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* The ''Speaker for the Dead'' branch of [[Orson Scott Card]]'s [[Ender's Game|Enderverse]] includes the Order of the Children of the Mind of Christ (married but chaste monks who run schools on most Catholic colonies), founded by St. Angelo of Moctezuma (who in traditional Church logic would therefore be the Order's patron saint), an eccentric monk whose death Andrew had spoken [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|2000 years]] before the events of ''Speaker for the Dead''.
* St. Expeditus, a cult saint not recognized by the Church, is referenced in the [[Father Koesler]] mystery, ''Death Wears a Red Hat'', wherein he is noted both as the patron saint of avoiding procrastination and hurrying decisions and also in his role in Santeria of being used in rituals to dispatch foes.
* In ''[[1632]]'', the town of Grantville, West Virginia, travels back in time to 1630s Germany; as a result, the Catholic priest finds it necessary to rename the parish church, because its original patron saint, St. Vincent de Paul, ''isn't even dead yet.''
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