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Anonymoose's Monster Girl Saga: Difference between revisions

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* [[Exclusively Evil]]: The church believes all monsters are this, even claiming that they devour flesh. True is, most monsters don't go out of their way to find men.
*[[Power Armor]] Count Aron's suit of armor. It's essentially an extremely sturdy golem that moves to his exact movements, leaving him more monster than man. Becide granting him [[Nigh Invulnerability]] the suit lets him generate new weapons on the fly of demonic energy. Sounds unstoppable?[[Epic Fail| {{Spoiler| It breaks down right in the midde of fighting Hyria's awakened soldiers}}]]
*[[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] Becides Chris, who holds a high position in Violetta forces, all of heroes are mostly average everyday monsters Laven happens to stubble into. Most of them are not that respected, etheir. Rose is extremely feared for her fighted style and brutality compared to monsters "[[before]]" the Genisis, Susan is a priest of a mostly dead religion, Ba'el and her kind his highly despised by the Church for being corruptive demons and leaders of a heretical religion, and Minte's {{Spoiler| Betrayal from the Concil }} hasn't gone down well, "[[Especially]]" with Zeref.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Most of Laven's heroines naturally are this trope. This is a MGE fanfic afterall!
*[[The Chessmaster]]: Professor Vee. Joining Count Arons forces against Yaleria?{{Spoiler| A distraction allowing him to uncover the tower of babel; essentially a doomsday device for all of Yaleria}} Equiping The Count with nigh invulnerable power armor? {{Spoiler| Just a test subject for his latest golem model, which glithes out at the worst possible moment for Aron}} Killing Nerick, another nigh invulnerable character right before he kills Laven? {{|Spoiler| He only did just to steal the void crystal, the key for the tower of babel}} Well done, Vee


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