Heroes (TV series)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Better on DVD]]? Though some say watching it on DVD makes you much more aware of the myriad of plot holes and aborted arcs and inconsistencies that watching it slowly one week at a time would eliminate.
* [[Broken Base]]: The Nathan and Sylar fans exited in droves and were baying for blood after the volume 4 finale. Those who weren't hopelessly confused, that is. And really, anything related to Sylar has this effect. That's because he's a [[Creator's Pet]] to half the fanbase and the [[Draco in Leather Pants|best thing on the show]] [[Base Breaker|to the other half.]]
** Another case comes in those who wish it had ended after Season 1, those who wish it had after the second, etc.
* [[Complete Monster]]:
** We went from complex and morally grey villains in Volumes One and two (Mr. Linderman and Adam Monroe) to Arthur Petrelli and Danko of Volumes Three and Four respectively. Both men are amoral sociopaths -- Arthur's just more slimy about it.
** Although Danko has at least a few moments, most notably when he leaves a message with Aileena explaining how he wants to be a good man, that suggest he has a better side. It's just buried under layers of cold hearted [[Fantastic Racism]] against evolved humans.
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*** Actually, the later episodes reveal that Samuel is actually a power hungry maniac who's more interested in using the carnies as tools to make the Muggles fear him.
*** [[Ambiguous Situation]] / [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]] : Does he want power for power's sake, or recognition for his 'potential' that he never got from his brother or his first love?
** Samuel is definitely one by the end of the season. He kills people in a way that is simply because he wants to. He probably didn't get love because he IS CRAZY.
** There is also Sylar's dad Samson Grey. This is a guy so evil he makes Sylar look like an amateur. He also killed people and took Their powers but quit when he got bored. He gave up his son for reasons he can't even remember. He was that unimportant to him. He then tries to kill Sylar and take his healing factor. If Sylar was bad on his own, who knows how much worse he would have been being raised by Samson?
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Sylar and Hiro.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Sylar. [[Daydream Believer|Oh so much.]]
** The writers finally realized this, and have been trying to avert it in season 4 by upping his villainness [[Up to Eleven]]. At least [[Villain Sue]] Sylar was a [[Magnificent Bastard]]. Now he just keeps [[Kick the Dog|kicking the damn dog]].
*** And that ended up shooting them in the foot once {{spoiler|Sylar made a solid Heel Face Turn}}.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Claude, Ando, Elle, and even Mr. Muggles have fanbases. In the first half of the first Volume, Hiro was like this too - then the producers listened and [[Breakout Character|gave him an increasingly larger role]]. Minor characters from the Graphic Novels such as Linda Tavara (Who only had three appearances, total) have sizeable fanbases. The most extreme example is Sparrow Redhouse who, despite only appearing in 3 panels until recently, was a character many wanted to see on the show.
** Do we need to explain how awesome Sylar was, causing him to [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|take over the show?]]
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Sylar.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Possible explanation for why occasionally-repentant Sylar is a major fan favorite. Plus, he goes [[Fan Service|shirtless]] and gets nookie with [[Veronica Mars|Elle]]. [[Good People Have Good Sex|Evil sex]]!
* [[Foe Yay]]: Where to begin... Mohinder/Sylar, Sylar/Peter, even, in a disturbing way, Sylar and ''Claire'' in the Fourth Volume finale (and in the later episodes of Volume Five). Sylar's just sort of a [[Foe Yay]] whore.
** Sylar/Chandra belongs here too. "Hello, Chandra. Why won't you talk to me? You can't leave me like this."
** Then there's [[Love Martyr|Sylar/Elle]] which counts as canon [[Foe Yay]].
*** It can be argued that this might be invalid, as they did have a prior romantic relationship before his [[Start of Darkness]] drove him over the edge. Still, he didn't seem to recognize her at the end of Powerless and she got really pissed when he murdered her father.
** We can safely add Sylar/Danko to the list, {{spoiler|if only because Sylar seems to enjoy impersonating Danko a little ''too'' much}}. Sylar really is a [[Foe Yay]] whore.
** {{spoiler|...Sylar uses his new shapeshifting power to pretend to be Bennet's wife.}}
** Adam/Hiro and Adam/Peter goes here too.
{{quote|'''Adam (to Hiro):''' You were more than a friend to me... }}
* [[Generic Doomsday Villain]]:
** Arthur Petrelli, after stealing Peter's powers (made even worse by the fact he barely ever used them, effectively becoming the [[Generic Doomsday Villain]] [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything|who never did anything]]).
** Sylar, made much worse because he has [[Joker Immunity]] to the power of ten.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] - In-Universe: In "The Fix", Claire is looking for her biological family, and Zach suggests hopefully that she might have a rich, eccentric uncle. "Great," quips Claire, "[[All Your Powers Combined|an uncle]]."
** Also Zach was supposed to be gay but this was not made known to Thomas Dekker. He would later go onto play a gay character in Kaboom!.
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* [[Logo Joke]]: When the series was shown on BBC Two in the UK, it was preceded by a special [[Station Ident]] in which the '2' symbol eclipsed the Sun, though it isn't part of the actual show.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: And in ''this'' corner, the fight is between Bennet and Nathan Petrelli. Odds favorite is currently Nathan, as he manages to be a [[Magnificent Bastard]] even when the people know it. With the introduction of Mr. Linderman - who calmly managed to talk ''Nathan'' down - a new contender was on the field. And just when we thought Bennet was out of the race, he cranks it up to 11 and shows he's a bigger bastard than even ''we'' dreamed. And then there's Bob, and don't discount Adam Monroe yet... it's a veritable bastard [[Battle Royale With Cheese|battle royale]]! And don't forget Magnificent Bitch Angela Petrelli.
** Samuel Sullivan is definitely one. If he wasn't one before, he became one the moment he {{spoiler|pretended that he was about to surrender to Noah to atone for his crimes, only to have his flunky open fire from the shadows, wounding Samuel and killing at least one member of the Carnival (who had been about to turn on Samuel), leading everyone to believe that Noah had tried to kill Samuel even when he was prepared to surrender... and therefore making them a lot more willing to forget their doubts about Samuel and go along with his anti-Muggle agenda.}} Now, if that ain't Magnificent Bastardy, I don't know what is.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]:
** {{spoiler|Samuel has a killer one in "Once Upon a Time in Texas" - after spending the episode doing his utmost to save Charlie from Sylar, three years in the past, Hiro walks out to discover that she's been taken by Arnold, Samuel's time-traveling carnival member, at the behest of Samuel. Samuel reveals the entirety of the episode, including his previous attempts at goading Hiro into changing the past, have all been a manipulation to force Hiro to work for him, and to possibly prevent the death of Mohinder. Needless to say, Hiro is less than amused.}}
** {{spoiler|He hits a new watermark in "Pass/Fail," when he wipes a town off the map after getting dumped. He doesn't even have an excuse so much as he's just pissed.}}
** [[It Got Worse]]: After the entire carnival loses respect for him, he wins it back by {{spoiler|murdering Lydia and blaming Noah for it.}}
* [[MST3K Mantra]] - It's often easier to enjoy the show for the lulz than taking it seriously.
* [[Pandering to the Base]]: And HOW.
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Volume Five is trying its hardest to do this for everyone. (And it seems to be succeeding for several characters so far.)
** {{spoiler|Superspeed knife fight! Okay, Peter, you're cool again.}}
** Shooting {{spoiler|Sylar in the balls with a nail gun}} also helped.
* [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]: West and Claire in Volume 2.
* [[Rooting for the Empire]] - The villains / morally grey characters in this show tend to be the most popular because the [[Designated Hero|heroes]] [[Too Dumb to Live|are complete morons.]]
* [[Snark Bait]]: There are entire LJ communities in which getting together every Monday night to watch Heroes - for the sole purpose of giving it the [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] treatment - has become a ritual and a bonding experience. Wet Sylar, Carniawarts, Clairiett Tubman, Sylar Durden, Rainbow Brite Girl, Gretchward Cullen - we salute you.
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: It slowly became obvious that the main characters of the show would be the Petrelli family (and by extension Claire and Noah Bennet), and Sylar. This became more evident with Sylar as the show's DVD releases went from a shadowy depiction of his face to him standing in the middle of the cover.
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** Which she just acknowledged herself.
*** {{spoiler|Actually, she didn't. She repeated the erroneous statement that Matt's vision was only a "dream." Not only did Angela see the same future, but Peter was actually *in* it. What she said was either 1) wrong or 2) a retcon.}}
** The thing about this is it was actually well done and well-received.
* [[Toy Ship]]: Micah and Molly.
* [[The Woobie]]: Multiple characters get this treatment notably Hiro, Peter, Adam, Elle, Noah and Sylar.
** Also attempted with Nathan Petrelli at the beginning of Season 2 (mostly by making him grow a truly ''horrific'' [[Beard of Sorrow]]) - a decision which pretty much led to a fandom revolt and was never referenced again.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: The way they depicted Sylar's mother as both a Roman Catholic and a deeply disturbed woman who was perfectly willing to kill even her own son due to his powers and viewing him as a demon really wasn't a good depiction of Christians, period.
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Claire Bennet
* [[Foe Yay]]: With Sylar ''and'' Elle {{spoiler|(though more the latter than the former - she may have had a [[Cat Fight]] with Elle but it was Sylar who she stabbed in the stomach<ref>which would have killed him for good if he hadn't managed to get her power</ref>, jabbed in the skull with glass and plugged in the eye with a pencil)}}.
* [[Iron Woobie]] - Aided in no small part by her powers, Claire never gave up despite all the pain and suffering the world heaped on her.
* [[Wangst]] - Boy, she was bad about this for a long time during Volume One.
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* [[Complete Monster]] - After an [[Heel Face Turn|attempt at rehabilitation]] this guy seems to be doing getting worse. Such as {{spoiler|siding against his own kind (Danko), killing Nathan Petrelli and then deciding to basically Mind Rape Matt Parkman}}. Seriously, is there any way this guy could get worse?
* [[Creepy Awesome]]
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]] - Cause [[Evil Is Cool]] and [[Evil Is Sexy]].
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Adam Monroe
* [[Foe Yay]] - with Hiro or Peter.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Villain Decay]] - In the space of one and a half episodes, he's bumped down from Ancient Evil [[Big Bad]] back to comic relief to [[Killed Off for Real]] by the [[Eviler Than Thou]] new [[Big Bad]].
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] - The way he wanted to save the world by purging mankind was fueled by his heartbreak over Yaeko.
Angela Petrelli
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Arthur Petrelli
* [[Better Than Canon]] - In a less outward way because he explicitly shipped Elle/Sylar by locking them in a room together where she could torture him to his pleasure. Then grounds Peter so that he needs to stop playing with the [[Idiot Ball]], takes the resident [[Mad Scientist]] and gives him other people to experiement on... gave to good reason to get rid of Maya and her anthrax tears.
** Does that make him a [[Fixer Sue]]?
* [[Complete Monster]]
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Eric Doyle
* [[Memetic Molester]] - only... it's canon.
Emile Danko
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Hana Gitelman
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] - seen in only a couple of scenes on the show but has a couple of storylines in the Graphic Novels.
Daphne Millbrook
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Sparrow Redhouse
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Before she became a major part of the Graphic Novels Rebel story arc she'd only had one brief appearance yet she was still a character fans wanted to see more of.
Rachel Mills
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* [[Iron Woobie]]: See above.
Mr Muggles