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Mana-Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]: Lampshaded by the party members when they encountered the Light Mana, stating something around how boring a blond villain is.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: ''[[Played for Laughs]]'' during the [[Gone Horribly Right]] entry below.
* [[Girl in a Box|Boy In A Bag]]: In two [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] events in Raze's route, Et brings along Enna inside a bag. {{spoiler|[[It Got Worse]] in the first case, since Et completely forgets about the bag, causing Enna to be trapped ''for the whole week'' inside. When he finally gets out, he nearly dies from dehydration.}}
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Corona, {{spoiler|''Yun's''}} "daughter".
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Puni Kichi, to the point where Puniyo offers him to Lily ''multiple'' times during the game. To a lesser extent, Enna, Pepperoni, Et, Puni Taro, and Whim.
** Raze, too, considering how often he gets into trouble by other characters.
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* [[Continuity Nod]]: the Dragon's Grave returns, albeit with differences to the original. The Millenium Tree as well, but it has grown; it's now the Millennium ''Forest''.
** Don't forget Mana Ruins, which is now separated into Deep Sea Ruins and Deep Ruins.
** Flay's [[BFS|Mechsword]] and Tony's [[Sinister Scythe]] can be seen in their respective offices.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: The Dark Mana King and Raze's grandfather.
* [[Country Mouse]]: Ulrika and Chloe come from a very rural and backwoods village. True to this trope's description, Ulrika quickly becomes a [[Rich Bitch|target of rivalry with Lily.]]
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** We're told fairly early on in his character quests that {{spoiler|he's not a fairy}}, but it's not until near the end of either story that we find out {{spoiler|what he really is: a Mana, or at least partly one.}} See [[Epileptic Trees]] above.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Sasalina arguably qualifies. It is described that she has amazing archery skills... and yet she always ends up defeated by your party.
** To be fair, she is ganged up by a group of five/six people.
* [[Fetish]]: Lily sure is fond of Punis. When a few of them arrive on campus, she arranges to have her servants capture them so that she can... touch them. Later in the game, she falls in love with one for a few seconds, and when the opportunity to make her breasts larger presents itself some time afterward she tries to envision them having the texture of punis, "so she could touch a puni whenever she wants."
** Lily can ''smell'' Punis. Think about that for a while.
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* [[Idiot Hero|Idiot Heroine]]: Ulrika, <s>arguably</s> whose level of intelligence doesn't seem to be higher than children at Enna's age. Not to mention her inability to understand Punis (who can speak human language just fine) is said to be something that only idiots will suffer...
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: The recipe for Raze's weapon: [[Knife Nut|Dagger]] + [[Ring of Power|Ring of Light]] = [[Energy Weapon|funky weird sword thing made out of energy/light]] [[Morph Weapon|that can change shape at will]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: Sasalina.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Chloe's <s>curses</s> incantations.
* [[Jerkass]]: Some people view the members of Ulrika's workshop as this.
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* [[Rocket Punch]]: Enna's [[Limit Break|Finishing Burst]] ends with his [[Humongous Mecha]] firing one of these at the enemy.
** He also summons his [[Humongous Mecha]]'s hand and fires it at the enemy during his Intimate Strike.
* [[Running Gag]]: In many of Gust's titles, characters have a habit of stating "Barrel!" when the player examines a barrel. In this game, it's also lampshaded - during some point in the game, Lily/Whim or Pepperoni/Goto stand in front of a barrel on the Campus Grounds, commenting that "yes, that is a barrel". On Ulrika's side, Raze is also there, if only to ask Lily and Whim "what are you two ''doing?''"
* [[Shy Finger-Twiddling]]: Pepperoni, of all people, is prone to this habit.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: Ulrika and Uryu appear in this way for other members of the workshop.
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: Et's [[Rings of Death]] can transform into a [[The Archer|bow and arrow]] during one of her skills, as well as in an upgraded back-up attack.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Flay's preferred method of instruction.
* [[Triple Shifter]]: In addition to having a full-time one year contract with Lily, Yun is always seen taking jobs from other people on the side. It seems strange that a mana cares so deeply about money, until you learn the reason, of course.
* [[Underwater Ruins]]: Deep Sea Ruins, naturally.
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