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I Thought That Was/A to E: Difference between revisions

→‎D: Distraction Alliance
(→‎C: No such thing as The C++ Show)
(→‎D: Distraction Alliance)
Line 269:
** And neither series involves [[Jak and Daxter|ottsels]].
** Nor [[Space Ace]].
* Not the name of a work, but too good to pass up: the [[wikipedia:Diet of Worms|Diet of Worms]] is not a diet that consists of eating worms. (That would be pretty horrible, though the actual thing was not much better.) ''[[How to Eat Fried Worms]]''?
* ''[[Disgaea]]'' is not the [[Nature Spirit|ghostly]] mentor of [[Captain Planet|the Planeteers]].
* ''[[The Distraction Alliance]]'' isn't opposed to The Concentration [[World of Warcraft|Horde]].
* ''[[District 9]]'' is not where [[Touhou|Cirno]] lives. [http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/514241/%E2%91%A8-cirno-district_9-english-fairy-lowres-parody-p Unless it is]. (Pic is safe, advertisements may not be.)
* ''[[Banlieue 13]]'' is not a sequel to ''District9''.
Line 307 ⟶ 308:
** You are so small, it's funny to me!
* ''[[Dynasty]]'' is not about a royal lineage (except for a season finale).
== E ==
* ''[[The Edge Chronicles]]'' is not a biography of a U2 member, nor that of a wrestler.
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