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*** It doesn't help that the episode is one of the few remnants of a subplot about the Saggitarons on New Caprica that was soon abandoned (the only other really noticable one is Baltar's mysterious whisper that causes Gaeta to try to kill him, which was eventually repurposed towards another subplot in a webisode series), and scenes in earlier episodes that would have helped explain everyone's refusal to believe Helo were all cut.
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'' - ''Grey 17 is Missing''. What the ''frell'' were they smoking? Note that the Zarg is never mentioned again...
** J Michael Straczynski has offered to personally apologise to every fan who complains directly to him about the episode, citing it as the bastard offspring of an unholy trinity of Author Brianfart, [[Executive Meddling]], and Ran Out Of Time & Money.
** However, despite half the episode being ridiculous and brain haemorrhage-inducing, the B-[[Plot]] is incredibly important to the [[Myth Arc]]: {{spoiler|Delenn becomes the Entil'zha, while Neroon realises that he'll never win the allegiance of the Rangers like Delenn has, leading to the start of his [[Heel Face Turn]]}}.
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* ''[[Breaking Bad]]'' has the episode where Walt becomes obsessed with killing a fly that has somehow gotten into the meth lab. There are a few moments of legitimate character development and overall series value to this episode, but for the most part, it's a big steaming pile of BLAM.
* The 1980's ''[[War of the Worlds (TV series)|War of the Worlds]]'' episode "Candle In The Night". This is a show that thrived on an overarching conspiracy by aliens to overthrow the Earth, interpersonal conflict between the cast and gratuitous violence that pushed the limits of what syndicated television could show...and someone decided that an entire episode should be focused on a supporting character ''having a birthday party''. The plot follows one of the team members, Debi, who sneaks out of the Blackwood Project's headquarters to have a birthday party with a bunch of random kids she meets. There's no real tension or drama in the episode, and none of the characters or events are mentioned again.
* ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' had a surreal, cyborg-free episode where Sarah is in a sleep clinic and is haunted by nightmares {{spoiler|which are actually real, while the clinic is a hallucination caused by a one-off villain probing her mind}}.
* ''[[The Odd Couple]]'' had a flashback episode that parodied the James Bond films and featured Felix and Oscar's fathers.
* ''[[The Kids in The Hall]]'' episode "Chalet 2000" was one long Buddy Cole sketch (with it's own credit sequence), and to top it off, Queen Elizabeth appears and ends up sleeping with a talking beaver.
* ''[[Power Rangers Ninja Storm]]'' while surfing Tori got into a major wipe out, and wind up in a [[Mirror Universe]] where the Rangers are the bad guys and Lothor and his goons are good guys. She eventually gets back to her own universe by getting wiped out again.
* ''[[The Fresh Prince of Bel Air]]'' had a weird episode, which is all about Will and Carlton making up a story, where Will testifies against a murderer, which forces him and the Banks family to go into hiding in a hillbilly community in the middle of nowhere. Just so Jazz will finally lose to them in Poker.
== Music ==


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