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Characters from the recent [[Continuity Reboot]], ''[[The Legend of Spyro]].'' Note that while this series does share a number of characters with the original trilogy (in name and appearance), their personalities are frequently different, so we're giving them a different section.
== The Heroes ==
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* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: As result of Malefor's [[Hannibal Lecture]] in ''Dawn Of The Dragon'' and his {{spoiler|turning Cynder evil and having her attack Spyro. Comes out of it due to Cynder being freed by the [[Power of Love]].}}
* [[Determinator]]: Goes through all sorts of heck throughout the games and doesn't give up. Even when a seemingly all-seeing dragon tells him its impossible, he just pulls a [[Screw Destiny]] and does it. The only time he really gives up is when {{spoiler|Malefor turns Cynder against him, because after losing Ignitus she was all he had to fight for.}}
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Being a purple dragon, [[All Your Powers Combined|he can learn to use all four basic dragon elements]]. Most dragons can only learn one.
** [[Playing with Fire]]
** [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Happily Adopted]]: While concerned at first, he becomes this once his parents reassure him. Also provides the page quote. Of course we never see them again in the games, but the games really don't give him a good opportunity to pay mom and dad a visit.
* [[Ideal Hero]]
* [[Immune to Fate]]: Its stated that the Purple Dragon will guide the fate of the era its born into. So pretty much this lets Spyro [[Screw Destiny]] if he doesn't like what's supposed to happen or go along with it if he does.
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: When he discovered what he was and what Malefor's army was doing to his people, he was pretty quick to take up the fight. This was despite the fact Ignitus and Sparx were trying to talk him out of it.
* [[Moses in the Bulrushes]]
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=== Sparx ===
Spyro's adopted brother this time around. Since Spyro has his own health meter, Sparx becomes his brother's [[Exposition Fairy]]. Oh, and the requisite [[Deadpan Snarker|snarker.]] While not as brave as Spyro, he's still a fearless companion.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: Constantly insults and makes Cynder feel bad due to her having been the [[Big Bad]] of the first game. Not only is she much larger than him, but she's just as strong as Spyro if not more so. Also a literal example, as she is a dragon.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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* [[Big Bad]]: Of the first game, though she was [[Brainwashed]].
* [[Blow You Away]]: She has the elemental power of wind. A common theory among fans is the power she ''would'' have had if Malefor hadn't taken her, as its the only element she has that doesn't have a 'dark' attribute.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the first game, where she's the main villain.
** Happens again at the end of ''Dawn of the Dragon'' when {{spoiler|Malefor takes over her mind to turn her on Spyro, thank goodness for the [[Power of Love]].}}
* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]: Her tail ends in a rather long metal blade, even when she's returned to being her normal self. It's never explained rather this is natural or something done to her by Malefor.
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* [[Casting a Shadow]]: One of the powers she has unique to her is controlling darkness. A rare heroic example.
* [[Chained Heat]]: She spends the entire third game chained to Spyro. Sort of a one way example because she's really the only one to complain about it even though {{spoiler|it ultimately convinces her of her love for Spyro}}.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Especially in the third game, where it's revealed that her exposure to the darkness gave her a ''lot'' of cool powers.
* [[Deleted Scene]]: One of the planned scenes for ''Dawn Of the Dragon'' would've explained how she got her jewelry back, which she hadn't had prior to being frozen in time. She was meant to put the jewelry back on in a cutscene in order to remind her of her past deeds. There wasn't enough time to make this scene.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Well, it helps that she was returned to her true form after the defeat.
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Was the [[Big Bad]] in the first game until Spyro beats her and she turns good.
* [[Jekyll and Hyde]]: Dark Cynder is the first side of her we see, and she's a [[Complete Monster]]. Then when she's finally beaten, she reverts to the real Cynder, who knows what has happened, but is nothing like her former evil counterpart. Unusual as the evil Cynder was raised that way from birth and the good self didn't show up until later.
* [[Make Me Wanna Shout]]: Her "Fear" power has this effect.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Despite being [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] the entire time, Cynder is deeply ashamed of her sins when under Malefor's control.
* [[Official Couple]]: With {{spoiler|Spyro. Her last words of the series is telling him she loves him. They're then seen flying joyfully together after the credits.}}
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* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: After Gaul is killed in ''Eternal Night'', the Mountain of Malefor begins to collapse around them, so Spyro seals her, himself, and Sparx in crystal to save them. 3 years later some Mooks think its a bright idea to break them out for their own amusement.
* [[This Was His True Form|This Was Her True Form]]: When defeated by Spyro, he hits her hard enough to break the Dark Master's control over her. After this, she reverts to her true age if the Dark Master hadn't gotten his claws in her. Helps that it was only his magic that had kept her in her monster form.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In ''Dawn Of the Dragon''. After spending ''The Eternal Night'' as a [[Damsel in Distress]], she awakens from her three years as [[Sealed Good in a Can]] and becomes playable character, as well as an [[Action Girl]].
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=== Cyril ===
The Ice Guardian and the first dragon Spyro rescues.
* [[An Ice Person]]
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* [[High Altitude Battle]]: They're [[Sky Pirates]], naturally this is the case.
* [[Hook Hand]]: Skabb has one which he uses as a weapon.
* [[Large Ham]]: Scratch is very much one.
* [[Leg Cannon]]: Skabb has a small cannon in place of a peg leg.
* [[Sky Pirates]]
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Or at least he insists he is to Spyro, which is partly true, as they're the only two of their kind in existence.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: And a very nice one at that.
* [[The Exile]]: Was exiled from the Dragon Realms for getting completely obsessed with power and threatening everyone's safety.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Malefor meets his end when the {{spoiler|spirits of the Dragon Elders drag him into the Earth and seal him away there.}} Depending on the situation, this might be one.
* [[Fallen Hero]]: Implied, by the statues around the Dragon Realm of him depicting him in an honorable light, and Prowlus' comparing Spyro's current self to Malefor at the same age, both implying that he was once a good guy. Makes his [[Not So Different]] [[Hannibal Lecture]] even more effective.
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