences again or maybe we see some of her thought process, she will never be able to grow.
== Rumisiel Is actually extremely lazy rather than incompetent. ==
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== Rumisiel lied about how his his superiors would react to the misfile. ==
Think about it. We only have Rumisiel's word that "mistakes are covered up" by his superiors.
Rumi only kept the misfile under wraps because he knew it would mean he'd really be kicked out of heaven, but the files of Ash and Emily would have been corrected to their original status without any additional fuss. There would have been no reason for Rumi's superiors to cover up the misfile, since they already had their scapegoat.
The only redeeming fact for Rumi is that thanks to the misfile, it looks like several people's life are changing for the better.
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== Ash and Emily are soul mates. ==
This is why Ash still likes girls and Emily now likes girls when she was straight before. The filing system automatically corrected their sexualities.
* My theory is that the files list people who would be attracted to Ash, or could grow an attraction. Say, in Emily's file it says "If you hung out with Ash Upton for a few weeks, you'd want to date him.' This also explains Missi, who admitted she never even considered the possibility of being attracted to girls until Rumi said Ash was interested in her. However she was probably bi or just very open since she went for it almost right away. Also, Emily has never shown any attraction to other girls and is squicked out by the idea of being with Ash in his current body.
== Ash will consider a [[Deal with the Devil]] ==
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== Ash becoming a guy won't automatically make Emily want him ==
Em has always known Ash as a girl and is attracted to him as such. Her having to teach him about bras and pads and such was how they bonded, and Ash's insecurity is part of who she loves. All of a sudden, she has this guy she knows is the same person, but she can't think of as the same.
** Alternatively, he'll be friendzoned.
== Ash is going to become an amazing [[Transsexualism|trans ally]] after/if the misfile is fixed ==
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[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Webcomics]]
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