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It's not uncommon to see characters all over this scale in a setting; or for them to change Weight Class during the course of a story, [[Super Empowering|up]] ''or'' [[De-Power|down.]] Pure power isn't everything either; a [[Guile Hero]] or antagonists can beat an opponent that's more powerful than them with clever tactics and forethought. ''Thus, defeating somebody does NOT mean that you're a higher Weight Class than your victim'', although the greater the class difference between the lower weight victor and the higher weight victim, the more the defeat qualifies as an example of [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]].
When editing the page, remember that power levels only take into account actual power and abilities, what the character is literally capable of. While characters such as [[Batman]] and [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]] can take on gods, they do this through intellect, not pure power, and thus remain relatively low on the list compared to their defeated opponents.
Also note that ''this isn't [[Gushing About Characters You Like]]''; when adding examples, make realistic assessments of their power level according to the scale and in terms of the setting.
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| '''{{color|Orange| Muggle Weight: 0}}''' || These characters are not significantly stronger or weaker than normal for a human, and tend to be [[Innocent Bystander]]s and (you guessed it) [[Muggle]]s. Though not necessarily humans, they should be close to normal people in ability. || [[Action Survivor]], [[Innocent Bystander]], [[Unfazed Everyman]], [[Non-Action Guy|Non Action Guys]]
| '''{{color|gold|Iron Weight: 1}}''' || These characters are [[Made of Iron]] [[Badass Normal]]s who can push the upper limits of what a human is capable of. They may have gotten [[Training Fromfrom Hell]], be [[Artificial Limbs|(low grade) cyborgs]], or are experts at [[This Index Knows Kung Fu|martial arts]], [[Good Old Fisticuffs]], [[Gun Kata]], [[Le Parkour]], [[Improbable Weapon User|Improbable Weapon Usage]] and the like. Basically, a character anyone could become, bar the setting. However, do note that [[Red Shirts]] typically go here, as most of them are trained [[Mooks]] that make the danger more palpable by showing the fate of non-protagonists. This weight is also for any natural wildlife that could take down an unarmed human single-handedly. || [[Badass Normal]], [[Action Hero]]
| '''Super Tier''' || ||
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| '''{{color|springgreen|Hyper Weight: 4}}''' || These characters have abilities that can typically [[Person of Mass Destruction|cause]], stop, or even reverse large scale disasters, or have a [[Reality Warper|reality warping]] power with few limitations. A protagonist of this weight or higher risks becoming a [[God Mode Sue]], because their abilities tend to be [[Story-Breaker Power|story breaking]], making it difficult to give them a [[How to Stop the Deus Ex Machina|plausible challenge.]] That said, a protagonist at this weight can have engaging adventures, the author just has to be careful to scale the [[Sorting Algorithm of Villain Threat]] accordingly. || [[Person of Mass Destruction]]
| '''Cosmic Tier''' || ||
| '''{{color|cyan|World Weight: 5}}''' || These characters have abilities that can affect an entire world, either [[World-Healing Wave|positively]] or [[World-Wrecking Wave|negatively]], or may even be a [[Mother Nature|manifestation of a planet]], [[Gaia's Vengeance|with all that implies]]. [[Reality Warper]]s that are powerful enough to create separate worlds / planes of existence (that are difficult to destroy) also go here. Many a [[Big Bad]] ends up here, especially if they're [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicidal maniacs]], though you'll also find their opposite in [[The Messiah]]. || [[World-Wrecking Wave]], [[World-Healing Wave]], [[Physical God]]
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* [[Super Weight/Anime and Manga|Anime and Manga]]
* [[Super Weight/Comics|Comics]]
* [[Super Weight/Fan FictionFanfic|Fan Fiction]]
* [[Super Weight/Film|Film]]
* [[Super Weight/Literature|Literature]]
* [[Super Weight/Live Action TV|Live Action TV]]
* [[Super Weight/MythologyOral and ReligionTradition|Mythology and Religion]]
* [[Super Weight/Tabletop Games|Tabletop Games]]
* [[Super Weight/Video Games|Video Games]]
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[[Category:Laws and Formulas]]
[[Category:Just for Fun]]
[[Category:Super Weight]]
[[Category:No Real Life Examples, Please]]
[[Category:Super Weight{{PAGENAME}}]]
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