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{{quote|'''Bob:''' Why, Megabyte?! Why do this?!
'''Megabyte:''' [[It Amused Me]]. }}
* Princess Azula from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''. She's a sociopathic firebending prodigy, but she does it with such ''style'' and [[The Chessmaster|planning]] that you can't help but admire her (but hopefully not [[Draco in Leather Pants|too much]]). She manipulates everyone around her, including her own brother, and her plans in the second season require her to out-maneuver another [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]], Long Feng, which she does, effortlessly. Her [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] was {{spoiler|conquering Ba Sing Se with little effort and killing Aang with a lightning blast ''in the middle of his [[Transformation Sequence]]'' in a [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] moment in the second season finale.}} Keep in mind that she's only ''fourteen''. {{spoiler|Unfortunately for her, she turns out to be a [[Deconstruction]] of this trope. Her talents came with serious setbacks and sacrifices ([[Control Freak|obsession with being perfect]], [[No Social Skills|being unable to function in a non-combat environment]], [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|not managing to grasp concepts like love and trust]]). When those setbacks bite her in the ass, her lingering [[Broken Bird|emotional problems]] come to a head by driving her into a [[Villainous Breakdown]] and [[Humiliation Conga]] not long after. Moreover, her accomplishments came to nothing in the finale when her father is defeated and Ba Sing Se is freed.}}
** She wove [[Manipulative Bastard]] with [[The Chessmaster]] by exploiting ''sleep deprivation.'' Heck, she {{spoiler|''succeeded'' in killing Aang.}}
*** She also {{spoiler|somehow guessed that Aang was not dead/would not stay dead for long and [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|chose to give Zuko the credit for killing him so that, on the off-chance that Aang did survive, he would take the blame.]]}}
*** {{spoiler|Unfortunately for her, she turns out to also be a [[Deconstruction]] of this trope. Her talents came with serious setbacks and sacrifices ([[Control Freak|obsession with being perfect]], [[No Social Skills|being unable to function in a non-combat environment]], [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|not managing to grasp concepts like love and trust]]). When those setbacks bite her in the ass, her lingering [[Broken Bird|emotional problems]] come to a head by driving her into a [[Villainous Breakdown]] not long after. Moreover, all her accomplishments came to nothing in the finale when her father is defeated and Ba Sing Se is freed.}}
** Azula is succeeded by [[Big Bad|Amon]] in ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'', who has obtained this status in record time, SIX EPISODES! Every thing this guy does only gains him more followers. He sends a threat to city hall, and knows that they won't listen and just heighten security at the Pro Bending arena. He then has his fellow equalists disguise as simple audience members and sneak in their weapons by hiding them in their popcorn. Turns out he wanted the entire poice force there so he could take them all out at one before they could stop him and show the whole stadium how powerless they were. He also [[Wild Mass Guessing|might have payed off the Pro Bending referees to not call out the Wolfbats team's cheating to ensure that they'd win the match]], so Amon could then make an example of them by taking away their bending. And he knows how to take advantage of the situations: he always makes sure that people see the truth of his extremist beliefs that benders abuse their powers. It helps that the first thing we ever see him really do in the show is [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|taking bending powers away from dangerous crime bosses.]]
*** Technically, he may have achieved this status in THREE episodes, because although he achieved it by the end of Episode 6, he didn't appear in Episode 1, 2, or 5. Yes, this entire feat was accomplished in just three episodes. (Technically, he does appear in the first episode, but just at the very end merely saying "I'm going to put my plan into action now", so he doesn't really do anything until episode 3.)
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