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Nostalgia Critic/Characters: Difference between revisions

clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene
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m (clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene)
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* [[Basement Dweller]]: It's a lovely house, but he hasn't stopped living with his mom.
* [[Beard of Sorrow]]
* [[Beautiful All Along]]: We've seen him as a fairly [[Gonk|gonkygonk]]y dork as a young teenager, and he complains about being bullied because he looked and acted too much like ''[[Doug]]'', but he's grown up into a traditional [[Pretty Boy]].
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Parodied for silly laughs. With all the suicides, shots to the head and occasional getting the shit kicked out of him, you'd think he'd at least be a little scarred.
* [[Belief Makes You Stupid]]: Inverted. Whenever religion gets brought up, the ditziness is downplayed and he'll have intelligent things to say.
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* [[Distracted by My Own Sexy]]: When he's being all determined to face down the Nerd at Digital Press, he checks out his reflection in a shop window.
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: Dulcia of the ''[[Power Rangers]] Movie'' defeats a mob of "giant black chickens" by swinging two stick-weapons "throwing them into some kind of hypnotic trance":
{{quote|'''Critic''': Yeah, how's that supposed to put you in a trance, taking two sticks and putting them up and down, up and down, up and down, [''cut to Dulcia in her [[Battle Bikini]]''] up and down...up and down... [''picture slowly zooms in on her breasts'']...up and down...up and down... [''gets his hat knocked off''] [[[Beat]]] You win this round, Dulcea.}}
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: He's mentioned very rarely and Critic still lives with his mom. There's been a few hints that the parents got divorced. (This is in-character of course, Doug's dad - Barney Walker - has helped out a lot with music and such, therefore gets thanked in the credits.)
* [[Dude in Distress]]: He got kidnapped by the Game Heroes and was made to promote their stuff at gunpoint.
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** The songs in ''The Pebble And The Penguin'' make him feel so dirty that he takes a bath with a toaster.
* [[Drunk with Power]]: Seeing as how he has so little of it usually, when he does get the faintest whiff of power he'll try and cling to it as hard as he can.
* [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma]]: He pinches [[The Nostalgia Chick]]'s ass--whileass—while almost unconscious himself.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: At the start of his ''[[Full House]]'' review, he very pissily hopes we appreciate what he does for us.
* [[Dumb Struck]]: Because Doug lost his voice again, ''[[Alone in the Dark]]'' was so awful that Critic lost the ability to talk.
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{{quote|'''Critic''': ([[Smug Snake|being completely up himself]]) "It's hard to believe that such a handsome man could become even handso... hansomen... prettier."}}
* [[FBI Agent]]: Special Agent in the Department of Criticism, if you believe the ''[[The X-Files]]'' expy intro.
* [[Fetish]]: Plenty. As stated in a few reviews; strong, toppy women, charming black guys, masochism, being humiliated, dildos, roleplay, bondage, fingering, crossdressing (for some reason ''this'' is the one he's ashamed of the most), fictional incest couples that are the right age and not parent-child ,<ref> he says this is the only way He-Man and She-Ra could get his attention</ref>, the Chick's firey temper and [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|six-breasted cats from outer space]].
* [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: [http://whytheyrehot.com/post/376763884/why-hes-hot-hes-the-nostalgia-critic-not This] "Why He's Hot" entry makes a pretty good case for his appeal.
* [[Fluffy Tamer]]: He hates meant-to-be-liked animals in movies (and they usually hate him right back), but falls completely in love with the gross ones, like the targ from ''Star Trek III''.
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* [[Informed Attribute]]: His AVGN-style song brags that he's the world's biggest and greatest cynic. If you say so.
* [[Informed Flaw]]: Joked about in the ''[[Junior]]'' [[Dream Sequence]]. What are these "crimes against humanity" again?
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: Much like [[Horrible Judge of Character]]; fine with movies but sucks in real life. He doesn't get that being nice to Luke in front of Film Brain, congratulating the Chick on being a female version of him or assuming Chester didn't need the residuals of the [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]] meme, would most definitely piss them off.
* [[The Insomniac]]: Nyquil and Vicodin together? Ain't so healthy.
* [[Internalized Categorism]]: He's Catholic and yet the religion is one of many on the list he's prejudiced against.
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* [[Jaded Washout]]: He's usually too childish to notice how pathetic he is, but he has a few moments of self-awareness. The "Commercials Special" is a good example.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]: Not that he isn't a genuine dick, but coupled with [[Sympathetic POV]], there's no indication that the other characters know what we know about him. Or that he'd be willing to tell them.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He fiercely protects kids but has no patience for annoying dogs, he trashes other people's nostalgia but can't make it through ''Follow That Bird'' without [[Squee|squeeingsquee]]ing, he's demanding of Chester but is the only to give him money and a place to stay, he's a bastard to people but is so very loyal to the ones he cares about, he has a temper but heartwarming moments come regularly... let's just say this guy can get complicated.
* [[Keet]]: When he's actually enjoying himself.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Played for [[Black Comedy]], but how he treats animals - gleeing when dogs have a chance of dying, throwing rocks at pets to see if their owners laugh, chucking a spider through a window because he's scared of it - will remind you that he's a [[Psychopathic Manchild]] if you ever forget it.
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* [[Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book]]: That drawing of his parents. Fangs, claws, bb!Critic getting bloodily torn apart... and this was done in ''kindergarten''.
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: More minor than Ask That Guy, but he still does things like drink from a skull while shooting at the air.
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: He hates his audience for being sadistic, ungrateful pricks <ref> note that Doug loves his fans</ref> but will put himself through an ungodly shitty film because they requested it all the time. This usually doesn't end well for him.
** Even though the Ghost Of Christmas Future has been an annoying, stalker-like bastard throughout ''[[Babes in Toyland]]'', when the Critic sees that he's depressed, he acts very fatherly and comforting towards him. He then makes the mistake of letting the ghost choose what movie he should suffer through next, and the ghost ''immediately'' picks [[The Grinch]].
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: Subverted with a passion. Put an [[Action Girl]] in a movie (but don't chickify her) and he'll fall in love.
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* [[Persona Non Grata]]: In his review of ''[[Jaws 3|Jaws 3D]]'', NC states that due to an [[Kickassia|incident]], he can never go back to Nevada.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: In his ''[[Quest for Camelot]]'' review, he got so angry with the movie for not explaining anything that he accidentally caused a massive explosion that destroyed an entire city. ''Twice''.
* [[Perverse Sexual Lust]]: For Catherine Zeta Jones, as we find out in his [[Top Ten|Top]] [[Up to Eleven|11]] [[Villain Song|Villain Songs]]s video. It's an inverted example as the Critic is a fictional character while Catherine Zeta Jones is a real life actress.
** He also has one for most of his Top 11 Hottest Animated Characters, especially [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987|April O'Neil]].
** [[Jennifer Connelly]] can roam his labyrinth any day.
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* [[Plain Jane|Plain John]]: You wouldn't think it now with the way he brags about being cute, but he used to think of himself as just another doughy nerd. But even then he had half-clothed [[Shower of Angst|Showers Of Angst]].
* [[Please, I Will Do Anything!]]: Quite frequently. He did it when ''[[Tom and Jerry]]'' were going to sing another song, when he was made to review the Star Wars Holiday Special and even though it wasn't begging, he did say he would give Devil Sage everything if he took his memories of Sequel Month away.
* [[Prematurely Bald|Prematurely Balding]]ing: Lampshaded this, noting that he used to have a mop of hair back in high school. He promptly breaks down in tears. Also inverted. For comedy and bad wigs, older versions of him have his hair longer and blonde.
* [[Pretty Boy]]: He and others certainly think so: he calls himself pretty rather than handsome in his ''[[Battlefield Earth (film)|Battlefield Earth]]'' review, Spoony made him dress in drag and took pictures while raping him, the Chick went into bad touch land after chloroforming him, the Game Heroes had fun manhandling him while he was their [[Dude in Distress]] and both Linkara and [[Bad Movie Beatdown|Film Brain]] have fairly obvious crushes on him.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: He drives himself crazy trying to decipher the Nerd's "compliment", but when he's ready to give up and admit that the Nerd might be a nice guy, he finds the insult.
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* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: Not in the "was nice but is now evil" way, but the "hoped for far more than this" version.
* [[Vanity Is Feminine]]: He frantically paws at his face before running off to print out pictures of it in the photocopier. This is apparently his secret hobby.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: The Critic has an extremely prevalent one that typically appears multiple times in the span of every single review. Once you notice it you'll hear it all the time. <ref> It's "on top of that".</ref>
** He will almost always provide a summation of his review along the lines of "The <noun> is <adjective>, the <noun> is <adjective>, the <noun> is <adjective>... In short, it's an <adjective> <noun>."
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Chester. Critic steals Chester's drugs and lets him search for the necronomicon by himself while Chester is somewhat of an [[Ungrateful Bastard]] who will blow up cities just to upset Critic. However, Critic gave Chester a job, a safe place to stay and is the only one on the site to give him money, while Chester will be one of the first to defend Critic against anyone else.
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* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: They're large, change between gray, blue or green and he uses them to his [[Puppy Dog Eyes|advantage]].
* [[When She Smiles|When He Smiles]]: Look at the top picture of the three Critics on his blip page. The first is him being goofy, the second is him looking angry while pointing a gun, and what does the third involve? A cute smile with his dimple showing.
* [[White Knighting]]: While [[Double Standard|obviously]] not as hardcore as [[The Nostalgia Chick]]'s fanbase, his fangirls do have a tendency to believe that he's like a four year old boy who needs protective [[Mama Bear|Mama Bears]]s to save him from the trolls.
* [[White Male Lead]]: He doesn't fit the description (you couldn't really view him as privileged other than having a fair amount of money and he's not overshadowing any minority), but he views himself as one.
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]: On the TGWTG Vol. 1 DVD, he dresses up like an airline stewardess.
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** After having an adorably fun time with the creators of ''[[Animaniacs]]'', he fucks up at the end because of an immature request.
** In ''[[Simon Sez]]'', when [[Obscurus Lupa]] accepts him not wanting to do a crossover with her, he's almost heartbreakingly delighted that someone actually ''listened'' to him. Of course she's only messing around.
** At the end of ''[[Exorcist II the Heretic]]'' review, the "great spirits" let him know that he doesn't have to do Nostalgia-Ween anymore. What he has to do instead? ''[[Doug|Dougs]]s First Movie''.
** As soon as he says he doesn't want ''anything'' more to do with ''[[Doug]]'' after making it through without having to hear the dreaded theme song, guess what plays?
** He spends most of Star Trek month paranoid that Linkara will show up and nitpick in his usual way. When he thinks it's over and he's free, guess who shows up?


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