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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Harriet Hayes (''[[Studio 60 Onon the Sunset Strip]]'') is depicted as incapable of either remembering the text, structure or delivery of a joke. She's a professional comedian...
* Dana, the producer on ''[[Sports Night]]'', is referred to as being bad at jokes.
* Nancy Weeks, the delightfully awful "Head of Continuing Drama" in ''[[Moving Wallpaper]]'' is alleged to be thus. in S 2 E 5, the writers are discussing whether or not to put a joke in her speech. Pope, the producer, recommends against this, saying "the woman's got the comic timing of (something)".
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** Also Katara, with "It's ''so'' hot, Momo is shedding like Appa!" and "If you miss Sokka so much, why don't you ''marry him''?"
** Suki too...
{{quote|'''Suki:''' (after {{spoiler|Ozai}}'s defeat) How about King of the Guys…who…don't win? ([[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Funny|Said person blanched at that]])
'''Toph:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|Leave the jokes to us, honey.]] }}
* Seen in ''[[Beavis and Butthead]]'' sometimes, usually from Butthead bunging up a joke. There's some joke that goes "What's the definition of a perfect woman? Three feet tall, with a flat head to hold the beer". Of course when Butthead attempts to tell this, his punchline is "Uh... I dunno, but she'd be pretty hot!". Another time he did successfully tell the "Why do dogs lick their balls? Because they can!" joke, to which Beavis replies "Um... what's so special about that? Anyone can lick a dog's balls!"
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[[Category:Index of Exact Trope Titles]]
[[Category:Comedy Tropes]]
[[Category:Cannot Tell a Joke]]
[[Category:A Failure to Communicate]]
[[Category:Cannot Tell a Joke{{PAGENAME}}]]
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