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Fallout: New Vegas/Tropes M to Z: Difference between revisions

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** Each of the scientists in the Big MT has a name referring to an endless loop. Dr. Klein refers to the Klein bottle, Dr. Borous refers to the Ouroboros (and with a high enough INT, you can point out it's spelled wrong), Dr. Dala comes from "Mandala", a Sanskrit word meaning circle, Dr. 0 is obviously a loop, Dr. 8 is an infinity symbol turned on its side, and Dr. Mobius is named for the Mobius strip.
* [[Medieval Stasis]]: A higher-tech version than usual, but consider, it's been 200 years since the bombs fell and the Brotherhood of Steel (in particular, the Nevada chapter you deal with) is falling into a ''serious'' rut. {{spoiler|It's stated that the Mojave Brotherhood chapter is trying to get in touch with the Brotherhood of Steel headquarters far to the west, but isn't getting responses. Given that the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR have just been at war, it's possible that all other Brotherhood chapters in NCR territory have been wiped out and the Mojave chapter may be one of the few Brotherhood chapters left.}}
* [[Meet the New Boss]]: Caesar's manifesto will seem pretty familiar to those who've played the original ''Fallout'' and faced down [[The Master (trope)|The Master]]. In many ways the Legion is simply the Unity all over again. You can even talk to Marcus about Caesar, and while he doesn't make an obvious direct comparison you definitely get the vibe that he's seen it before and knows it can never lead to anything good.
* [[Mega Corp]]: The Crimson Caravan Company is the closest thing to a Mega Corp that you can get in a post-apocalyptic world. They dominate most of the commercial activities on the west coast, have offices and trading outpost all the way from California to Utah, and have lot of influence in the NCR government.
** The Mojave Wasteland under the control of Mr. House is basically a [[One Nation Under Copyright|Mega Corp in the form of a nation state]].
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* [[Noodle Incident]]: You can find a computer log in ''Old World Blues'' which says steps are being taken to avoid a repeat of <nowiki>Incident:PLAYTIME</nowiki>. There were cyberdogs involved, and fixing it took up a good portion of the research budget.
** Hinted to cyberdogs in heat and measures taken to sterilize the place after the dogs had their mating season.
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: The idea behind the Good Natured trait. Your combat skills take a hit, but a whole bunch of non-combat skills get a boost, and since you have the option of getting a couple of party members to do the fighting for you, you can still survive when violence becomes necessary. That also does not prevent you from [[Took a Level Inin Badass|taking a level in badass]] by putting skill points appropriately.
** What's funny is that this trait actually has the opposite intended effect. Since you can't max out skills like in ''Fallout 3'', you have to decide which skills you want to build up. This trait takes points away from the combat skills you will never use (depending on how you like to play, you'll only ever use one or two combat skills, maybe three at most) and puts them into skills you will, almost certainly resulting in a net gain. By putting skill points into combat skills anyway, [[The Ace|your character can deal with practically any situation.]]
** Even better, the ''Old World Blues'' DLC has the [[The Ace|Skilled]] trait, which gives you +5 to all skills at the cost of a -10% exp gain. Combined with the Good Natured Trait, this is a net gain of +10 to a lot of skills while also removing the -5 penalty to your combat skills. The experience loss can be negated by a perk which you can get at second level.
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** Any of a number of female characters in the game who openly support Caesar's Legion. It's not as if it's a secret what they do to women. Though at least one of said characters was lied to.
** At Goodsprings Source you can find a man named {{spoiler|Barton Thorn}} who claims that his girlfriend is nearby just beyond a nest of Geckos. After you get done massacring them for him it turns out that there is no girlfriend, just corpses and a cache of food and supplies. {{spoiler|Thorn}} then approaches, apologizes for tricking you into clearing the way to the cache, and then tries to kill you because [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|you're of no use anymore.]] It is a severe case of [[Too Dumb to Live|Darwinitis]] on his part since you have not only just survived being shot - point blank - in the head, you have also just killed the bunch of [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gecko_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) Geckos] that he couldn't kill himself. Vicious mutated lizards that swarm prey in large numbers.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: The Courier takes several levels of badass over the course of the game, both game levels and in-story levels.
** Do you remember those poor Deathclaws in ''[[Fallout 3]]'' and how easily you could slaughter them after a few levels? Try it with a Deathclaw in ''this'' game and see how that works out for you.
*** Lampshaded in a player dialog response to someone warning you of the problem. [[Too Dumb to Live|"I'm not afraid of Deathclaws."]]
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** Dr. 8 from ''Old World Blues'' can only speak in static and scrambled audio, though if you ask him his name, you may notice an "8" buried in the center of his garbled symbols.
* [[Undefeatable Little Village]]: Goodsprings is one of these, if you decide to help them drive away the Powder Gangers.
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: {{spoiler|The Courier, of course. When you confront Benny again in the Tops, this can even be your response to him. With appropriate perk, you can also scare him into running by saying that you [[Rise Fromfrom Your Grave|came back from the grave]] [[Badass Boast|to put him in his.]]}}
** Also when {{spoiler|you confront Jessup. He'll be surprised, scared even maybe, and say "You're supposed to be dead." One of your responses can be exactly, word for word, the line, "I got better."}}
* [[Universal Poison]]: Played straight in the main game, as the generic item "antivenom" will cure you instantly, whether it be a simple radscorpion sting or a nasty Cazador attack. Averted in the ''Honest Hearts'' DLC, where the local poisonous plants have their own type of antivenom.
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** One of the quests even has it in the title.
* [[You Bastard]]: Cass is one of the few who calls the Courier out for consistent enough bastardry to earn bad karma. Arcade Gannon calls the courier out on some events in opposition to the Follower's ideals, but it is sometimes possible to avoid distrust in these actions.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: The story behind the Burned Man.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]:
** The Great Khans can teach you how to throw a handful of sand in an opponent's face.
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