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* [[Anime Theme Song]]: Since it aired on two different networks, there are two theme songs.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: Although Rushuna is rarely ''completely'' naked, there are situations where you'd think that at least her nipples would be exposed...
* [[Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics]]
* [[Blasting It Out of Their Hands]]: This is Rushuna's primary method of disabling opponents, leaving them moaning and clutching their wounded hands. Of note is a time where she blasts out the axle of a gatling gun.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Rushuna is the best marksman in the show, and the most endowed female. Unfortunately, so is her [[Evil Counterpart]] and [[The Rival|rival]].
** Other [[Action Girl|Action Girls]] in the series, such as Touka Kurenai, also sport considerable assets.
** Considering where Rushuna keeps her spare ammo, her boobs ''literally'' have to be made of something like steel.
* [[Bottomless Magazines]]: [[Mooks]] with assault rifles can fire them on fully automatic for several seconds at a time without having to reload.
** Averted in that Rushuna can only fire six shots at a time, and even after reloading repeatedly she still runs out of bullets in at least one episode. That cleavage of hers can only hold so much, you know...
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* [[Hot Springs Episode]]: Seen in the closing credits.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Mikan manages to produce an inflatable boat, costumes, a glider, even fully colored doubles of herself on demand. And her 50 gallons of water balloons vanishes without a trace. Apparently Mikan is carrying an inflatable portable hole!
** In a less serious example, Setsuna. Where in hell does she keep that chest when {{spoiler|dressed as Tenshi}}?
* [[I Have the High Ground]]: While the Jester can stand on air, he favors high vantage points such as tree tops and cliffs.
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: The senshi are often armed with ''machine guns,'' yet hardly ever seem to hit anything.
* [[Implausible Fencing Powers]]: Yajiro uses his katana to fend off bullets, [[Star Wars|Jedi-style]].
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* [[Luminescent Blush]]: Kasumi gets the hots for Teppa.
* [[Magic Bullets]]: Every blessed one of them.
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: Done humorously, but also practically and for emotional effect as well. Rushuna hides Yajiro from enemy troops in a hot spring with it, but also uses it on a couple of her defeated enemies in a form of the [[Cooldown Hug]].
* [[Mask Power]]: The Jester.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Rushuna. ''Yes.'' If it weren't for Mai Shuranui, she'd be the queen of this.
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* [[Take My Hand]]: Yajiro and Fuuka, episode 9.
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]
* [[Talking with Signs]] - Suirou, one of the Juttensen, communicates underwater at great length with Rushuna, educating her in underwater combat through an extensive series of pre-prepared signs.
* [[Team Shot]]
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: Yatchan believed that only with a sword could you feel the weight of a human life.
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* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]: Averted: Anyone Rushuna meets is offered a hug and a smile, and if they try to kill her, she'll stick to her ultimate strategy.
* [[Wrongly Accused]]
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Standard operating procedure for the Jester and part of his master plan.
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[[Category:Media Blasters]]
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