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The Icewind Dale Trilogy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]] : Drizzt and Entreri in the second book.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Drizzt and Entreri pile one or two of these on top of each other in the third book, as they try to guess each other's moves and fool each other.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Drizzt, so much.
** A notable example is in ''Streams of Silver'' after the Companions have come to the aid of riders from Nesmé (see [[Ungrateful Bastard]] below), one of the riders attempts to kill Drizzt. The rest of the riders later make several verbal jabs at Drizzt based on his race and threaten him. Drizzt takes this with his usual quiet stoicism. However, he spots one of the riders going for his bow and immediately whips out his own, taking out the guy's cap and tells the rest of them that if anyone of them make another move against him or his friends, they ''will'' die.
* [[Berserk Button]]: See above.
* [[Bring My Brown Pants]]: A citizen of Ten Towns decides to provide intelligence to the attacking barbarians in return for future considerations. Heafstaag doesn't trust him, and swings his axe as if to [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves|decapitate him]]. The guy's been told not to flinch or struggle, that this will be a test, and he doesn't. So he lives, but tries very hard to make sure nobody notices the puddle he's created...
* [[Breakout Character]]: As mentioned in the main description, Drizzt.
* [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]: The dragon Icingdeath could have immediately killed Wulfgar with his ice breath, but he didn't want to freeze his meal solid, so he tried to kill him another way. He should've just settled for frozen food.
** Don't forget why Drizzt ended up chewing Wulfgar out after they kill the dragon; Wulfgar ''woke it up'' to fight it rather than just killing it while it slept.
** Or how about Drizzt's obsession with Entreri, which leads him to stop Catti-Brie from shooting the assassin.
* [[Bungling Inventor]]: The Harpells, an extended family of wizards with their own town, experiment a lot with magic, sometimes with disastrous results. One of them has even turned himself into a dog by accident, and the others can't figure out how to reverse it, so they just keep him around as a pet. (He ''does'' eventually regain his humanity in a later book.)
* [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's Scimitar]]: When Drizzt is fighting Entrer in Mithril Hall, he falls down a pit trap and his friends assume he's dead. Bruenor finds one of Drizzt's scimitars, the one enchanted with ice magic, and takes it with him. This later comes in handy when Bruenor is prepared to make a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to kill Shimmergloom, and ends up covered in flames.
** It's later invoked ''again'' when Bruenor escapes Mithril Hall and tries to flee the evil gray dwarves by running through the red-hot furnaces of the dwarves' forges. He actually extinguishes the flames as he runs through them.
** And then there's when the blade saved Drizzt himself from Errtu. Our hero had found the scimitar in the treasure hoard of a dead dragon, and the blade kept Drizzt from being incinerated by Errtu's fires, and eventually extinguished the demon himself.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Some of the Harpells exemplify this trope more than others. Harkle Harpell is the most cloudcuckoolanderish of them.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Everybody, really, but Entreri take the gold here when he fights Drizzt in a sewer and collects some of the water in his mouth to spit into Drizzt's eyes.
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* [[The Dragon]]: The demon Errtu in the first book.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Drizzt and Entreri team temporarily in order to survive and find their way back to their respective parties. And it is glorious.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Beorg, one of the barbarian kings that plan to conquer and enslave the people of Ten-Towns, feels nothing but contempt for deBernezan, the Ten-Towns resident who betrays his own people in an attempt to line his own pockets.
** Drizzt notes that Entreri held Catti-brie captive but didn't rape her.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Drizzt has to put up with a lot of this.
* [[Fearful Symmetry]]: While not physically identical, Drizzt and Entreri have similar body types and seem to be mirror images of one another when they fight.
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: At the beginning of the story, Wulfgar and Bruenor face one another in battle when Wulfgar's tribe is trying to pillage Ten Towns. Wulfgar gets his ass kicked and is taken prisoner, finds himself in indentured servitude for a number of years, and during that time becomes friends—and in a couple of cases, family—with the people his tribe had been trying to kill.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Bruenor ''jumps onto the back of a flying dragon and lights it on fire'', killing it. The last anybody sees of him, he and the dragon are falling into a chasm, both in flames. Everybody is [[I Thought You Were Dead|sure he is dead]], and Bruenor probably expected to die, but he happened to be carrying something that made him immune to fire without him knowing it.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Lots and lots of it. In ''The Halfling's Gem'' the captain and Drizzt get ''really'' friendly on their journey; culminating in the captain stating that Drizzt looks more handsome as himself rather than looking like a surface elf.
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: Drizzt kills a monster his pursuers have sent after him, and then waits for them while pretending to have been incapacitated by it.
* [[I Thought You Were Dead]]: Drizzt is seen by his friends falling victim to a trap that they're sure he didn't survive...except he does and rejoins them later. Also, Bruenor (see [[Heroic Sacrifice]] ).
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* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Being Entreri's prisoner is not a fun experience for Catti-Brie.
** Cattie-Brie also provokes Jierdan into hitting her, but he regrets it immediately afterward.
** In "Streams of Silver"; when Whisper tries to charge Bruenor ten times what they'd originally agreed upon for a map and has a dagger ready to stab him if he tries anything funny, Bruenor headbutts her, takes the map, and leaves her the amount he agreed to in the first place.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Eventually the Crystal Shard becomes tired of Akar Kessell's screwups, and refuses to help him when he's about to be buried in an avalanche.
[[Category:Fantasy Literature]]
[[Category:The Eighties]]
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