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Digimon Adventure/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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* Why was Devimon taking control of other Digimon with the Black Gears? He knew of stronger Digimon than him like Etemon and Myotismon and he needed an army to stand up to them!
* While everyone knows that the Crest-digivolutions are powered by, well, the crests( T.K shows Hope, Tai shows Courage, and so on) It took this troper a few watches to realize that the ''first'' set ( baring the Digivolution to rookie) also follows the Crest patterns. Tai is brave and tries to distract Shellmon. Matt shows loyalty/friendship, swimming out to save T.K, and the other kids. Sora shows love by leaving safety to protect Biyomon, Joe takes responsibility for the others, Izzy uses his big brain to figure out how to "hack the digiworld", Mimi is sincere in her desires to help the others/ doesn't back down/speaks her mind and T.K was the team's last hope against Devimon.
* Why are WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon smaller than their Champion/Adult and Ultimate/Perfect forms, despite being Agumon and Gabumon's final forms? Perhaps due to the [[Square-Cube Law]], which dictates that creatures of smaller size have more proportionate strength and speed compared to creatures of larger size, which actually matches well with WarGreymon's official bio saying that its speed and power have rapidly increased upon evolving.
* All of the kid's Digimon are based on household pets children can afford, even Palmon (as certain plants such as cacti are often kept as pets in one's home).
=== [[Fridge Horror]] ===
* By their very nature, Digimon are [[Made of Iron]] and very hard to really hurt, much less scar for life. Somehow, Myotismon managed to do it to poor Gatomon. It's rather sad to imagine how he managed to do that.
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** Piedmon is forever trapped in the Gate of Destiny though, and Machinedramon (aka Zeed Milleniummon) is currently part of Cyberdramon.
** Not all Digimon who were evil when they were alive will still be evil when they are reborn. Also, who said that Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon and Wizardmon are gone?
* MetalGreymon is stated to have the attack power of a nuclear warhead, a weapon designed to destroy towns and cities, and there are numerous Digimon equal or more powerful than him. What do you think would happen if the kids, or ''anyone'' really, were to use Digimon for wars?


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