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The Movolreilen Saga: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anti-Hero]] : Relbacia eln Roblos ([[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type IV-V]]). Fourth Roblos could probably be considered at least Type III for being OK with his sister's [[Kick the Dog|dog-kicking]].
* [[Arc Number]] : The number nine is important in Nileniran culture, due to their nine goddesses.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]] : The appointment of High Commanders in Nilenira is supposed to be this, but tend to be more based on winning the favor of powerful families. However, this trope is still played straight in Nilenira due to the fact that inheritence only goes to girls who have completed the [[Training Fromfrom Hell]].
* [[Author Avatar]] : Nehpeus iln Roblos, the youngest and least important member of the Roblos Clan.
* [[Black Sheep]] : Dilsinet ler Paldrea. Also, Jirdrea's sister Belisdrea.
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* [[The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry]] : [[Holier Than Thou|Supreme Commander Rilsent]] and her little sister, [[Cloudcuckoolander|High Commander Dilsinet]].
* [[The Hero]] : Jirdrea ler Bilandra, of her storyline.
* [[I Am X, Son of Y]] : Nilenirans uses matronymics instead of true last names (For example, "Jirdrea ler Bilandra" means "Jirdrea, daughter of Bilandra").
** Cusubolmis use [[Patronymic|patronymics]], with "iln" meaning "son of" and "eln" meaning "daughter of".
* [[Instant Plunder, Just Add Pirates]] : The weak central government of Cusubolm causes a large number of powerful pirate clans to thrive.
* [[Kick the Dog]] : Relbacia eln Roblos murdering the merchant crew in the beginning of Chapter 2.
* [[Klingon Scientists Get No Respect]] : Any girl that doesn't finish her [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] is looked down on by her peers and, in upper-class families, tend to get disowned by their mothers.
* [[Knight Templar]] : Ernalk Osarbin has yet to appear, but his actions forty years before the story in trying to eliminate the Cusubolmi pirates turned the Roblos pirate clan into in-universe [[Draco in Leather Pants|Dracos in Leather Pants]] and Osarbin into [[The Dreaded]] in Cusubolm, which suggests this trope.
* [[Matriarchy]]: Nilenira is the "Patriarchy Flip" variety.
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* [[A Tankard of Moose Urine]] : Nileniran alcohol, to non-Nilenirans.
* [[Transparent Closet]] : Talisent ler Geltrinea, Jirdrea's friend, is obviously attracted to her.
* [[Try to Fit That on A Business Card]] : All of the High Commanders of Nilenira have rather long titles, but the Supreme Commander takes the cake: Her Grand Ferocity, Supreme Commander Rilsent ler Paldrea ler Freldea ler Rilsea ler Dilsinet ler Tilnidea ler Paldrinet ler Rilsent ler Nilsinet ler Dilsinet ler Drelsea ler Freldea ler Dilsinet Vecendishbane ler Jirsent ler Paldrea, Defender of Nilenbay and all of Nilenira, Sword of Prelsient, Goddess of Wind, of Nilensent, Goddess of Earth, of Gilserea, Goddess of Fire, of Tarilsea, Goddess of Water, of Felnisent, Goddess of Souls, of Jirdrisent, Goddess of Justice, of Bilasent, Goddess of Desire, of Relterea, Goddess of the Harvest, of Desarlea, Goddess of War, and of the Nileniran people, Queen of Nilenira, and Commander of all Nileniran armies and navies. (105 Words, according to Works Word Processor)
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Talisent ler Geltrinea and Nitsircia eln Roblos
[[Category:The Movolreilen Saga]]
[[Category{{DEFAULTSORT:The Movolreilen Saga]], The}}
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