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Young Justice (comics): Difference between revisions

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In 1996, riding high on the [[Grant Morrison]] relaunch of the [[Justice League of America]], DC Comics attempted to relaunch ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' yet again. It failed miserably, in large part due to massive amounts of [[Executive Meddling]]. Most notably, the fact that NO ONE wanted to let the 1996 Teen Titans writer Dan Jurgens use any of the major teen heroes running around DC at the time (particularly Robin III -- TimIII—Tim Drake, who actually WON a fan contest to select a new member of the team -- onlyteam—only for the Batman editors to refuse to honor the contest results, resulting in Captain Marvel Jr. being forced upon Jurgens instead.) The lack of "Teen" in the "Titans" didn't help, either.
Cancelled in 1998, DC decided to launch a new replacement book; but since the Jurgens Titans series was pretty much universally reviled, it was decided to instead come up with a new name for the new teen book. Meanwhile, Robin's popularity was matched by two other teenage [[Legacy Character|Legacy Characters]]s: [[The Flash|Impulse]] and [[The Death of Superman|the Post-Crisis Superboy]] -- and—and the trio worked as a [[Power Trio]]. Hence, "Young Justice" was born.
Launched out of a [[Fifth Week Event]] tie-in "Girlfrenzy: Young Justice -- The Secret" and a Justice League mini-series "World Without Grown-Ups", the series was written by [[Peter David]] and ran for 55 issues before being canceled. The cancellation (along with cancellation of another Titans comic that was launched in 1999) of course was done mainly to launch a ''new'' ''Teen Titans'' comic to complement the recently debuted ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' cartoon series, placing the remaining members of Young Justice under the wing of veterans from the classic Wolfman Titans team.
An [[Young Justice (animation)|animated series using the Young Justice title]] was announced by Cartoon Network during their presentation to the network upfronts on April 21st21, 2010. Interestingly, the ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' show was originally pitched as Young Justice.
=== ''Young Justice'' contains examples of: ===
* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: Superboy refuses to go out on patrol with Impulse because he'd rather watch the televised national Cheerleading finals. Sucks to be him as that's where Impulse ends up to stop a robbery and saves the day!
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** Some issues do fall under this, though; one issue has the team jumping out of the A.P.E.S. headquarters (which is located in Mount Rushmore, up Abraham Lincoln's nose), with Robin shouting "[[Just for Pun|It's gonna blow]]!" and carrying a detonator, connected to various bombs that are stuffed in Lincoln's nose. Within the comic, however, it's ''Superboy'' who defaces Mount Rushmore, and he does it to George Washington, rather than Lincoln. He also does it out of necessity ( {{spoiler|well, [[The Mole|sort of]]}}), and does not use dynamite. Furthermore, the line about blowing Lincoln's nose is said when ''entering'' the nose, not exiting, and is just an offhand remark made in reply to Impulse's pun about them running up the nose, instead of the nose running.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Robin. When the crew went camping, a game of Truth or Dare came up. He was dared to pull his mask off... and so he did, revealing that he had a SECOND mask on underneath! Yup, you can tell he was "trained by the world's greatest detective!"
* [[Crisis Crossover]]: In addition to relatively minor contributions to most [[Crisis Crossover|Crisis Crossovers]]s that went on during the series' run, Young Justice was also the center of one crossover of their own: ''Sins Of Youth'', featuring [[Fountain of Youth]] and [[Overnight Age-Up]] applied to most of the DCU.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Red Tornado, primarily, although other characters get their spot in the limelight on occasion.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: The source of Harm's powers involved the sacrifice of his younger sister {{spoiler|resulting in the creation of Secret}}.
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* [[Executive Meddling]]: The Bat-Editors constantly threatened to yank Robin from the book unless the writers obeyed their edicts on how he could be featured; most notably, Robin could not be used in any battle that took place in public, according to the "urban legend" policy in the Bat-books.
** This resulted in a couple of [[Take That]] jokes during a reality show story ("Did the all-concealing shadows just say ouch?"), including Robin creating the hero identity of "Mr. Sarcastic," a shaved-head [[Shout-Out]] to Spider Jerusalem (and possibly to Paragon, a Robin expy created for 80's [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]] PSA comics when licensing contracts prevented the Boy Wonder's use).
** [[Recursive Adaptation]]: The ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' cartoon was initially planned as an adaptation of ''Young Justice'', but the number of [[Legacy Character|Legacy Characters]]s was too much of a problem. The solution: [[Revision]] the Wolfman-Perez Titans in the style of ''Young Justice''!
*** It looks like we're now getting a a [[Revision]] of Young Justice in the style of Geoff Johns' "Teen Titans". Make of that what you will.
* [[Fan Service]]: Surprisingly averted for a 90's comic. Helped by the fact that artist Todd Nanuck drew the characters with the proportions of ACTUAL teenagers (as opposed to other artists working on "teen" books where they drew everyone looking like 20-something underwear models). However, played a bit more straight straight whenever a guest-artist showed up, and later on in the series as Wonder Girl ditched the terrible wig and grew a cup size. Not to mention Empress showing up naked a couple times...
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* [[Lens Flare Censor]]: Used to hide Mighty Endowed's [[Gag Boobs]].
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: The book took itself less seriously than ''Teen Titans'' was at the time.
** Arguably for DC Comics or the whole superhero genre as well. [[Young Justice (comics)|Young Justice]] had its share of grim or dark storylines, but it also had lots of [[BLAMNon Episode|BLAMSequitur EpisodesEpisode]]s, [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]] and [[Hilarity Ensues]] storylines. During one [[Crisis Crossover]] they spent a little time possessed by demons [[Author Appeal|harrassing the NRA]] before moving on to a recurring villain who vaguely fit the crossover's theme, and when they were at the center of another [[Crisis Crossover]], it involved [[Fountain of Youth|turning all the world's adult heroes into children and vice versa]], and [[The Men in Black]] who were recurring antagonists had [[Meaningful Name|Joke Names]].
* [[Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me]]: Especially at the beginning of the series, Superboy explained his powers ''all the time.'' Almost always lampshaded.
{{quote|'''Impulse''': "See?! There he goes again! Talking about his stupid powers like we don't know how they work!"
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* [[Trapped in TV Land]]: The 80-Page Giant where they fight Bedlam, who sends them through different genres of fiction-- [[Film Noir]], Spaghetti Western, Giant Mecha Anime, Silent Film Horror, etc.
* [[Very Special Episode]]: The gun control story is probably supposed to be this. A less [[Base Breaker|dividing]] example is the episode that indirectly, but very clearly, refers to 9/11.
* [[Vignette Episode]]: The 80-Page Giant, featuring genre-hoping, is half [[Trapped in TV Land]], half this-- eachthis—each genre gets its own story.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: Superboy and Wonder Girl. {{spoiler|They do. Then they do ''it''. Then he dies. [[Unexplained Recovery|Then he gets better!]]}}
* [[Witch with a Capital B]]: Arrowette refers to [[Alpha Bitch]] and her [[Girl Posse]] as "rhymes with witches."
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