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Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, ''Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story'' revolves around amiable [[Dismotivation|underachiever]] Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn), whose rundown gym, Average Joe's, is populated by a less-than-average clientele including a [[Talk Like a Pirate|self-styled pirate]] (Alan Tudyk), an [[Collector of the Strange|ultra-obscure sports aficionado]] (Stephen Root), and a pining high school [[Nerd]] (Justin Long).
Despite Average Joe's posing little threat to Globo Gym, a fitness goliath owned by White Goodman ([[Ben Stiller]]), Peter's humble recreation center becomes a subject of much controversy when Goodman learns of his competition's less than meticulous bookkeeping. Determined to expand his empire, Goodman hires [[Hello, Attorney!|attorney]] Kate Veach (Christine Taylor) to initiate a hostile takeover of the gym. Peter's [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|ragtag group of regulars]], however, are less than thrilled with the prospects, and enter a Dodgeball tournament as a last-ditch effort to raise the fifty grand they need to keep the gym. However, Goodman enters his own Globo Gym team to try and beat the Average Joes. The film also features Missi Pyle and Rip Torn.
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* [[Big Ol' Unibrow]]: Fran Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Kate. "I am not a lesbian. I'm ''bisexual!''"
* [[Book Ends]]: The movie begins and ends the owner of a less-successful gym watching a commercial for a successful gym.
* [[Brawn Hilda]]: Fran.
** In the epilogue, she ''is'' shown to be [[Progressively Prettier|substantially more attractive]], though.
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* [[Talk Like a Pirate]]: Steve!
* [[Take That]]: White Goodman gives one to the ''audience'' at the end of the credits.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Upon seeing his [[Mail Order Bride]] getting flirted with in front of his children, Gordon hits the [[Berserk Button]] and in a Crowing Moment of Awesome wipes out the entire Poughkeepsie State Flying Cougars on his own with [[Screaming Warrior|warrior cries]] and rapid precision strikes that have the other team cowering in fear.
* [[Totally Radical]]: "ESPN 8-''The Ocho!''"
** This is a reference to ESPN 2, which was originally referred to as "The Deuce".
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: The POSTER spoils Kate joining the Joe's team.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Patches O'Houlihan trains the team by tossing wrenches at them, making them run through traffic, a "pitching machine" that launches dodgeballs...
** "If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball!"
* [[The Triple]]: Dodgeball announcer Cotton McKnight is good at these. "It's an event greater than [[The World Cup]], [[Baseball|World Series]], and [[World War II]] combined!" and "Tomorrow we separate the men from the boys, the wheat from the chaff, and the awkwardly feminine from the [[Canada, Eh?|possibly Canadian]]"—culminating in "Ladies and gentlemen, I have BEEN to the Great Wall of China, I have SEEN the Pyramids of Egypt ... I've even seen a grown man satisfy a camel!"
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