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Critical reception to the film was mixed. [[So Okay It's Average|It honestly isn't a particular great film; not nescessarily bad, and certainly bold, but not really good either]].
This film provides examples of:
* [[The Cameo]]: Those eight bands in question (two Black Rebel Motorcycle Club concerts are attended at the beginning and end of the relationship as bookends), including [[Franz Ferdinand]] and [[Primal Scream]], perform one full song in the film.
* [[Did Not Get the Girl]]
* [[Euroshlock]]: Probably the mildest Euroshlock film, given that it only features plain, old, consensual hardcore intercourse and no blood, rape, murder, pedophilia, BDSM, shit-eating, [[Vase Dede Noces|pig-fucking]], [[Antichrist|blood-cumming]] or anything else [[Unfortunate Implications|quirky or gross like that]]; but still... Also unusual in that it is British (which seldom produces such films) and not French.
* [[Male Frontal Nudity]]: Plenty of it. Including ejaculation.
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