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** The Braavosian nobles wear simple black clothes.
* In [[Belisarius Series]] Eon the Ethiopian prince dresses as simply as the situation allows and arm wrestles with common soldiers. Shakuntala an Indian princess who comes from a dynasty far more obsessed with it's [[Ermine Cape Effect|crustiness]] is satisfied enough to not only take former prostitutes as her ladies-in-waiting(after all they had proved their loyalty to her) but to on occasion wear a suitably adapted version of their occupational clothing simply because it is more comfortable then court dress.
**Kungas is a Kushan warlord before he founds a new kingdom and has simple tastes though not absurdly simple. His wife, Irene was a Roman spymaster and diplomat and adapts clothes to the situation. She wears Roman court dress as an Ambassador to Shakuntala's court no matter how uncomfortable, to advertise her status. She wears a veil when negotiating with local Afghan chiefs because that calms their anti-feminine prejudice and more important helps her maintain a poker face. As a Kushan queen she dresses like a Kushan queen-in otherothere words the queen of a [[Proud Warrior Race]] just building a [[Rising Empire|new kingdom.]]
**Theodora is an [[Ermine Cape Effect|inversion]] for a reason peculiar to her. She doesn't need the "common touch", having [[Rags to Royalty|risen]] out of [[Sex Slave|the real thing]] and frankly she is still sick of it.
* After [[Honor Harrington]] gets ennobled on Grayson she starts wearing dresses, but due to her utilitarian nature from her military career tends towards very simple styles. Queen Elizabeth takes a liking to Honor's fashions, and - well, nobody argues with the Queen of Manticore.
** Given the description of the traditional unisex formal Manticoran court clothing (basically the result of a clown car colliding with a tuxedo), the simple dress is a huge improvement.
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