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You Know I'm Black, Right?: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Glowworm:''' You know what color I am? You know what color I ''used'' to be?!?
'''Publisher:''' No, but I can make a guess...
'''Glowworm:''' ''Do you have any idea what my '''[[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|mother]]''' thought when she read this?!?''
'''Publisher:''' [[Bullying a Dragon|What does she think of your robbing banks?]] }}
* In ''[[Quantum and Woody]]'' issue #4, Quantum is repeatedly called "noogie" (a substitute for the n-word) several times by a homeless street-dweller. Quantum, whose costume covers his entire face and body, asks the guy how he knows he's black. "You're '''black?''' [[T-Word Euphemism|S-Word!]]"
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{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' (''on the phone'') Oh! Harmony's a ''vampire''! ...All this time I thought she'd become a great big lesbo! ([[Beat]]) Oh. Really? ...well, that's great! Good for you!
'''Willow:''' Thanks for the validation. }}
* A funny moment in ''[[Studio 60 Onon the Sunset Strip|Studio 60]]'', when the black junior writer asks his co-writer whether calling senior writers 'sir' is a 'white thing?' gets the response; 'I'm not white, I'm British.'
** This is [[Truth in Television]], in that many Americans don't realize that racism works different outside of the US. In America, racists tend to just go by how a person looks, where as in most of the rest of the planet, the racists actually try to figure out something about your background to hate.
*** On an episode of ''[[The Daily Show]]'', Brit John Oliver explains that Americans don't know bigotry, Brits know REAL Bigotry. "We're prejudiced against other, white Europeans. Michael Caine passed me in the hallway, heard my accent, headbutted me in the nose, and threw his laundry at me, and I have to do it, according to the rules of England! There is a little old lady in [some small British town], who feels hollandaise sauce is "Too Ethnic". She won't let her daughter date a Normans, because she hasn't forgiven William the Conqueror for the invasion of 1066 yet!"
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{{quote|'''Carrie:''' Doesn't that freak you out? Isn't that totally gross?
'''Alice:''' [[Let Me Get This Straight...]]. You're asking one of the only black girls at this school if she should be repulsed by somebody because she's different? }}
* In [http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp01072004.shtml this] ''[[Something *Positive]]'' strip, a white male Pagan ran across a Davan-created webcomic taking a potshot at Wicca and works himself into a righteous anger over the "persecution":
{{quote|'''Pagan''': You'll never know what its like to live with the pain of your ancestors being oppresses for who they were! That they lived in fear because they might get lynched! To know that the suffered so I'd have the right to --
[Panel with Kim (Black woman) staring at him]
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'''Lana''': ''Racist''? I'm black--
'''Malory''': Oh, put it back in the deck. }}
* Used in an episode of [[Sixteen6teen|6Teen]]. While trying to ditch a crazy stalker girl, she thinks Jude and Wyatt are identical twins. Now go over to the page. Wyatt is the black guy in the red sweater. Jude is the skater dude in the ski cap. This finally leads Wyatt to snap, delivering this little gem.
{{quote|'''Wyatt:''' We're ''not'' '''''twins'''''! ''I'm'' black, and ''he's'' '''''white'''''!}}
* ''[[My Life as a Teenage Robot]]'': Tuck manages several times in "The Wonderful World of Wizzly".
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