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* Sometimes, if someone has a really great idea for a TV show/video game/cartoon/line of pencil moisteners, but doesn't have the creative freedom to just make whatever random-ass idea pops into their head, they'll make the accompanying pitches as terrible as they possibly can on purpose, in the hopes that the decision-makers will hate it and choose the one the creator likes. But, as the [[Executive Meddling]] page demonstrates, executives are notorious for having terrible taste, so sometimes the gamble doesn't pay off and they're stuck working on a really shitty show which they deliberately designed to be so.
* In art contests for young children, the winner will often be the worst artist because the judges feel bad for them.
* Jon Osoff ran the man expensive House campaign in US history, was endorsed by countless celebrities, and lost to candidate with about 1/20th his funding. That loss isn't an example as it would be clear voters hated Osoff for his over exposure (he ran the same addsads repeatedly), not living in the district and clearly being a puppet for outside interests ([[Hoist by His Own Petard|both linked to his massive over-funding]]), and not living in the district . The example is that the previous year's Democrat candidate for the district, Ron Snodsberry, got more total votes than Osoff did. despiteSnodsberry thewas facta thatbored retiree who ran purely to have something to do, asspent farnor asraised multipleany investigationsmoney couldbeyond tellhis registration fee, ''Ronhad Snodsberryno neverwebsite, existed'no social media accounts, couldn't andremember why he was justregistered as a randomDemocrat, nameand putwas onso thelow ballotprofile somany theinvestigations raceincorrectly determined he wouldndidn't be uncontestedexist.
== Character passed over for a job ==
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