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→‎top: clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene (2)
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m (→‎top: clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene (2))
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**** After all, that's exactly what happens in [[Karas]]. Demons still exist on earth- most humans just don't see them because their minds are closed to the belief in the supernatural.
*** Considering the sheer ridiculous number of demons that were killed during the course of this series, I wouldn't be surprised that they all just died away. Certainly their numbers were pretty badly knocked down by the Jewel Crisis and Naraku. Then combine that with the growing control of humans over Japan's environment. Demons went the way of the wooly mammoth.
**** That was pretty much how I've tried to answer that question. The humans are typically population-checked by the demons up until they have a lot of internal political strife, and they essentially forget to keep their numbers down. The humans grow, gain technological advancements (as in, guns), and with Kagome's and [[Inuyasha]]'s unwitting help (prior to this), take over and turn genocidal. Kagome, being a very powerful priestess (by the end of the series) presumably spends the end of hte manga onward keeping humans safe...by killing off the demons that pose a threat, typically the powerful ones. Inuyasha doesn't realize that this is what has happened to all the demons in the modern era, and goes about helping her, aiding in a kind of [[Butterfly Effect]] - they start small, going after ones deemed "threats" (both big political players in the demon world and small pests), and the consequence is that entire civilizations and races - including his father's own, are killed off. Kagome doesn't see the effects of what she's doing until it's too late to reverse the damage, and at first, she sees nothing wrong with killing powerful demons (because it's protecting the humans, right?). The demons, once they figure out that they're being hunted and their numbers are falling far faster than they ever imagined, are too disorganized and still caught up in the politics that led to the lapse in watch to put up a front. [[Curb Stomp Battle]] occurs. Demon abilities, it turns out, don't beat small metal balls that can smash bone from great distances and bring bacterial infection to an open wound, despite their [[Healing Factor|Healing Factors]]s. In addition, I assumed there was a [[Stable Time Loop]] making it so that events that have already occurred in the future (extinction of demons) will happen regardless of what is done in the past, having already happened. If Kagome were to die before finishing her role in said events, someone else would eventually continue on and take her place. But that's just how I worked it out. Feel free to correct me here.
** The daemons aren't the only thing that seems to vanish, just look at the effectiveness of Miroku's spells vs Kagome's grandfather's (miroku's charms actually work, Kagome's grandfater's, not so much) so it seems that spiritual powers in general have left the world.
*** That's not necessarily a fair comparison, though. Miroku, in spite of his faults, demonstrates on several occasions that he has a genuine core of deep spirituality, whereas Kagome's grandfather is almost entirely interested in tradition and lore - going through the motions without observing the spiritual significance behind them.
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**** Inuyasha specifically answers the latter question with a mild [[Heroic BSOD]] after the second time he transforms, when he freaks out over how indiscriminately he attacked people during his [[Unstoppable Rage]]. He explicitly protests that when he said he wanted to be a full demon, ''he did not want this.''
**** He hid the sword in Inuyasha's eye. Kind of hard to get any more secretive or closer than that.
***** Technically, he hid it in another dimension, which can only be accessed by getting a jewel created by an apparent friend/vassal who is an incredibly powerful -- andpowerful—and incredibly moral -- daiyoukaimoral—daiyoukai (or by ripping out Inu Yasha's eye, which is a lot harder than it sounds and at which point going youkai is probably among the least of his problems), going through a portal that turns anyone without an otherworldy weapon (of which we only ever see one, which belongs to one of the most dangerous people in the series; said weapon is also the only thing that can hurt the portal's violent guardians) into stone, by turning the blood of a hellborn youkai into a river, or just plain dying. Oh, and even someone with Sesshoumaru's youki levels couldn't touch it without being repelled (normal humans are even less likely to get there). And the only clue to any of this was hidden in Inu Yasha's subconscious, so far down that even he has no idea that it was there. Titanium boxes at the bottom of the ocean would be a walk in the park, comparatively.
***** Even more wonderful of his dad to make it into a sword, i.e. something that people would ''want to take out of the seal'' and ''bring into combat situations where it could break''. Why didn't he just make it into a rock?
***** The sword predated Inu Yasha, so its likely that Inu no Taisho just put the seal and human-protecting barrier on it after Inu Yasha's conception. Besides, giving his weaker son a weapon that let him use daiyoukai levels of power would probably help him survive the kind of fights that sealing Inu Yasha's daiyoukai power would have gotten him killed in.
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*** Actually, it ''is'' stated in the series, by Totosai. He says that the seal broke when the sword broke and could not be recreated completely when the sword was reforged. Even if he hadn't stated it, we ''do'' see instances of Inuyasha struggling in combat prior to the breaking of Tessaiga, most notably in the fight in which Sesshoumaru took Tessaiga away from him. If that fight had happened after Tessaiga had been broken and reforged, Inuyasha certainly would have transformed. We also see flashbacks to a very young Inuyasha having to run and hide from larger youkai, so it's not possible to say that the fight with Goshinki was the first time it ever came up.
**** Also, Myoga tells the group that the seal was broken because of Inuyasha's strong will to live. It can be argued that, prior to the events of the series, Inuyasha had fewer ties to this life and thus not as desperate to hold on to it. With his new-found friendships and drive to protect Kagome at all costs, he has more to lose. Not only did he fear for his life, but also feared what would happen to her if he failed (as he failed to protect Kikyo, in his mind) and therefore finally crossed the threshold of the seal. Given all of his father's other foresight, perhaps putting an extra protection on the sword was deliberate. After all, the sword could only be wielded by a someone with a desire to protect a human. Once Inuyasha had such a person in his life, the likelihood that he would find himself in a situation that could result in a transformation out of desperation increased. And the sword served as double protection, sealing his youkai blood at the same time it made him stronger, making the blood rage unnecessary.
**** One of my pet theories as to all the questions regarding the swords was that Inuyasha's father ''really'' knew what he was doing. He gave Sesshomaru a sword that seemed useless but actually inevitably helped Sesshomaru gain compassion for others, and he gave Inuyasha a sword that would help him protect his loved ones by giving him power he would only have if he were a full demon--thedemon—the loss of this sword turns him into a full demon which Inuyasha's father knew, in my opinion, would make him realize he didn't want to be a full demon after all. So Inuyasha's father simultaneously gave him a weapon that would give him an epiphany, keep him from turning into something he doesn't want to be, and bestow him with the power he would have without it.
* What I really don't get is WHY after getting some progress in finding Naraku's whereabouts do the entire Inuyasha-tachi just decided to go return to Kaede's village, effectually losing all the ground they covered? Sure, Kagome has her life in the modern day era, but does that girl have no common sense to realize if Naraku or any other big evil for that matter caused a lot of damage in the Sengoku era of Japan which isn't meant to historically happen, then it's going to change the world she's currently living in, therefore making any effort to keep up in her current life pointless if it all changed? It doesn't even seem like Naraku's new whereabouts are any closer to where the Bone Eater's Well is. In fact, in this troper's opinion it seems more like Naraku is just moving further away. However, the gang never have any problem in getting back to their previous "check point" once they return from that village by the next episode, or sometimes even in the same episode. Despite it taking an entire season or so to reach Naraku once they get a clue as to where he is (and that takes a long time in itself) time becomes irrelevant when it comes to going and leaving the village with the well. Unless Inuyasha and Kirara can travel faster than the Shinkansen (which can take you between 2-32–3 hours to travel from Tokyo to Osaka depending which Shinkansen you take), there is no reason as to why it takes them so little time to get to and from this one village, yet taking almost an entire season to travel around the rest of Japan.
** They probably weren't traveling in a straight line. The group would go one direction, see Naraku wasn't there, double back, and go off in a different direction. Kaede's village was a good central point to map out their progress. Plus, the three humans of the group can't heal as fast as Inuyasha. Whenever they returned to the village Kagome could get medical supplies (and other supplies) from her own time.
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*** Kagome didn't know at the beginning that {{spoiler|the Shikon Jewel would be destroyed by wishing it out of existence}}. In fact no one knows. It is only later that she gets a hint of this from her grandfather, who {{spoiler|mentions a legend that the Shikon Jewel will disappear if someone makes the right kind of wish}}. She figures it all out in the final episode, only after {{spoiler|being trapped by the Shikon Jewel}}.
**** Very few people are aware of the Jewel's existence, even less are aware of its origins, and practically no one knows that it {{spoiler|has any sort of will of its own. Kikyou, Kagome and even Miroku were trying to purify it and Kikyou thought that using it to wish Inu Yasha into a human would cause it to disappear, but that wasn't the right wish and Inu Yasha wouldn't really agree to it during the short period they had the jewel prior to its breaking. Kagome couldn't even remember the wish aspect until Magatsuchi was killed, clearing the veil on her memories that was implied since the first chapter (where she says that she can never remember the story of the Shikon no Tama no matter how many times her grandpa told her, for some reason).}}
* What is the point of the [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene|Fox Demon Exam?]] Do kitsune need to get promoted in order to grow more tails?
** Not sure the exact point other than to add a side story, but not quite a [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]], it IS mentioned again later on in the final act episodes.
* In the episode where they thought Kirara ran away, why did everyone agree to beat '''Shippo''' up? I mean, it was Miyoga's fault everything happened, and Shippo had a reasonable defense. More importantly, why the hell did Kagome encourage it? She's usually the one who delivers the sit command whenever [[Inuyasha]] beats up Shippo.
** It may have been Miyoga who borrowed Kirara, but everyone stewed and fretted over Kirara because shippo had conveniently forgotten that Miyoga had borrowed Kirara, and everyone had just found this out AFTER shippo had just got done with an accusatory laundry list of how everyone had been mean to Kirara and had driven him to run off.
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** Everything we learn about the transformation indicates that it's not something that can possibly be "mastered" - the whole point of Demon Inuyasha in a storytelling sense is to provide a means for Inuyasha to learn that becoming a full demon, which was his motivation for quite a bit of the early parts of the series, would not solve the problems he thinks it would solve. It paves the way for Inuyasha to accept his half-human nature and learn to use what he has instead of trying to become something else.
* Why do [[Inuyasha]] and Sesshoumaru have razor-sharp claws that serve as highly effective [[Natural Weapon|Natural Weapons]]s? They're supposed to be ''dog demons'', not ''cat demons''. Dogs' claws aren't sharp at all, and are used solely to provide traction while running.
** Dog claws are sharp. I've been cut up by my dogs when they jump up on me while I'm wearing shorts.
* Wouldn't the first thing you tried to do after getting a healing sword be to fix the arm you just had chopped off? Also, I can see why Sesshomaru things the sword is useless, but why does everyone else think it is too? Not one person thinks having a resurrection sword is awesome just because it can't cut?


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