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North by Northwest: Difference between revisions

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** The California coastline stands in for that of Glen Cove, New York, where Thornhill was originally to meet his fate. The north shore of Long Island is rocky, but not THAT rocky.
* [[The Chase]]
* [[Climbing Climax]]: The final fight on the Mount Rushmore.
* [[Cold War]]
{{quote|'''The Professor:''' War is hell, Mr. Thornhill. Even when it's a cold one.}}
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Roger.
{{quote|"Not that I mind a slight case of abduction now and then, but I have tickets for the theater this evening, to a show I was looking forward to and I get, well, kind of ''unreasonable'' about things like that."}}
** James Mason more than keeps up with him as the [[Affably Evil]] Vandamn, leading to some fabulous one-liners and plenty of [[Snark -to -Snark Combat]].
{{quote|'''Vandamm:''' Has anyone ever told you that you overplay your various roles rather severely, Mr. Kaplan? First, you're the outraged Madison Avenue man who claims he's been mistaken for someone else. Then you play the fugitive from justice, supposedly trying to clear his name of a crime he knows he didn't commit. And now, you play the peevish lover, stung by jealousy and betrayal. It seems to me you fellows could stand a little less training from the FBI and a little more from the Actor's Studio.
'''Roger:''' Apparently, the only performance that will satisfy you is when I play dead.
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{{quote|I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly,
I know a hawk from a handsaw.}}
* [[MacGuffin]]: Both the microfilm and George Kaplan, since the first two acts of the movie are about Thornhill and Vandamm both looking for the nonexistent spy.
* [[Mistaken for Spies]]: The entire basis of the film.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Thornhill, at least to the extent that it's Mother who he calls to bail him out of jail and assist him in casing "Kaplan"'s room at the Plaza.
* [[Monumental Battle]]
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[[Category:National Film Registry]]
[[Category:Films of the 1950s]]
[[Category:North by Northwest]]
[[Category:The Criterion Collection (LaserDisc)]]
[[Category:North by Northwest{{PAGENAME}}]]
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